After entering the forest,

Xu Yang glanced behind him.

The man did not follow him.

Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

When he looked at Pikachu again,

Xu Yang suddenly realized something.

Pikachu is indeed a common creature in the wild....Especially in some forests, there are fixed Pikachu groups.

So it is not rare.

But in the back mountain forest, there is no Pikachu group?

This means...This Pikachu is an alien species. That is why it was attacked by the Aridos herd, the lord of the back mountain forest, half a year ago.

"Pikachu, where is your hometown? Do you still remember?"


Following Xu Yang's question,

Pikachu scratched his fur and then shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"Then how did you get to the forest behind the mountain? You have no recollection of it?"


Pikachu tried desperately to recall the past, but he still had no memory of it.

It even caused Pikachu to have a headache.

"Pikachu released some electric light on his cheeks in a somewhat uncomfortable manner, as if he was venting his uncomfortable emotions.

"Okay, Pikachu, forget it if you can't remember, don't force yourself."

Xu Yang calmed Pikachu down. Xu Yang was indeed very interested in Pikachu's past. But if he couldn't remember, there was nothing he could do. But the only thing he could be sure of was that this Pikachu must have a very special secret. After all, how could a place like the back mountain forest have a Pikachu with gym-level potential?


Just as Xu Yang was still thinking about something, he suddenly heard the sound of insects.

At a glance, a group of new data suddenly appeared on Xu Yang's data panel.


"Is it a group of hazelnut balls?..."

After seeing the information about the hazelnut balls in front of him, Xu Yang couldn't help but think of...The textbook introduces elves such as Hazelnut Ball.

The Hazelnut Ball looks like a tree fruit. It will hang on the tree and quietly wait for the insect-type elves that are its prey to come to the door.

The Hazelnut Ball itself rarely moves, but it has a hard shell that prevents it from being attacked by bird elves.

At the same time, the Hazelnut Ball's temper is not very good.

Once there is an invader, or the tree it hangs on is damaged, it will suddenly explode on the spot.

The resulting explosion shock wave will cause great damage to everything around it.

In other words, if you encounter a Hazelnut Ball in the wild, the best way is to escape quickly.

Otherwise, you are likely to be affected by the self-explosion of the Hazelnut Ball.

Just when Xu Yang was about to retreat, he unexpectedly saw a set of information on the data panel.

【Elf: Hazelnut Ball (♀)】

【Level: Level 21 (Normal Mid-Term)】

【Attribute: Insect】

【Features: Strong (When receiving fatal damage, it will not lose combat ability, but will retain 1 HP)】

【Individual stats: HP (12), Attack (14), Defense (16), Special Attack (12), Special Defense (15), Speed (11)】

【Skills: Crash, Hold, Shatter (Explosion), Bug Bite, Ram...】

【Carrying items: Leaf Stone (low quality)】

【Potential: Elite】


After seeing the data of the hazelnut ball in front of him,

Xu Yang, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped.

"leaf...Leaf Stone?!"

Xu Yang's eyes widened suddenly.

He looked at one of the hazelnut balls hanging on the tree.

He never expected that he would find a hazelnut ball carrying Leaf Stone not long after entering the secret realm ? Even if...The quality of this Leaf Stone is only of low quality.

But if it is put on the market, a Leaf Stone of low quality would cost at least 300,000 Alliance Coins, right?

""It's done! It's done!"

Xu Yang's throat was a little dry.

The excitement in his voice was indescribable.

"I didn't expect that I would find an evolution stone just after entering the secret realm. Could I be the chosen one?"

Xu Yang said to himself excitedly.

A low-quality leaf stone is equivalent to three low-quality poison needles!

In other words,...Xu Yang's three years of part-time job fees?!

What the hell?

"Pikachu, it looks like we have to fight."


Pikachu looked at Xu Yang in bewilderment.

Didn't we agree to retreat???

"Pikachu, your idea is wrong. How can you think of retreating when you encounter an enemy?"

"Even though they are numerous and powerful,...We have to face the challenges head-on, this is the only way to improve your strength"

"Pikachu, you don't want to be a flower in a greenhouse, do you?"


Pikachu's face was twitching.

Helplessly, he nodded.

Thinking...Master, stop talking, isn't it okay to just stay in the nest?

Thinking like this,

Pikachu quickly ran towards the group of hazelnut balls in front of him.

Xu Yang took the opportunity to order:"Pikachu, use them to exercise your blue and white electric light! Use discharge!"


It's called discharge.

But in fact, the power of the electricity released by this special move is as high as 100,000 volts.

And as Pikachu's strength increases, the power of the electricity will also increase.

Suddenly, blue-white electric light suddenly burst out in the forest.


The strong lightning flashed directly to the surrounding trees.

In a flash, the blue-white electric light began to spread.

Some hazelnut balls sleeping on the trees woke up one after another after feeling the influence of electromagnetic force. Looking at the culprit Pikachu in front of them, the group of hazelnut balls felt extremely angry. For a moment, all the hazelnut balls were lit up with blazing white.


"Oh no, are they going to commit mass suicide?"


Xu Yang rubbed his nose with his fingers.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is exactly what I want!"

If Pikachu fights so many hazelnut balls at the same time, it will not only consume Pikachu's physical strength and health, but also take time.

But if they can be guided to self-destruct together, then the time cost can be saved a lot.

""Pikachu, let's retreat!"

After saying that,

Xu Yang ran in the opposite direction.

Pikachu looked at Xu Yang's fast-running back and quickly used Lightning Flash, following closely behind.

When the beam of the explosion was completely lit,

Xu Yang and Pikachu had already hidden a hundred meters away.


With the sound of the first explosion, it was followed by explosions one after another, like multiple bombs, after one was ignited, the rest exploded together.

The fierce explosion sounded through the sky, and the nearby trees were all blown up.

Seeing the smoke,

Xu Yang used his appreciation eyes to detect it.

"The whole army was wiped out?"


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