Eevee Hut.

This is a breeding house located in the remote suburbs of Linhai City.

The flow of people inside is not as high as that in the breeding houses in the city.

However, the quality of the elf eggs has always been guaranteed.

Therefore, most of the young people in the suburbs will choose to come to this breeding house to buy elf eggs.

When Xu Yang walked into the breeding house, there were three or five customers in the store.

The owner was a very young lady. She looked to be in her twenties?

She was wearing a clerk outfit and had a single ponytail.

She looked a bit like a wife?


Wife...Oh no! The shop assistant saw Xu Yang coming in from the store door.

She took the initiative to approach to greet him.

Seeing Xu Yang's handsome appearance, the shop assistant's heart was moved.

"Dear guest, what do you need? Our store has very high-quality elf eggs, as well as corresponding elf egg hatching equipment, including Moo Moo milk for newborn elves, and various equipment and tools for cultivating elves....We have supplies.~~"

Following the introduction of the store clerk,

Xu Yang looked around.

Indeed, there were several shelves standing there. There were many elf eggs on display.

"Compared to the elf egg...Actually, I want to ask, are you buying things like elf props here?"

Xu Yang said with a bright smile.

"Elf props?"

The saleslady was slightly startled.

She quickly responded:"Do you mean the elf's carrying items?"


"We do, but the prices we offer vary depending on the quality. We need to appraise your item first."

The saleslady responded politely.

Xu Yang nodded and said,"Of course, how much do you think you can pay for this Leaf Stone?"

Seeing the Leaf Stone handed over by Xu Yang, the saleslady's eyes lit up.

After taking the Leaf Stone from Xu Yang, she began to study it carefully.

As a top student in the elf appreciation industry, she has seen many evolution stones of different qualities.

Just by looking at its quality, she can roughly judge the price.

"This leaf stone is pretty good. Even though it is of low quality, the patterns inside it are pretty good and it contains a lot of grass elements."

"Let me see...It should be around 400,000 Alliance coins. If you are sure you want to sell it, I will go in and use professional equipment to identify it for you."

After hearing what the clerk said,

Xu Yang immediately judged that this person was a professional.

He was not the kind of person who was just pretending to be a fake.


The saleslady ignored the other businesses in the store and went to the back room to start the appraisal.

About fifteen minutes later, the saleslady ran out excitedly.

"Hello, distinguished guest, what is your name?"

"No need to worry"

"Mr. Xu, your leaf stone is indeed of inferior quality, but the patterns inside are very wonderful, plus the grass elements and color contained in it are very good. According to our professional instrument appraisal, I can give you a price of 420,000. Is that okay with you?"

The saleswoman said to Xu Yang seriously.

"Four hundred and twenty thousand?..."

Xu Yang stroked his chin with his hand and thought for a while.

In fact, this price was beyond Xu Yang's expectation.

In Xu Yang's opinion

, the price of this leaf stone was only about 400,000 Alliance coins.

Even if some stores lowered the price, it could be only about 350,000 to 380,000.

And the clerk in front of him could give a price of 420,000 Alliance coins.

It means that she is not a profiteer, but a serious businessman.


Xu Yang decided to extort another sum.

"This price...To be honest, it's a bit low....I actually have other things to sell. If you can raise the price a little, I don't mind selling you something else."

After hearing Xu Yang's words, the salesgirl smiled and said,"If the quality of your other things is acceptable, I can also give you a high price."

"Okay, then you take a look first."

Xu Yang took out something else again.

The poison needle he got from the forest in the back mountain...Charred charcoal carried by a duck-billed dragon...The sharp beak plundered from the man in black...

Xu Yang decided to exchange these three unused items for money first.

After all, cultivating elves is really expensive.

The food for the elves alone is a very high amount.

"Poison needles, charcoal, sharp bird beaks? Oh my god, I didn't expect you to be so generous, Mr. Xu."

The clerk exclaimed.

After taking these things with her hands wearing white gloves, she quickly said to Xu Yang:"I'll go and identify them now, please wait."

Following the clerk to the inner room,

Xu Yang had nothing to do

, so he wandered around the breeding house.

There were indeed various kinds of elf eggs on these shelves.

And in the upper left corner of the elf egg, the elf information of both parents of the elf egg would be written.

Including the elf qualifications and elf strength detected by the alliance.

According to the parents...To give this elf egg a price.

However, on the last row of shelves, the elf eggs looked a little dull.

There was no information about the elf egg's parents.

This puzzled Xu Yang.

On the left side of the shelf, there was a piece of information.

【The elf eggs on the shelf are all unknown elf eggs. They are produced from various secret realms, and the information of their parents is unknown.】

【Note: The elf eggs on this shelf are not hatched, do not include elf races, do not include elf potential,...The three-no nature of the elf egg】...

After seeing the information posted on the shelf,

Xu Yang couldn't help but get interested.


Aren't these the gambling eggs in the black market?

There is no information about the elf eggs.

Including the source of the elf eggs, it is also unknown.

Can it be hatched? I don't know.

Are the hatched elves healthy? I don't know.

It can be said that it is all gambling.

Thinking of this,

Xu Yang couldn't help but open his eyes of appreciation.

He wanted to investigate and see if he could see the information in these elf eggs in front of him.

【Elf: Fire Chicken (♀)】

【Features: Not yet formed, unknown features】

【Individual value: Not yet formed, unknown individual value】

【Skills: Not yet formed, unknown skills】

【Potential: Not yet formed, unknown potential】


After seeing the information on the data panel,

Xu Yang was stunned.


I didn't expect that the appreciation eye could only see the species of the elf eggs.

As for its specific information, it was completely unknown?


This Pokémon egg is actually a Pokemon egg of the Fire Chick?

This is a Pokémon egg of the three great Pokémons.

It is worth a lot!


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