After returning home, Xu Yang brought some French fries and ketchup to Pikachu and Onion Soldier as agreed. While they were eating the French fries, Xu Yang quickly took a shower. Then, he began to think about what he had gained tonight. First, the biggest gain was naturally this Gengar Evolution Stone.

"For this super stone, I am really in danger!"

Xu Yang couldn't help but complain.

If the group of black-clothed men were not stupid,

Xu Yang really couldn't think of how to snatch this Gengar evolution stone.

At the same time,

Xu Yang glanced at the shiny Gastly egg in the Pokémon egg incubator.

He couldn't help but murmured:"I have been through life and death for you, I hope you will not let me down in the future!" Xu Yang has high hopes for this shiny Gastly. In addition, Xu Yang took out a new Pokémon egg and placed it on the table

"What a pity! If I had asked the shop assistant for three elf egg incubators, who would have known that I would have gotten a new elf egg so soon?!"

Xu Yang was speechless.

But at the same time, looking at this elf egg with blue dots,

Xu Yang always felt that it was a little unreal.

After all, the elf in this elf egg was a fantasy beast elf.

"Fiona...The elf egg that Manaphy was born from. I really don't know where the black market boss got this elf egg from."

"Well~~ I'll ask again when I have a chance."

Xu Yang thought about it.

Even if he knew the location, with Xu Yang's current strength, he couldn't subdue Manaphy. It would be better to wait until his strength is stronger.

It won't be too late to look for Manaphy.

After all, those powerful mythical beast spirits have special abilities.

Not everyone can subdue them.

Compared with the harvest tonight,

Xu Yang is actually very interested in those two groups.

"Destruction Team..."

Xu Yang searched for relevant information on the Internet.

This organization is an international criminal organization.

It is very well hidden.

So far, the International League has not been able to find their headquarters, let alone who their leader is.

But this organization has branches in various alliances.

It can be seen that the power of this organization is still very large....The group of people whose contract they broke.

Based on the information Xu Yang heard, a conclusion can be drawn.

Dr. Di Jie...Although I don't know who this guy is.

But? Being able to produce driving energy, it is conceivable that his scientific research ability is very strong.

And...Since the driving energy has appeared, it means that the paradox spirit has also appeared.

"Is this world going to be in chaos again?"

According to Xu Yang's understanding of the history of this world, every time this happens, each alliance will compete for the first right to discover and own these elves.

Remember the last time, a hundred years ago, when the Ultimate Beasts appeared, it directly triggered the Third World War.

Could it be?

The Fourth Elf World War...It's not far away, right?

Of course.

This is just Xu Yang's personal fantasy.

"Forget it, it is more important to improve your strength first, there is no point in thinking about these things."

The next morning.

Xu Yang was awakened by the alarm clock.

Pikachu was lying beside Xu Yang.

He closed his ears impatiently, trying to resist the attack of the alarm clock.

Cong Youbing was standing at the door, like a bodyguard.

Seeing Cong Youbing get up so early.

Xu Yang couldn't help but greeted him:"Good morning, Cong Youbing...Next time you can sleep a little longer. If you wake up early, you don't have to stand there and can have a good rest."


The Green Onion Soldier nodded.

However, it seemed to be used to it.

After Xu Yang went to the bathroom to wash up, he was ready to go out.

Seeing that Pikachu was still sleeping in, he simply put it into the Poké Ball and let it have a good sleep.

Similarly, the Green Onion Soldier was also put into the Poké Ball by Xu Yang.


Xu Yang was ready to go out. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the newly added address on it....The employer arranged for the venue to be at the Elf Battle Club.

But for some reason...It was changed to the employer's home?

Looking at the address above,

Xu Yang was slightly confused.

"If I remember correctly...This looks like a villa area?"

"I didn't expect that the employer is a rich man."

Xu Yang smiled.

Today I am going to do a C-level task....

One day as a sparring partner for his employer.

Xu Yang was anxious when he thought about the sixteen mission points he still needed to complete.

After completing the mission and being promoted to adventurer level, Xu Yang was ready to take on the task of conquering elves and re-enter the secret realm.

At the same time, the secret realm is indeed the best place to improve the level of elves.

He took a Didi Kuai taxi and arrived at the villa area in the northern district of Linhai City on time before eight o'clock.

According to the agreed location, Xu Yang came to a house.

At this time, Xu Yang saw a familiar figure.

"Ning Qianyu?!"

Xu Yang shouted in confusion.


The beautiful figure turned around.

When she saw Xu Yang, she had a smile on her face, but also looked a little panicked.

"Xu Yang?"

"Why are you here?"

""Why are you here?"

Xu Yang and Ning Qianyu asked this question almost at the same time.


Xu Yang seemed to understand something immediately.

He remembered...My employer?

His last name seems to be Ning too?

Could it be that...

"Are you my employer?"

Xu Yang took out the task list.

It clearly said C-level task: [C-level task: Become a rich lady's elf battle sparring partner, time limit is 2 hours. Task reward: 3000 adventurer points + 2 task points】

"Huh?! Xu Yang...Are you the sparring partner that the Elf Adventure Tribe told me about?"

"you...When did you become an elf adventurer? How come I didn't know about it?"

Ning Qianyu couldn't believe it.

You know, they both took the college entrance examination together.

It's only been less than a week since the college entrance examination.

Ning Qianyu only got the initial elf not long ago.

But Xu Yang...He is actually an elf adventurer?

Wouldn't Ning Qianyu be shocked by this?

"I recently applied for the adventurer status....But I was quite surprised. I didn't expect...Our squad leader is actually a wealthy woman?"

Xu Yang said with a bright smile


Ning Qianyu shook her head and said with a sweet smile:"Xu Yang, I am your employer now....You have to respect me a little bit." Ning Qianyu said , pretending to raise her chest. She looked proud. You know, back then, whenever Ning Qianyu looked for Xu Yang, he was indifferent. This made Ning Qianyu very distressed. Now...

...Ning Qianyu finally got the chance

"Yes Yes Yes...My wealthy employer...You have the final say."

Xu Yang nodded, somewhat helplessly


"Well, now that you are here, let's start sparring. I need to test your strength first."

"Although we are classmates, if you are not strong enough, I can't pay you the commission~"

Ning Qianyu said, stretching out a finger and gesturing slightly.

This made Xu Yang smile bitterly.

If I had known, I would not have offended her....


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