This back mountain forest is actually known as the novice village for novice trainers.

Many new trainers come here to level up.

Xu Yang knows this, so he wants to test Pikachu's new abilities in this back mountain forest.

"Hmm? There is movement over there!"

Xu Yang's eyebrows moved slightly.

He glanced to the left.

Strands of spider silk were left there.

Undoubtedly, this should be left by the orb-silk spider.

In this back mountain forest, most of the elves are bug-type elves.

Among them, orb-silk spiders are the majority.

After all, the overlord of the back mountain forest is the Alidos group, which is the group that had a conflict with Pikachu.

After seeing so many spider webs,

Xu Yang couldn't help but have a bold idea.

Half a year ago,

Pikachu fought with that group of Alidos and broke out an indescribable and amazing lightning.

Only then did it narrowly defeat that group of Alidos.

But it itself was seriously injured.

And now?

Pikachu, who has gained new abilities, may be able to kill these Alidos without injury? Thinking of this, Xu Yang looked at Pikachu.

"Pikachu, do you want to test out your new abilities?"

"Pickup truck?"

"Half a year ago, you also wanted to beat up the group of Alidos that bullied you again, right?"


When Xu Yang mentioned the Alidos group,

Pikachu's eyes changed a little.

Pikachu was quite disgusted with this group of spiders.

Usually, this group of guys were rampant in the back mountain forest.

With Alidos' protection, even the round silk spiders became arrogant.

Other insect-type Pokémon also looked up to the Alidos group.

If Alidos did not have the naming rights, this back mountain forest would have been renamed Alidos Forest.

And Pikachu, in fact, had long been fed up with what these guys did. If Xu Yang had not kept telling Pikachu not to cause trouble, Pikachu would have challenged the Alidos group long ago. Now, hearing Xu Yang asking it to beat Alidos , a sly smile flashed across Pikachu's face.

"Let's go, Pikachu, let's go find them now!"

Xu Yang has always been very courageous.

This can be seen from the fact that he dared to go alone when he saw thunder in the forest behind the mountain half a year ago.

Even if there are many Alidos in front of him,

Xu Yang is not afraid.

In Xu Yang's opinion,

Pikachu definitely has the strength to challenge them.

Near the spider web,

Xu Yang saw several orb-silk spiders hanging in front.

Through the eye of appreciation, Xu Yang saw the specific information of this group of orb-silk spiders on the data panel. They are all of the general level. Their strength is at the novice stage (1-10). Seeing this, Xu Yang grinned.

"Pikachu, these orb spiders are your appetizers. Use your new special skills to knock them down with electric discharge."


Pikachu ran straight ahead.

As he passed through the spider web, blue-white lightning flashed.

The lightning penetrated the spider silk directly and passed through the spider silk to the orb-silk spiders. The next moment, sizzle, sizzle--! The blue-white lightning completely paralyzed the orb-silk spiders in front of him. As the spider silk was scorched, the orb-silk spiders also fell from the spider web, one by one, to the ground.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the first victory!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the talent skill: double experience points!】

【Double Experience Points: When you win a battle, the elves that go out to fight will get double experience points, and the backup elves will get extra experience points as rewards! 】

The sudden mechanical sound of the system startled Xu Yang.

"Oh? That's fine too...."

Isn't this...In the game, does it mean that the battle elves carry lucky eggs and the backup elves carry learning devices?

All elves upgrade together....When Xu Yang is leveling up in the future, he only needs to send out one elf to fight, and the whole group will be able to level up. Isn't the speed of cultivating elves much faster than others?

""Great!" Xu Yang was quite satisfied with the talent skill unlocked by the system. Suddenly, the mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! Congratulations to Pikachu for getting double experience points of 120 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to Pikachu for getting double experience points, 116 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to Pikachu for getting double experience points, 132 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations! Pikachu has reached level 15!】...

"Oh wow? It's already level 15?!"

"With the talent skill of double experience points, the upgrade is really fast!"

Xu Yang's eyes lit up slightly.

He licked the corners of his dry lips and felt a little excited.

At the same time, with the complete defeat of this group of orb-silk spiders,

Xu Yang and Pikachu directly passed through this area and continued to walk above the back mountain forest.

On the way, they encountered several arrogant orb-silk spiders who wanted to block the way.

Pikachu directly used lightning to destroy them mercilessly.

Until the top of the back mountain forest,

Xu Yang finally saw the target of this trip.

A group of Alidos!

A total of four Alidos.

Through the eye of appreciation,

Xu Yang checked the information of this group of Alidos

【Elf: Alidos (♂)】

【Level: Level 23 (Normal Mid-Term)】

【Attributes: Insect, Poison】

【Features: Bug Premonition (When HP decreases, the power of bug-attribute moves will increase.)】

【Individual stats: HP (19), Attack (23), Defense (16), Special Attack (13), Special Defense (18), Speed (11)】

【Skills: Sword Dance, Venom Trap, Poison Needle, Silk Spinning, Scary Face, Drain, Insect Bite...】

【Carrying items: Poison needle (low quality)】

【Potential: General】


Except for the leading Alidos, the remaining three Alidos���Female.

And the levels are only 18, 20, 22...

As for the level of the Orb-Spinning Spider to evolve into Alidos,

Xu Yang knew it was level 22.

However, in the wild, there are also elves that evolve in advance before reaching the evolutionary level.

Perhaps, they were stimulated by something?

Xu Yang didn't know what stimulated the evolution of these two female Alidos.

Anyway,...It was a bit inconsistent with the evolutionary level rules.

At the same time,

Xu Yang's sight had been on the male Alidos, the leader of the four Alidos.

Xu Yang had never expected that it actually carried a poison needle?

Although it was only a low-quality poison needle, the price of this kind of amplification item on the market was not cheap.

Even if it was only a low-quality poison needle, the price was about 100,000 Alliance coins.

This was much more than what Xu Yang could earn from working part-time for a year!

""It's rich!"

Xu Yang smiled. He glanced at Pikachu and said,"Pikachu, defeat these four Alidos and I'll treat you to ten servings of fries! The kind with ketchup!""




PS: Regarding the evolution of elves, there are indeed precedents in anime of elves evolving before reaching a certain level.

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