At night, on the way back,

Xu Yang took a detour and went to a local department store. He spent a huge amount of money to buy two sets of weight training props.

When he got home,

Xu Yang released Pikachu and Onion Soldier again and put the two sets of weight training props on them.

"Pika? Pika Pika……"

Pikachu walked around for a while in silence.


(This thing affects my actions!)

""No, Pikachu!"

Seeing Pikachu trying to take off the suit,

Xu Yang quickly stopped it.

"Your opponent has already worn this suit and is used to fighting under this weight."

"If you don't want to lose to them, you have to adapt in advance. Tomorrow's game, I want you to wear this heavy suit and fight."

Xu Yang said to Pikachu seriously.

"Pika? Pika?!"

(Are you kidding me? How can I fight wearing this?!)

Pikachu tapped the ground with his tail, hoping to prop himself up.

But unexpectedly, the weight of the weighted jacket was too heavy, causing Pikachu to fall backwards.

"Pikachu was very unhappy and asked to take off the heavy coat.

But Xu Yang ignored Pikachu.

He even taught Pikachu a lesson:"Look at Cong Youbing, he has no complaints."


The green onion soldier was wearing this heavy suit.

He was still holding the green onion sword and shield.

He stood there without shaking at all.


Pikachu feels helpless

"Pikachu, you only have twelve hours to adapt. The next round of competition will begin tomorrow morning.

Xu Yang told Pikachu.

"If you don't want to be beaten up by your opponent in the battlefield, do special training before it gets dark, and adapt to the weight in advance. I believe that your speed will increase by then."

Xu Yang said to Pikachu seriously.

Of course,

Xu Yang really meant this. According to the racial value panel, the fighting type Kentaro is best at physical attack, physical defense, and speed. On this basis, weight training will increase its attack and speed, right? In this regard, Pikachu is the same. In Xu Yang's opinion, if Pikachu can adapt to this weight, then after taking off this weighted clothing, its speed will definitely increase dramatically! That's it!

...Pikachu spent a very unhappy night in sorrow.

The next day, still in this venue, still the preliminaries.

However, the number of participants was very small.

Most people were just watching for fun.

Today, Xu Yang's opponent was a Geodude.

Facing a ground and rock type opponent,

Pikachu was at a great disadvantage.

Moreover, he was wearing a heavy suit.

"Pikachu, have a good fight and I'll give you ketchup as a reward tonight!"

""Five bags! Take-out fries!"

Although Xu Yang had promised,

Pikachu still looked unhappy.

Originally, it could use its tail to support the ground and sway to play tricks on its opponent.

But under the restraint of the weight suit,

Pikachu's speed was directly reduced by half.

This made it seem...Pikachu is a bit stupid?


, Pikachu's level and combat experience are much higher than Geodude.

In the end, he defeated Geodude without any danger.

In two consecutive rounds,

Pikachu won and even improved by 1 level! Only six contestants were left....There are only three players who can successfully advance to the top 16 in this venue.

In other words,

Xu Yang has to win the next round to advance to the main competition.

With the random matching of opponents on the big screen, three groups of group information are released soon.

"Ah! Xu Yang, your opponent is that seeded player!" Ding Tao exclaimed after seeing Xu Yang's match information.

"I know, I'm not blind yet!"

Xu Yang glanced at Ding Tao, signaling him to stop making such a fuss.

Isn't it just a match against the highly favored seeded player, the dark horse Ge Yan?

Why are you so surprised?

""Pigeons, you are not ready to give up, are you? Why are you so calm?"

Ding Tao was puzzled.

Normal people would be a little depressed when they knew that their opponent was Ge Yan.

After all, his fighting Kentaro was too cruel.

"Admit defeat? What kind of joke is this? It's just a Kentaro, what's there to be afraid of?"

Xu Yang shrugged, looking relaxed.

At this time, the passers-by who heard this couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... Did you hear that? This guy, I think his name is Xu Yang? He actually said that his opponent is just a Kentaro? Pay attention! It's just’!"

"I heard you, what an arrogant guy!"

"To be honest, I noticed this guy after the first few matches, and I watched every one of his matches. To be honest, he was able to advance to the top six in our venue just because of good luck. Every opponent he met was either suppressed by his attributes or pure idiot, which is why he won all the way without any effort."

"I agree with the above person. I also watched the whole process. This guy is just a lucky player. He is also very arrogant and looks down on others. When I asked him how to cultivate Pikachu, he didn't even look down on us. He deserved to draw Ge Yan. I want to see how he was abused by Ge Yan."

"That's right, that's right! How dare you beat up my Jigglypuff! Kill him! Come on, contestant Ge Yan!"


Whether it was the opponents defeated by Xu Yang or the passers-by who had been watching the game, they all seemed to have a bad impression of Xu Yang.

If one had to explain the reason,

Xu Yang was a little cold.

Every time that group of people wanted to talk to Xu Yang and ask him how to cultivate elves,

Xu Yang would not bother to pay attention to them.

He even called them lickers.

This led to...There were many people in this venue who had opinions about Xu Yang.

Now it's all right.

Seeing Xu Yang playing against the seeded player Ge Yan, everyone started to cheer for Ge Yan.

""Pigeons, your popularity is really not that good, right?"

Ding Tao just stood up for Xu Yang and shouted a few times, but was greeted by his whole family.

Ding Tao was a little depressed.

"It's okay, don't pay attention to the dog barking, the more you pay attention, the more fiercely the dog barks."

Xu Yang patted Ding Tao on the shoulder.

You are still young.


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