When he came to the outside of the Elf Association,

Xu Yang saw many Elf security guards patrolling with Houndoom.

Whenever there was a suspicious person approaching,

Houndoom would yell at them.

Seeing so many Houndooms,

Xu Yang also quickly avoided them.

After all,

Houndooms have a bad temper.

When he entered the Elf Association, what Xu Yang didn't expect was that there was a long queue inside?

"It's only been a short time since the college entrance examination ended...."Have all these guys already obtained their initial Pokémon?"

Xu Yang was puzzled.

You know,

Xu Yang had cultivated a relationship with Pikachu for half a year. He only went to capture it yesterday....Could it be that he had also raised his initial Pokémon in advance like Xu Yang?

Holding back his energy,

Xu Yang waited in line for more than an hour before finally completing the registration.

Picking up the trainer ID card in his hand,

Xu Yang took a closer look.

Trainer identity: Xu Yang

Trainer rank: Novice trainer

Trainer ID: **

Initial partner: Pikachu...

After seeing all the information on the trainer's ID card,

Xu Yang nodded secretly.

Xu Yang felt that he had to give a thumbs up to the fact that the Alliance copied the initial Pokémon on it.

This was a protection measure formulated by the Alliance to prevent some trainers from abandoning their initial partners because they were too weak.

After all, there are still some differences between domestic Pokémon and wild Pokémon.

Wild Pokémon can be self-reliant and self-sufficient in the wild.

But most domestic Pokémon are accustomed to a life of having food and clothes provided for them.

What's more, some domestic Pokémon are hatched from Pokémon eggs by trainers.

They don't know how to survive independently in the wild.

The Alliance did this to prevent these Pokémon from being abandoned in the wild and starving to death because they cannot be self-reliant.

This is why the Initial Pokémon Protection Law was formulated.

Of course


Even if it is not the original elf, there is a law to protect it.

Therefore, in this world, if you want to subdue an elf, you need to think twice before you act.

Subdue is easy, but nurturing is difficult.

If you want to abandon an elf,...If you are caught, you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Xu Yang held the initial trainer ID card in his hand.

He went directly to the secret realm window.

Unexpectedly,...Still have to queue?

There are quite a few novice trainers who want to go to the secret realm to train after getting their initial Pokémon.

While waiting in line,

Xu Yang took a quick look at the Pokémon Association.

The first floor lobby is basically a window for various services.

The second floor lobby is filled with various instruments, including a machine that can restore the Pokémon's stamina....Swap Wizard...Elves evolution and other instruments.

It is worth noting that in this world, the elf recovery machine is limited to restoring the physical strength of the elves.

The health points lost in battle need to be restored by themselves....Or go to the Pokémon Hospital and pay for treatment. Pikachu was seriously injured after the battle, and Xu Yang took Pikachu to the Pokémon Hospital for rescue....It is aimed at some Pokémon that need to be linked to evolve.

For example, Pokémon like Haunter and Brawlhalla need to be exchanged for evolution.

In this world, you only need to come to the Pokémon Association and use the single-line link evolution instrument to evolve on your own.

There is no need to exchange it with other trainers.

After visiting the second floor,

Xu Yang came to the third floor.

The third floor of the Pokémon Association is mainly filled with some item exchange windows.

Including Poké Balls, Pokémon props, battle enhancement props, and tree fruits....Etc.

But they are not traded with money, but with the points of the Elf Association....

Xu Yang glanced at the end of the corridor on the third floor.

There were big words written on it:"Elf Adventure Tribe".

Before coming to the Elf Association,

Xu Yang had searched for information about the Elf Association on the Internet.

There was indeed information about the"Elf Adventure Tribe".


The Elf Adventure Tribe is an organization that brings together adventurers from all over the Huaxia Alliance.

Every Elf Association has an Elf Adventure Tribe.

Registered adventurers can take orders or complete tasks in the various Elf Adventure Tribes of the Huaxia Alliance.

Adventurers of different ranks can take on different levels of tasks.

Including commissions, each has its own advantages.

Xu Yang went straight to the Elf Adventure Tribe.

He had his own considerations.

Although, entering the secret realm, picking up an item like a low-quality poison needle once, is equivalent to Xu Yang's part-time job fee for a year.

But who would complain about having too much money?

Becoming an Elf Adventurer.

Taking orders and completing tasks to get commissions is also a way to make money.

Xu Yang walked into the Elf Adventure Tribe.

Compared to the service hall downstairs, the people in the Elf Adventure Tribe seemed much more desolate.

There were only a few scattered around.

Seeing Xu Yang come in, a girl with a bun head hurried to greet him.

"Welcome adventurers, are you here to take orders or complete them?"

The girl with the bun looked like a staff member here. She was very kind to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang smiled and said,"Sorry, I'm not an adventurer yet. I'm here....I want to ask if I can apply to become an adventurer?"

"Ah? Of course you can~"

The girl with the ball head heard that Xu Yang was a new person who came to register.

She quickly led Xu Yang to the office

"Are you a trainer now?"

The girl with the ball head asked Xu Yang about his general situation according to the procedure.

"Well, I just became a new trainer."


Xu Yang. He took out the trainer ID card he had just obtained and handed it to the girl with a bun in front of him.

The girl took it and looked at it.

After confirming Xu Yang's identity, she handed Xu Yang a form.

"After confirming your trainer status, please fill out this application form"


After that,

Xu Yang began to fill in the form.

Generally speaking, it was all personal information....Do I need to fill in an emergency contact?

"This is to prevent adventurers from accidentally..."

The girl with the bun made a very sad expression and added:"We need to contact your emergency contact."


Xu Yang nodded.

He understood.

But this is a problem.

Xu Yang doesn't have any emergency contacts.

He is an orphan....

After thinking about it,

Xu Yang wrote the contact information of the director of the orphanage on it.

After completing all the information, the girl with the bun took the form and handed Xu Yang a new document.

"I will help you register your adventurer identity information first. These are the introductions to the Elf Adventure Tribe and the Adventurer's Manual. You can take a look."



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