Chapter 114: The Tyrannosaurus Prevails!!


The Tyrannosaurus flew directly above the ring and roared, Long Weihehe.

Eluredo’s face was solemn, such a powerful tyrannosaurus, it must be careful.

Hu Peiyu faced the Tyrannosaurus.

This was the first time he faced the Tyrannosaurus head-on, and he was really a powerful Tyrannosaurus.

No wonder I was able to pick two before.

“Tyrannosaurus, hyper-evolved.”

The light dissipated, and the new Super Tyrannosaurus domineering side leaked.

“Is this his special ability?”

Hu Peiyu looked deeply at Gu Yuxuan.

No wonder you were able to reach the finals of the Junior Championship on your first trip.

It is normal to have special abilities.

“Super Tyrannosaurus, Air Blade.”

The Super Tyrannosaurus floated in mid-air, white light bubbling on its blood-red wings.

With a force, a sharp blade cut through the space and flew towards Eluredo.

“Eluredo, teleportation.”

Eluredo moved in an instant, easily dodging the air blade.

Just a scratch left in the ring.

Gu Yuxuan frowned.

There is teleportation, and it is really not so easy to hit Eluredo.

Unless you can capture Eluredo’s movement and give him a move

“Eluredo, spiritual blade.”

As soon as Eluredo appeared, a red light appeared in his eyes, and invisible power burst out.

“Tyrannosaurus, dodge.”

The Super Tyrannosaurus flapped its wings and flew to the side, dodging Eluredo’s air blade.

Two Pokémon clash fiercely.

Gu Yuxuan was anxious.

He already has a disadvantage, and must let the Super Tyrannosaurus defeat Eluredo as soon as possible.

Super Pokémon are really troublesome.

If he didn’t want to retain his physical strength, he would definitely be able to easily defeat Eluredo.

Suddenly, Gu Yuxuan thought of something.

Maybe he can use the eye of data.

Gu Yuxuan opened his eyes of data and stared at Eluredo to see if he could capture his instantaneous movements.

“Continue the air blade.”

Super Tyrannosaurus believed Gu Yuxuan’s words.

The air blade breaks through the space.


Eluredo easily disappeared.

Gu Yuxuan’s face was ecstatic.

His data eye can really find the whereabouts of Eluredo’s teleportation.

If you think about it, even Hunter J’s high-tech can see everything, not to mention his data eye.

Now the advantage is in me, and this can still be lost.

“Tyrannosaurus, facing the upper left corner, use the air blade.”

White light emerged from the wings of the Super Tyrannosaurus, and the white light formed a sharp blade.

As soon as Eluredo came out, he was hit by an air blade in his body.


With a scream, Eluredo flew out, fell in front of Hu Peiyu, and lost his ability to fight.

Hu Peiyu didn’t react, is the battle over? How did Gu Yuxuan know the location of Eluredo’s teleportation.

Forget it, there is no need to entangle so much, defeat Gu Yuxuan first.

“Sister Misty, let me out.”

[Name: Sister Lips]

[Level: LV50]

[Potential: Heavenly King Class]

Good…… Beautiful Pokémon.

Gu Yuxuan was almost disgusted.

However, this Pokémon is a great threat to Gu Yuxuan.

An ice attribute skill, the Super Tyrannosaurus may pounce on the street.

“Tyrannosaurus, roar.”

The Tyrannosaurus let out a loud roar.

Scared, the Misty Lip Sister turned and flew into the Pokémon Ball.

Hu Peiyu’s face turned blue, as if he had eaten gunpowder.

Just now the attribute was restrained, and now I am scared back, the remaining Pokémon, it is not good to deal with the Tyrannosaurus.

“Go, it’s up to you, stay hippopotamus.”

[Name: Hippopotamus]

[Strength: LV54]

[Potential: Heavenly King Level] Gu Yuxuan frowned tightly.

It is worthy of being the most promising champion in the Dragon Country, and the potential of Pokémon is high.

However, he is not bad either.

“Stay hippopotamus, use mental power to control each other.”

There was a red light in the eyes of the dumb hippopotamus, and an invisible force enveloped the Super Tyrannosaurus.

The Super Tyrannosaurus was controlled and could not move for the time being.

“Freeze light.”

Hu Peiyu did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

He knew how long Nian Li could not control the Super Tyrannosaurus and needed to end the battle as soon as possible.

Stay hippos while using mindfulness and use freezing light.

A blue glow erupted, and moisture in the air formed ice slag.

“Tyrannosaurus, break free quickly, and then use the meteor swarm.”

The Super Tyrannosaurus was originally panicked, but suddenly calmed down and broke free with force.

Spit purple light into the sky.

Purple light burst out, and a huge meteorite fell from the sky.

“Stay hippopotamus, the most powerful spiritual strong thought.”

The eyes of the dumb hippopotamus shone more dazzlingly, and invisible forces shrouded the huge meteorite.

The meteorite is still falling, but the rate of fall is gradually slowing down.

Time passed bit by bit, and the meteorite was controlled in mid-air, temporarily stopping falling.

Although the meteorite was controlled, the hippopotamus consumed a lot of power, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

It can be seen that if you want to drag this meteorite with mental power, it is still slightly difficult for the hippopotamus.

“Tyrannosaurus, take advantage of the present, use the most powerful dragon god to dive.”

The Super Tyrannosaurus accelerated violently, and the purple light that accompanied it flew faster and faster.

“Stay hippopotamus, throw the meteorite aside, blizzard.”

The hippopotamus threw the meteorite out and used the blizzard for the first time.

Snowflakes appeared in the ring, and then spread throughout the audience, and the heavy snowstorm spread to the Super Blizzard.

The speed of the Super Tyrannosaurus was fast, and the blizzard just came out and crashed into the dumb hippopotamus.

Like a kite with a broken line, the hippopotamus flew out upside down and rolled on the ground.

The blizzard enveloped the Super Tyrannosaurus, and on the wings of the Super Tyrannosaurus, a little ice sculpture appeared.

“Tyrannosaurus, use earthquakes.”

The Super Tyrannosaurus stood up, unable to move its two wings, but its feet kept stomping on the ground.

Invisible forces ripple to the ground.

The ground trembled violently, and the ring formed a tremor.

“Stay hippopotamus, hold on, another blizzard.”

The hippopotamus struggled to get up.

As the earthquake shook, the hippopotamus swayed and could not stand steady.

But a strong snowstorm was unleashed at a critical moment.

The blizzard happened to pass by the Super Tyrannosaurus and completely froze one of the Super Tyrannosaurus’ wings.

The hippopotamus didn’t last long before he was shaken to the ground by the force of the earthquake.

“The Last Wrath of the Dragon.”

Although the Tyrannosaurus could not move its wings, its mouth could still move.

The purple dragon’s rage erupted.

Before the hippopotamus could stand up, he was hit head-on by the dragon’s rage, wailing, his eyes in circles, and he lost his ability to fight.

“The dumb hippopotamus loses its ability to fight, and the Tyrannosaurus wins.”

The referee really envied Gu Yuxuan, who could have such a powerful Tyrannosaurus…

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