Chapter 137: Mewtwo’s Manufacturing Plan!!

“Dr. Li Mu, may I ask, what exactly are you studying?”

The samurai army couldn’t hold back his curiosity.

He only knew that Dr. Li Mu was studying things, but he did not know what Dr. Li Mu was studying.

Looking at the way it looks here, definitely a lot of Pokémon died, I don’t know if there are results.

If there are good results, in fact, they can be used by him, and he wants to break through to the championship level.

After all, Gu Dahai and Gu Qinglong’s father and son have both become champion trainers, and he can’t leave too much behind.

“I have been working on a great project, a real divine beast, a divine beast controlled by my door.”

Dr. Li Mu’s eyes were full of madness.

He had already fantasized about creating the scene of the mythical beast, and by that time, he would be the most powerful doctor.

All the people of the world are to worship him.

The samurai soldier’s pupils shrank, feeling that he might have gotten on the wrong ship.

Creating a divine beast is nonsense.

How powerful the divine beast was, he knew it all, and the last time he fought against the Flame Bird, he was also among them.

Just a flame bird consumed most of the energy, let alone the divine beast.

If it were those powerful divine beasts, the people of their entire base would be wiped out by the divine beasts.

It is said that mad scientists are crazy, and now it seems that this is not an ordinary madman, a psychopath.

“Are you sure you can create a divine beast?”

The samurai army couldn’t help but ask.

Not to mention controlling the number of people, he seriously doubted that Dr. Li Mu could create a divine beast, no one thought so.

“Don’t worry, my Mewtwo project is almost complete, as long as I can succeed, I can successfully create Mewtwo.”

Dr. Li Mu stared at a cultivation barn, his crazy eyes, and the state car samurai army felt the fear.

Mewtwo, I’ve never heard of it.

After the samurai army calmed down, they did not take Dr. Li Mu’s words into account at all.

What Mewtwo, is there this mythical beast.

It must have been created by itself, with a little skill.

But a little skill is enough, not to mention becoming a mythical beast, as long as you can become a champion-level Pokémon.

Dr. Li Mu accidentally noticed the eyes of the samurai army, and he knew that the samurai army did not stop looking.

“You know what, this is what I made with dream genes, which means Mewtwo Girl.”


The samurai army’s face changed, and he put away his disdain, with a serious look in his eyes.

Dreamy, he had heard, was a rare legendary Pokémon.

Being able to make it with dreamy genes is by no means an ordinary Pokémon.

Could it be that it is a divine beast.

The samurai army suddenly looked forward to whether he could control the divine beast if it was really a divine beast.

Dr. Li Mu didn’t know what the samurai army was thinking now, and he didn’t take the samurai army seriously.

Even if the samurai army wants to rob the divine beast, he has to see if the samurai army has this ability.

“Okay, it’s almost time, it’s time for you to get out of here, I’m going to continue researching.”

Dr. Li Mu waved his hand, trying to send the samurai army away.

“Then you have to study it as soon as possible.”

The Samurai Army turned around and sneaked a glance at Mewtwo’s cultivation barn.

Is this what Mewtwo is called?

It is indeed domineering side leakage, no wonder it is called more than dreamy.

A real piece of manufacturing may really become a divine beast.

The samurai army had greed in their hearts.

If it is really a divine beast, then only he is qualified to have it, and others are definitely not eligible to obtain divine beasts.

“If you let the samurai army come in and take a look, are you not afraid that the samurai army has any ideas?”

A voice came from a distance and entered Dr. Li Mu’s ears.

Dr. Li Mu stopped moving his hand and turned his head to look to the side.

On the original wall, a passage appeared, and an old man stood at the entrance of the passage.

“It turned out to be Cao Cadre, don’t worry, even if he knows, Mewtwo is under my control.”

Dr. Li Mu’s words were full of disdain for the samurai army.

He simply did not look at the samurai army, this second and fifth boy who betrayed the alliance.

The reason for the betrayal is simply because he did not defeat Gu Dahai, such a narrow-minded person, he will always guard against one hand.

“Then you have to be careful, the samurai army is not a good person, Wang Wan should not be careless.”

Cao Cadre specially reminded him.

He always felt that the samurai army was not a good person, and he had to be careful when getting along with the samurai army.

Although he is also a heavenly king, the samurai army is not bad, and it is too dangerous to repeatedly entangle a group of people to come over.

“Don’t worry, he will come alone at most, and he dare not bring too many people over, after all, he is a traitor.”

Dr. Li Mu looked at Mewtwo calmly.

A traitor, and a man of great ability.

Cao Cadre no longer said anything, since Dr. Li Mu said so, then he could only believe Dr. Li Mu.

“Moreover, Mewtwo succeeded immediately, and with Mewtwo, our plan to rule the world can begin soon.”

Dr. Li Mu put his hands on the culture silo, and his eyes were hot.

He didn’t notice that there was an invisible superpower fluctuation in the air.

Even the machine did not notice the abnormality.

“Who am I? Where am I, little love. ”

“Who are they? Why are they here, what exactly was the purpose of my creation. ”

At the same time, the other side.

Mordor, in the hotel.

After Gu Yuxuan finished the gift, he closed his eyes and continued to practice the Cosmic Meditation Method to improve his superpowers.

Take advantage of the fact that his freshness has not passed, and seize the time to improve his strength.

Otherwise, after waiting for the itch of seven years, maybe Gu Yu Chexuan would not be in the mood to cultivate superpowers.

“Who am I? Where am I, little love? ”

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice entered Gu Yuxuan’s mind.

Gu Yuxuan was stunned for a moment.

Just now it seems that someone is talking, yes, someone is indeed speaking.

But this is a hotel room, how can anyone speak, and who is talking.

“Who’s talking?”

Gu Yuxuan looked around, and at a glance, there was no one.

The sound of the suite next door could not have come over.

As for Shen Qiuyue, she was already asleep, let alone able to speak.

So who exactly is speaking?

Gu Yuxuan released the Koga Ninja Frog, but as long as someone dared to carry out a sneak attack, he would make the sneak attack despair.

Screw things up, right?

“Who am I? Where am I. ”

Another voice came.

This time, Gu Yuxuan clearly heard that the voice came from his own brain.

That’s right, it’s in the mind.

This should be a superpower, a superpower that is even more powerful than him.

Although I don’t know how far the distance is, but I can connect his superpowers, which must be a very high summoning ability.

“My name is Gu Yuxuan, who are you.”

Gu Yuxuan tentatively connected to this unknown superpower.

“Who am I? My name is Mewtwo, and they all call me Summoning. ”

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