The old man was buried in the grave.

"You are right." The Diamond Minister said in a serious voice, confirming Shi Qiu's conclusion.

"Sacred diamonds have a lifespan, and they need the energy of each Lord Diancie to maintain them."

"So every time the previous Lord Diancie leaves, the new princess needs to take on the responsibility of creating new sacred diamonds."

"Before this old sacred diamond disappears."

"This is the path to eternal immortality for the Mineral Country."

As soon as the voice fell, Diancie, who was high up, had raised her little hand, and pink broken diamonds began to appear from her body.

Gradually, as Diancie's energy leaped, a sacred diamond that was equally large and only a few circles smaller than the current one was condensed.

However, the diamond only lasted for a few breaths, and Diancie was a little exhausted and was forced to stop.

The sacred diamond that had just condensed also dissipated with the wind.

The little diamonds whispered to each other, and even the Minister of Diamond sighed.

Diancie lowered her head in a depressed mood, and carefully looked at the expressions of the little diamonds including the Minister of Diamond.

"(Failed again... but the princess has tried her best.)"

"(The princess has tried for more than 300 days in a row. She looks so tired. Should she take a few days off?)"

"(Princess, don't be discouraged. You can do it one day!)"

Diancie moved to the side of the Minister of Diamond little by little: "Minister of Diamond..."

This little diamond, who seemed very serious and unsmiling, seemed to be familiar with the process, and comforted her with some words that Shi Qiu thought were purely clichés.

And the real attention of the Minister of Diamond was obviously all on Shi Qiu and his party.

Shi Qiu: "............"

He coughed twice in a low voice, turned his head like he was trying to cover his ears and steal the bell, and focused on helping the bubble squirrel to tidy up its hair.

"The messenger of Lord Xerneas, please give us the direction to move forward."

Minister Diamond hesitated for a long time, and suddenly his voice was solemn and earnest, and he bowed deeply to them.

Shi Qiu was startled, and quickly moved aside, saying helplessly:

"I really don't know any Xerneas, you may have mistaken me for having the power of Evergreen."

He released life energy, and a light green light emanated from his hands.

"The life energy I release is more grass-like in nature, and is more gentle and dull. Xerneas' life energy is fairy, which is more active and agile."

"At most, I can only try to help you from my perspective."

"......Eternal Power?"

"Is that so..." Minister Diamond bowed his head, as if he finally believed it.

Diancie stepped forward, accepted the baptism of Evergreen Power, and restored her energy.

"Thank you for your help, I'll try again!" Diancie said after bowing.

After that, the fairy energy in her body rose again, and she used her own unique skill, Diamond Storm.

Shi Qiu stood beside her this time, and nodded after a simple perception: "Sure enough, compared with the original sacred diamond, this one has enough fairy energy, but it lacks the [fairy life]."

He infused the power of Changpan into it.

Instantly, the whole diamond emitted a brighter light than before, and was even directly materialized.

"Success!" Diancie said excitedly.

Shi Qiu shook his head: "No, it failed."

This small sacred diamond, as soon as it was created, began to lose its vitality crazily, and the speed of fading was more than a thousand times faster than the ones around it.

It dimmed after a minute and collapsed and disintegrated.

The disappointment after hope was more obvious, and the small broken diamonds looked obviously depressed, and even the Minister of Diamonds sighed.

"As expected, only Xerneas-sama can help the princess..."

Why are you so obsessed with Xerneas? For his fairy aura?

But Diancie's fairy attribute energy is enough.

[Race: Diancie]

[Attribute: Rock, Fairy]

[Feature: Eternal Pure Body]

[Carried Items: None]

[Level: MXI90-40 (Energy Level and Total Energy Do Not Match)]

[Power: Diamond Princess (Life Side)]

[Known Moves: Harden, Diamond Storm, Defense Bisection, Shoot Down, Crazy, Primal Power, Rock Polishing, Light Wall, Rock Collapse, Feature Exchange, Power Gem, Invisible Rock, Moon Power...]

If Shi Qiu remembers correctly, in the previous life's theatrical version,

Diancie grew up completely on her own and created the sacred diamond.

"How did you know that Xerneas could help Diancie?"

It couldn't be like in the movie version, where the Diamond Minister was also saved by X-Deer when he was young.

It was Princess Diancie who answered Shi Qiu: "The sacred diamonds of all generations contain the inheritance of all previous generations of Diancie."

"Not to mention that Xerneas has appeared from the first generation of Diancie to the modern times."

"The most important thing is that we have clearly obtained the memory information of being helped by Xerneas in the inheritance of the 24th generation of Diancie."

Shi Qiu was silent.

He felt that this help might just help the Mineral Country resist the attack of Yveltal, rather than the leap evolution of the Diancie race.

"I think you are the only one who can give birth to fairy life." Shi Qiu whispered to Diancie.

"Am I the only one who can give birth to fairy life?" Diancie pointed her little finger at herself and repeated it in confusion.

Shi Qiu nodded.

This is a training that belongs to Diancie herself. She must have her own deep understanding of life.



Dianncie fell into thinking about Shi Qiu's words, and there was much less playfulness afterwards.

Although Shi Qiu took the initiative to throw away the identity of "Xerneas Envoy", the attitude of the Minister of Diamond towards them did not change much.

"That's because your aura is too unique." Diancie whispered.

She moved a little closer to Shi Qiu with reserve, and her big eyes, as beautiful as gems, were filled with innocent and pure joy.

"When I am with you, I feel very relaxed, as if all the pressure will only become motivation. Negative emotions disappear in an instant!"

Dianncie said happily.

If she was not afraid that the Minister of Diamond would see her and teach her a lesson, she could directly throw away her reserve and get close to this human boy.

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