After the attack, the enemy was in trouble.

Behind the pickpocket cat, there were still the four elves from the beginning. In addition to the cauliflower monkey, the remaining ones were the cold water monkey, the fried monkey and a blue toad.

Each member of this small group was very powerful, and they had improved a lot compared to when they attacked them. They were all around level 25.

"So, did you go to learn round singing specifically?" Shi Qiu looked at the word [round singing] in the pool where they were teaching moves.

Cold Water Monkey raised his usual smile, pointed at Blue Toad and said with a smile: "(Yeah, I heard that Shi Qiu wanted to form a music-centered team, so we learned from Blue Toad.)"

"(In addition to the pickpocket cat, we unexpectedly discovered that we are actually quite talented.)"

As he said that, Cold Water Monkey demonstrated directly.

Waves of light music suddenly sounded, with a slightly soft taste, and the blue waves that seemed to be real slowly spread out.

If he hadn't known it in advance, he would even think that the characteristic of this Cold Water Monkey was also a moist sound.

Shi Qiu:?!

Hey, it's really interesting! Can you develop to this point not long after learning it?

"(I'm the one below!)"

Explosive Fragrance Monkey raised his little hand.

His round-robin style is opposite to that of Cold Water Monkey, and it even seems more violent because it is superimposed after the round-robin of Cold Water Monkey (round-robin will increase in power as the number of times it is used increases).

Indulgent and passionate, the fluctuating sound waves are as active and undulating as flames.

"Is this... a mixture of hot wind? What a special attribute sound wave."

In the round singing of the fragrant monkey, there are obvious traces of fire elements, and even the wind brought by the sound waves has a slightly burnt smell.

And the scene of the last performance of the cauliflower monkey is even bigger. At the moment of his round singing, it seems that the surrounding forests are singing in unison.

The lush leaves rustled along with the wind, and the ginkgo trees were the most beautiful and pleasant. The occasional lively and light bell sound seemed to make this forest sound alive.

The three brothers are like natural singers with three attributes. The round singing of the cauliflower monkey also carries endless life energy, and the green fluctuations have the special function of healing.

"I'm already worried, Bubble Chinchilla, whether you can coordinate this music army."

These three special Pokémon from the Unova region can even learn the three oath skills that only the three starters can comprehend, and now, their specialness seems to be fully demonstrated on the road of music.

In a flash, Shi Qiu has determined the direction of the skill development path of the three brothers.

Cauliflower Monkey, in the future, he can develop round singing and grass oath, use energy balls and seed bombs as notes, and play the song of his own natural life.

Cold Water Monkey, he seems to have combined the water wave move with round singing, so in the future, with the development and addition of the water oath skill, it is not impossible to be on par with the future West Lion Sea Ren.

Explosive Fragrance Monkey, the round singing skill combined with hot wind has begun to take shape, so after developing the fire oath, his own "Shining Singing" may be born from then on.

Finally, there is their "teacher", Blue Toad. His musical attributes are not as distinct as those of the monkeys. He also takes a very destructive path like high-pitched giant ultrasonic waves. In other words, he is an expert in heavy metal music.

Now, think about the Ball Sea Lion and the descendant of the peak combat power, the future Milotic.

The vocal skills of these elves are unique, and they are not inferior to the talents of the Bubble Squirrel, and are even more amazing.

It will be a big challenge for the Bubble Squirrel to subdue these elves and become the conductor of the music army.

"(I can!)"

Hearing this, the Bubble Squirrel nodded firmly, and there was no haze at all under the performance of various music experts.

Don't underestimate him! In terms of the coordination of sound waves, he dares to say that he is second, and only Meloetta can say that he is first!


Wait, I almost forgot about a certain pickpocket cat.

But according to what the cold water monkey said just now...

He hesitated and looked at the round-robin on the pickpocket cat panel.

The pickpocket cat snorted twice, glanced at the three monkeys and a toad, and glared at them from a place where Shi Qiu couldn't see.

Then she cleared her throat and used a round-robin technique that she was not very skilled at.

"..." Shi Qiu was silent.

This was already the fourth round of superposition, but it was more powerful and effective than the previous three.

The music itself is much weaker.

Not to mention the skills.

It's not that it's bad, it's just a normal and simple elf, who has just learned the proficiency and level of round singing.

As the pickpocket cat sang, she began to lose confidence and finally lowered her head silently.

With such a good example in front of her, the gap seemed even bigger.

"I remember that you took the route of a high-sensitivity physical attack assassin, right?"

Seeing the slightly disappointed expression of the pickpocket cat, Shi Qiu gently patted her head.

"Each elf has different talent points. Before, they even needed your protection to live a normal life. Until now, after discovering the talent for music, they can be regarded as truly keeping up with your pace."

"So don't be discouraged, and don't be sad because you can't help me."

Shi Qiu gently pushed her to the three little monkeys who were looking at her cautiously.

"In the future, we will always have other opportunities, I promise you!"

The pickpocket cat did not learn round singing under the teaching of Blue Toad, and finally found N and asked him for a round singing trick learning machine before she succeeded.

Therefore, her round singing was limited to learning, and her talent was limited to this. Even if she worked hard to develop it, it would be extremely difficult to pursue a career in music.

Of course, it is possible to expand the pickpocket cat into the music team, but this approach is obviously delaying her.

After thinking silently for a while, the pickpocket cat nodded seriously.



Because the news was released in various places in advance, it was unusually easy to recruit music teams.

In just three or four days, the prototype of a small music team was built.

The little princess of the island paradise, the dragon, the ball sea lion with the characteristic of moist sound, and the ugly fish that has been hatched.

In the a-2 forest, the "three major families" of cauliflower monkeys, cold water monkeys, and fried fragrant monkeys, and the heavy metal rock enthusiast Blue Toad.

These people are the backbone and core of the team tactics.

Secondly, with the four bells in the a-1 forest area, three Jigglypuffs, three Leafeons who can play the grass flute, and the strong participation of more than a dozen Marylu in the island paradise, the team tactics system has also begun to be gradually put into actual combat training.

The actual effect is also very gratifying, even beyond Shi Qiu's expectations.

The entire music team is now running in only two moves, one is the attack move round robin, and the other is the exclusive music skill of Bubble Squirrel [Music Venue·Healing Voice].

One is an attack method, and the other is a gain recovery method.

Let's not talk about the second one for now, the effect is not very clear, and more training is still needed, but the first round robin technique has already had a great effect.

Shi Qiu deliberately pulled Zoroark over and tested its power.

Although they were only elves of level 20 or 30, ranging from professional to elite, the round-robin of more than 20 gifted elves made Zoroark, who was always careless, serious when facing the attack of sound waves.

He crossed his arms and waved them, and the dark wave exploded, directly facing the energy sound waves of the round-robin.

After the two energies confronted each other for a few seconds, Zoroark couldn't help but show a few horrors on his face.

"(This... peak combat power???)"

This round-robin of the music army has already reached the full force of ordinary peak combat power!

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