The sky was dark, and the backstage did not turn on the colored lights at Shi Qiu's signal, only a few dim lights were lit.

The white formal dress faded, and Shi Qiu appeared in the light.

The boy changed into a red and black sacrificial dress, with golden tassels swaying on the edges, like an endless flame of life, active and agile but not ferocious.

He wore a black veil, and a white cloth hung on his face to cover his face, with a capital "Yan" on it, and stood barefoot on the stage that looked like an open space in a shrine.

Shi Qiu reached out and took out the Kagura bell with flame tassels from his waist, and looked at Aledo.

The God of Fire Kagura Dance, the Sun Breathing Sword Technique.

Shi Qiu and Aledo took a deep breath, and a substantial fire suddenly ignited on the arm blade of the natural swordsman.

"...Is it a fire fist?"

One person and one spirit closed their eyes slightly, and at the moment when their breathing was adjusted, they exerted force on their wrists, danced with swords and bells, and their whole bodies were like flowing light. The whole person and the spirit turned into a ball of fire and began to jump on the stage.

Shi Qiu practiced the Kagura dance for a long time under the guidance of the simulator and Aledo, but the skills contained in it were too high. It was not until the eve of the competition that the boy barely jumped down completely.

In order to achieve his goal, he even learned the so-called breathing method.

At this moment, on the stage of the open-air venue, when he really put on the sacrificial clothes and picked up the Kagura bell to dance the Kagura dance, his mood was no longer nervous as before, and he unexpectedly calmed down completely.

At the moment when Aledo and he jumped up together, Shi Qiu's mind was no longer filled with the complicated movements of the next step, but simply blank.

His body had long been familiar with the dance movements of the God of Fire Kagura, and the breathing method finally worked like an instinct at this moment, without thinking or paying attention to breathing.

Elbows, shoulders, waist, abdomen, thighs, ankles, Shi Qiu and Aledo's bodies were flying automatically in an extremely high frequency state. Unconsciously, the world in front of them disappeared, the senses of the body gradually closed, and there was a transparent vision in front of them.

The Kagura bell and Aledo's arm blade seemed to have become a part of the body. In this state, they saw a sudden ball of fire at the same time.

No, it was not a simple ball of fire, but the sun flame contained in the Kagura bell and the arm blade.


The shaking bell rang ethereally throughout the venue.

They suddenly saw that the flames in front of them were getting stronger and stronger, and its light was as bright as the sun, extremely bright and dazzling.

The hot flames on Aledo's arm blade became more intense, like a painter splashing bright golden red all over the world, making the stage transparent from the inside out.

Shi Qiu and Aledo both felt a sense of joy and emotion.

In the highly synchronized dance, when their eyes met, they knew each other's urgent wishes at the moment.

That is, to make the flames in this transparent world that only they can see more grand and more brilliant like the scorching sun.

At the same time, the amplitude of their movements suddenly became more enthusiastic and energetic.

The flames burned and jumped brilliantly, and at that moment, it seemed as if something was suddenly ignited.

At this time, from the stage where one person and one spirit danced Kagura downward to the surroundings, the soil, towering trees, breeze, white clouds and sky, "nature" made a rustling sound, and life was blooming touchingly.

In the eyes of all the audience and judges, the entire stage and the open-air venue seemed to have a kind of star-like red light emanating.

Someone gently touched it, and a strong courage and warmth surged in his heart.

Then, the golden-red flames waving on the stage began to spread around, like a painting.

Then the sound gradually rang out.

Everyone had been keeping quiet since the beginning, and now they finally couldn't help looking around and listening to these whispers of life that seemed to be in their ears.

It was the first wisp of new buds that the wind passed through the slightly narrow soil, the sound of countless flower buds quietly opening in the morning in the morning, the sound of light dripping through the treetops after the new rain hit the leaves, and the sound of the gurgling stream passing over the clear water and stones.

It was the sound of life.

In the sight of Shi Qiu and Aledo, the originally transparent world was once again filled with colors.

Tutu Dog was in the audience, and suddenly felt a little cold on his face. He subconsciously raised his hand to brush his face, but found that it was a wisp of crystal water stains.

He actually shed tears.

He shed tears, but why did he shed tears?

For joy, this was the first time he felt such a golden emotion so vividly, joy in the birth of life, joy in the countless miracles, including his own.

The God of Fire Kagura, a sacrificial dance, does not sacrifice to the gods, but only dances for the tiny and grand miracles of life.

Everyone watched in silence, even the online audience who had not posted a barrage for a long time, just staring at the one person and one elf dancing on the stage for a long time.

The black and red sleeves of the boy's sacrificial clothes were flying in the air, and the Kagura bell accompanied the clear and ethereal sound like a flame. He was covered with a white cloth, and his expression could not be seen clearly. The whole person was like a flowing arrow.

Many people's tears gradually became hazy and blurred their vision during this performance.

Their emotions were mobilized and they cheered.

Admiration for the miracle of life.

Touched by the birth of every life.

Joy for the complete appearance of every life.

When the world and colors in front of Shi Qiu and Aledo returned to perfection, the Kagura bell in the boy's hand suddenly shone with the same flame as Aledo's arm blade.

The life energy in the bodies of one person and one elf began to be consumed crazily, and was nurtured by nature in the next second, but they seemed unaware and continued the sacrificial dance.

When the two finally reached a certain limit in the same frequency, Aledo's whole body suddenly lit up with a grand evolutionary light.

Under the attention of the crowd, he started super evolution without the help of any props.

Super Aledo!

Under the Kagura of the God of Fire, Aledo was nurtured by natural energy and unlocked his own genetic lock.

Super Aledo, rather than saying that he is now super evolved, it is better to say that he is like Kyogre and Groudon, a kind of primitive return after receiving natural energy.

And the Kagura Dance, the flame dance of life, finally became grand.



When the same flame was waved out by a person and a spirit at the same time, the Kagura of sacrificing life gradually stopped.

Shi Qiu and Super Aledo were panting, and fatigue was visible in their brows.

When they were dancing the Kagura Dance, their minds were completely closed and they could only feel each other's existence. Now they almost couldn't stand steadily after the end.

Shi Qiu and Aledo looked at each other.

Such a dance of joy of life specially dedicated to Tutu Dog should be able to meet their expectations.

Use a flame to completely release the emotions that have been accumulated in your heart for a long time but seem unknown.

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