The wind is blowing, and the wind is blowing.

Among the trainers Shi Qiu met, three of them developed corresponding skills for airflow.

The first one is Lu Qing, who is now in the referee position.

Although his Pidgeot is average in strength, it has a unique understanding and talent for wind-raising moves, and has made some progress in the application of airflow.

The second one is his friend Chen Liu, who is a coordinator.

He has gone much further on the road of "airflow" than Lu Qing. The spiritual power of hunting swallowtails, extreme butterfly dance, can be regarded as the top skill application of airflow.

This is also a secret to help Chen Liu and hunting swallowtails to truly transform.

The third one is Versace and Huayedi in front of him.

Unique airflow under the fairy wind.

Compared with Chen Liu's method of forcibly controlling the airflow with mental power, Versace Huayedi's control is more delicate and free.

"Tutu Dog!"

A light flashed in Tutu Dog's eyes, and the tip of its tail quickly dyed with a light pink.

Sketch of the Fairy Wind.

The painter drew out of thin air, and after the ink of the brush dried and turned back to pure white, the Japanese wind splashed on the plane under the pen became real.

"Is this, live sketching?"

"Is there no skill library for copying..." Versace pondered for a moment.

The Tutu Dog race has discovered their copying ability under the research of many doctors and researchers.

Unlike other elves that are not restricted, Tutu Dog can only copy a maximum of four moves using sketching, and the object of copying cannot be much stronger than its own strength.

Therefore, almost all trainers who train Tutu Dog will use these four copies to help Tutu Dog form a unique combat system.

The copied Fairy Wind looked even more advanced than the one used by Huayedi, more ethereal, more gentle, and more murderous.

Fortunately, Huayedi's Fairy Wind field was only in chaos for a while before returning to calm.

Versace breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not bad!"

Shi Qiu nodded thoughtfully, and after finding out the strength of the opponent's system, he smiled at Versace: "President, it's my turn to attack first."

"Tutu Dog, Sketching·Sacred Flame."

Tutu Dog held the pen and easily drew a whole circle.

Versace was a little confused.

Sacred Flame? What kind of move is this? I don't think I've heard of it.

But the word seems familiar and easy to pronounce. I always feel like I have heard it somewhere before...

Where is it... Oh, by the way, in the elective class two days ago, when we were studying the legendary Pokémon's Ho-Oh chapter, I seem to have mentioned this legendary Pokémon's exclusive move, which seems to be called the Holy Flame...

Hmm... I see...

Ah!? Wait!! It can't be what he thought, right?

Shi Qiu smiled slightly.

You are right.

The golden flame containing extremely rich life energy, like tearing paper, broke through the invincible Fairy Wind and submerged Huayedi.


"Huayedi can't fight, Tutu Dog wins, so the winner is Shi Qiu!" Lu Qing said loudly with referee quality.

Versace Huayedi was killed instantly by the latest Pokémon cultivated by his junior, and he was the least surprised one.

Versace silently took back Huayedi, and the smile on his face that had not changed for thousands of years gradually disappeared.

"Well done, Tutu Dog."

Shi Qiu did not take the little painter back, but brought him to Versace's side.

Versace seemed to have calmed down, looking at Shi Qiu with some complexity.

His voice was sincere and considerate: "Did you really just start to cultivate him?"

Shi Qiu comforted him in a sensible way: "When I subdued him, he was already very strong."

Versace felt a little calmer.

Well, it's better than being defeated by the vine snake.

As the two were walking back, someone shouted at them from a distance.

"Hey, it's rare, what's wrong with President Fan, you look so sad."

Jiang Xi was beside them, waving lazily at them.

Lu Qing was confused, and after hearing this, he leaned behind Shi Qiu and looked at Versace's expression.

"Isn't he quite calm?" Lu Qing said, "He behaved much more normally than when I was defeated by my junior last time."

Oh, it turned out that he was defeated.

Jiang Xi looked at President Fan with a half-smile.

Fan Sizhe, the president of the battle group, was famous for his smoothness.

The smiling face that never changes makes many students and teachers vomit blood.

What's wrong? Why don't you smile now? Are you born not to smile?

Oh, it turns out that the smile has come to my face.



The next morning, in the island paradise, many elves gathered by the lake.

The Milotic Gyarados couple and the Hiren Sea Dragon couple all gathered together peacefully for the first time.

Extra! Extra!

Extra! Extra!

The second time, the Shiqiu Ace Competition officially started!

The biggest sponsor of this event has changed from N to everyone in the island paradise.

Several top fighters escorted and provided the venue to absolutely guarantee safety.

As for N, he has always been elusive. Recently, he seems to have been staying in a corner of the a-1 forest area with a group of elves. I don't know what he is busy with.

There are many more elves participating in the second Ace Competition than the first time.

In addition to the initial Bubble Squirtle, Alola Ninetails, Lucario, Zoroark, and Aledo, this time, there are new additions: Snakey, Cauliflower, Exploding Monkey, Coldwater Monkey, Dragonite, Sea Lion, Pickpocket, Blue Toad, as well as a Leafeon and Jigglypuff.

Oh, and Tootsie also raised his hand to sign up.

Most of these Pokémons joined when the Music Tactics Corps was formed. Even though they are still immature, their strength is completely impressive in the outside world.

As for the Ugli, it has just left the larval stage, so it is better not to get involved.

Otherwise, it will be defeated by Sea Lion in this situation...

"Tsk, how should the competition be arranged..." Shi Qiu wrote and drew on the drawing board.

The number of participating Pokémons is no longer as small as the last five, so the competition system cannot be as sloppy as last time.

Zeraora stood next to Shi Qiu and looked at him quietly.

Shi Qiu:...

What a presence.

The boy turned around helplessly, purring the electric cat's head: "You really can't participate, otherwise there will be no suspense."

No matter what, it will be better if Zeraora joins after the elves have surpassed the peak.

Electric cat was puzzled: "(No suspense, I will be directly elected as the final trump card of Ashi.)"

It doesn't matter whether to challenge or not, but he really wants this title.

Shi Qiu shook his head vigorously, indicating a firm refusal.


The cold cat has never been a playful person, and his voice is flat and he accepted it calmly.

It's just... I seem to hear a hint of grievance.

Shi Qiu:...

The boy rolled his eyes, pulled Zeraora over, and whispered to him.

"Because you are my most important trump card."

"You know the trump card, the trump card and the trump card... Well, the trump card is definitely more important, so you can't just do it easily."

The cat is easy to fool.

The cat is easy to appease.

The cat seemed to be drugged after hearing these words.

The cat was satisfied.

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