The more you drink, the more you will lose.

A person who has not seen water in the desert for a long time, if he is always thirsty, can still rely on his will to move forward and adjust his mentality.

But once he drinks the first drop of water without subsequent water supply, he will naturally collapse directly.

The situation of Dark Mewtwo is similar.

Before contacting the life energy, it can still ensure that the will and reason are not affected by the dark force field, but once contacted, it will be out of control.

From the panel, Dark Mewtwo is very likely to be an existence beyond the hundredth level, while Shi Qiu only shows more than forty levels on the panel.

His full energy delivery is just a drop in the ocean, too small.

Shi Qiu did not miss the red light in Dark Mewtwo's eyes, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand and stop the delivery of life energy.

The next second, there was a snap.

Shi Qiu looked down in shock.

Dark Mewtwo tightly grasped Shi Qiu's wrist, pulled him over, and clamped him in front of him.

At this moment, life energy quickly transferred from Shi Qiu to Dark Mewtwo at a terrifying speed a hundred times faster.

Shi Qiu:!!!

The life energy absorbed completely exceeded the speed of regeneration of the power of Evergreen, and the loss of a large amount of life energy made the boy couldn't help but groan.

He could feel that even so, Dark Mewtwo seemed still not satisfied, and even wanted to speed up the absorption again!

If this continued, he would be sucked dry sooner or later!

"Foam Chinchilla...Big...Sound!"

Lucario tacitly understood what Shi Qiu meant, and immediately pulled Tutu back to block his brush that was shining with golden red light, preventing the life energy of the sacred flame from shifting the target of Dark Mewtwo.

At the same time, the sonic boom of the foam chinchilla blasted towards Dark Mewtwo with the round-robin technique.


Dark Mewtwo was absorbed in the absorption of energy, and was caught off guard by the high-frequency sound wave and staggered.

The sharp and piercing roar also pierced into Dark Mewtwo's unprepared brain at that moment, making his reason overwhelm his tyranny in an instant.

Dark Mewtwo slightly released the force that held the boy.

Shi Qiu gritted his teeth, his telekinesis exploded, and he barely escaped from him.

"Hu... Hu..." The boy who escaped was panting with fatigue, and he couldn't even stand steadily. Lucario supported his body with his quick eyes and hands.

"Leave... Leave..."

The red light in Dark Mewtwo's eyes flickered, and even his telepathy was intermittent.

His face was not ferocious, but he could feel that he was in great pulling and pain.

Shi Qiu didn't hesitate and called three Pokémon to evacuate from this cave quickly.

He is not a fool or a saint. Even though his love for Pokémon makes him want to help Dark Mewtwo escape from this pain, staying here is a risk in the current situation.

Shi Qiu doesn't want to be sucked dry directly. He still wants to live with his friends.

The passage he came from is very simple, and there are many top-level clay giants guarding the periphery. If you dare to go, you will definitely fall into an awkward situation with wolves in front and tigers behind, a dead end.

Fortunately, there are many other exits in the cave.

"(Which one to choose?)" Lucario, who is supporting Shi Qiu, looks at the two roads in front of him and asks the trainer.

However, there is no response.

Bubble Chinchilla and Tutu Dog stepped forward and found that Shi Qiu had fallen into a coma.

Bubble Chinchilla gritted his teeth, picked one of the holes and broke in, Tutu Dog and Lucario followed closely.

The road here is a little narrower than the passage we came from, and it is also much more winding and rugged. It is not paved with stone bricks like before.

While several elves were escaping quickly together, Tutu Dog gently wrapped the tip of the pen with a little golden red around the boy, slowly delivering the harmless and pure life energy in the sacred flame.

"(Won't this attract him?)" Bubble Squirrel asked doubtfully.

Tutu Dog shook his head: "(I can't care about so much, the life energy loss in Ah Shi is too serious.)"

After being absorbed by Dark Mewtwo for only two or three seconds, he fell into an unprecedented desperate situation - the poor physical condition was far beyond the ordinary sense of being on the verge of death. It was as if the vitality of the whole body was forcibly drained, and every cell was wailing in despair.

What was even more frightening was that even the face of the boy, which should have been full of vigor and vitality, inevitably had wrinkles at this moment, revealing

, exuding an undisguised aura of aging.

Fortunately, under the continuous nourishment and backlash of the flame of life, Shi Qiu finally slowly opened his eyes and gradually regained consciousness from the chaos.

At this time, it had been quite some time since they escaped from the place where Dark Mewtwo was. Several exhausted Pokémon finally found a small but hidden cave and were taking the time to recuperate and adjust their status.

"Thank you for your hard work." Shi Qiu saw the tired Tutu dog and roughly guessed the current situation.

He smiled bitterly. He really had never thought that Dark Mewtwo would go berserk directly because of his desire for life energy.

"Could it be that this is the reason why I kept warning in my mind before..." He muttered to himself.

However, reality is often more cruel than imagined. Facts have proved that what happened next is much worse than they expected.

The Dark Mewtwo, which was already far away, could not resist the surging tyranny in its heart after all.

Under the dark force field, his body began to tremble violently, and a frightening energy fluctuation emanated from his body.

This fluctuation swept in like a storm, carrying a breath of destruction.

Under the suffocating force, the earth began to tremble continuously, as if the end of the world had come.

After everything calmed down, Shi Qiu and his companions were horrified to find that the mountain area they were in began to slowly crack and collapse, huge rocks rolled down, smoke and dust filled the air, and the whole scene was as terrifying as the end of the world.

And they were still in the closed mountain road!

"It's time to break out!"

If the Nine-Tail was still around, it would be possible to ensure the stability of this small cave, but Bubble Squirrel and Lucario were strong, but their professional skills were not up to par.

Fortunately, due to the awakening of Dark Mewtwo, the intensity of a large amount of unconsciously emitted energy was converged, and Lucario and Bubble Squirrel's pathfinding ability was online again.

Shi Qiu forced himself to let Lucario complete the super evolution, took back the bubble squirrel, and was held horizontally in the arms of Super Lucario.

Tutu Dog was hugged by the boy, and continuously supplied with life force.

Everything was ready, Super Lucario's eyes were fixed, and veins on his legs and feet were bulging.

[Super Speed]!

Rocks rolled down, and the tunnels collapsed, as if racing with the god of death.

If there was a cliff, he stepped on the flying rocks, and if there was an obstacle, he used the waveguide to open the way.

"To be the place where the ruins of the sealed dark elves are located, this mountain must have undergone special transformation and blessing. I hope it can last for a while..."

Shi Qiu curled up his body, trying not to drag his own elves down.

After just a few minutes, a bright light appeared.

The exit is just ahead!

At this time, including Super Lucario, Shi Qiu and his companions were all stiff in an instant.

From the back, there was a sense of crisis that was almost hairy.

Super Lucario still didn't stop his speed, so he couldn't see it, but Shi Qiu, who was held horizontally in his arms, saw it clearly.

It was a high-energy beam with a suffocating breath.

Shi Qiu gritted his teeth and subconsciously hugged Bubble Squirrel and Evil Tutu Dog tighter.

At this time, Tutu Dog's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

Sketching and erasing!

The light-colored transparent ink was like a rain curtain, and after being gently waved by Tutu Dog's tail like a paintbrush, it formed a tight curtain.

The destructive energy beam was like being erased bit by bit by an invisible big hand holding an eraser, disappearing piece by piece into the invisible.

[Act 3: Sketching and Dissolving]

The task subtitles of the simulator that had not appeared for a long time suddenly appeared and disappeared.

They escaped.

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