After exploring the C-8 mountain range again, the friends who got the answer arranged themselves.

At the beginning, Tutu Dog was able to draw portraits for them in order, so now they can naturally follow the order and accompany the painter every day.

Yesterday it was Ninetails, and today it was the turn of Bubble Squirrel.

"(Aqiu, you are here!)"

The Bubble Squirrel has sharp eyes. It didn't take long for it to see Shi Qiu standing there and lowering his presence, and waved his little paw happily.

Shi Qiu smiled and walked forward.

"Good morning. Bubble Chinchilla, Tutu Dog."

Tutu Dog turned his head slightly after hearing his name, and nodded gently after seeing Shi Qiu: "(Good morning.)"

After saying that, he turned around again and immersed himself in his own world.

"Really, I haven't seen Tutu Dog like this for a long time..."

Facing such a scene again, Shi Qiu was much calmer than he thought.

"It feels like I'm back to the time when we just met, and it was the same."

Bubble Chinchilla looked at the boy and the painter, and silently added: "(I treat you as special as always, just like before.)"

Even if he forgets, Tutu Dog will still treat Shi Qiu differently and specially as when they first met.

"(He only said one sentence to me in the whole morning.)"

Shi Qiu was curious: "...Did he talk to you? What did he say?"

"(Tutu Dog said, lower your voice.)"

The implication is that you are too noisy.

Shi Qiu: “............”

“(Originally I was perfecting the multi-attribute sound wave technique, trying to integrate the energy of superpowers into the sound waves.)”

“(After he said that, I can only blow the conch.)”

Shi Qiu recalled the multi-attribute sound wave technique and was silent for a while.

It is fitting that you are despised by Tutu in this state for the first time in history. He didn’t give you a holy fire because of his pure nature.



The multi-attribute sound waves of Bubble Squirrel were developed late, but they have gone further than the multi-attribute sword skills of Aledo.

It is not just a simple combination of attribute energy and sound.

Based on the role-playing skills, the characteristic of “changing freely” has almost become the second characteristic of Bubble Squirrel. Integrating the known 18 attributes into the sound waves is only the first step.

What makes this secret more perfect is the perfect addition of the round singing technique.

After testing, theoretically, the power of each attribute sound wave can be increased six times, a total of 18 attributes, which can be stacked with each other, so a total of 108 times of strong power increase.

At the same time, the Bubble Squirrel has successfully integrated his own characteristic technology master.

He can only force the so-called [60] power sound wave with a lower strength at the beginning to [90], and let the buffs that the round-robin starts to stack from [90].

In the finals of the second autumn ace competition, Tutu Dog's judgment was actually very accurate. The Bubble Squirrel's strength in the early stage was not low, and its strength in the later stage was invincible.

Its formation speed is so fast that as long as the buffs are fully stacked, I dare to kill you even if it is a legendary god.

A perfect fusion of the Bubble Squirrel's music coordination ability, characteristics, and talents, and it is also the only strong offensive skill.

Of course, it is still a long way from the final form of this secret and the killer move.

The Bubble Squirrel is still in the dire straits of the fusion stage.



Therefore, it is no wonder that Tutu Dog was quietly drawing.

Bubble Squirrel was obviously guilty and quickly changed the subject: "(But I just vaguely felt some kind of... natural sound.)"

When playing the conch, it felt like the sound he made was completely integrated into nature.

The sound of waves hitting the reefs, the sound of waves, the sound of shells colliding on the beach, the sound of seagulls, the sound of the sea breeze...

The blowing of the conch blended with them without any disobedience, a harmonious, natural sound.

This is also the biggest reason why Tutu Dog did not react as before even though his later sound was not small.

"Natural sounds... and multi-attribute sound waves, a completely different path."

The foam squirrel began to run to the reef to try out his new discovery in his rare free time, while Shi Qiu sat down not far from Tutu Dog as before.

Thinking about it carefully, he really didn't pay much attention to the scenery of the sea area in area b-1.

When Shi Qiu came to this secret place, he would go to the island paradise not far away.

It is not common to stay quietly on the beach like this.

Compared with other times, the seaside in the morning always feels more refreshing.

The inconspicuous sunlight sprinkled softly on the sea, sparkling, as if countless diamonds were shining brightly, and the breeze brushed the cheeks, bringing a hint of coolness. Not far away, the beautiful music played by the foam squirrel in harmony with nature made people feel relaxed and intoxicated.

Tutu Dog's paintbrush was wet by water vapor, and what followed was a curved curve on the drawing paper that was almost like a footprint.

A familiar scene.

"In fact, even if the memory is completely erased or cannot be restored, it doesn't matter. It's just a new journey of companionship."

Shi Qiu sat next to Tutu Dog and watched him draw, and suddenly thought of this.

The diary in his hand became a little lighter after a moment that was barely noticeable.

But so what? In another sense, it is just a space left for the future, giving them the opportunity to enrich the thickness of the diary again.

Memories can be used to remember, but they cannot be trapped in them.

"I changed my mind, Tutu Dog." Shi Qiu whispered, not caring even if Tutu Dog did not respond.

"I said before, I beg you to keep your promise."

That is actually a kind of fear.

Fear that even if they meet again and accompany each other, Tutu Dog will continue to forget again and again.

That kind of feeling that we can never leave a trace in the hearts of close family members.

This situation, just thinking about it, already feels very desperate.

But now...

"It doesn't matter. Except for your existence itself, nothing else matters."

As long as Tutu Dog is still among them.

"Even if you forget every bit of your relationship with us for the ten thousandth time, we will not get tired of it and start a new encounter with you for the ten thousandth and first time."

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