The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

On a weekday, Shi Qiu rarely calmed down. After packing up the three elves and throwing them to the nanny bug, he began to attend class obediently. His attendance rate was so high that even Li Qi couldn't get used to it.

"I thought you would stay in the ecological park most of the time even if you came to school."

Shi Qiu yawned and stretched: "The pace of life has been too fast recently, I'll settle down."

"By the way, I'll experience my last college time."

Thinking carefully, this semester has become busy since the beginning of the winter vacation, when he met the foam squirrel in the simulator.

Now that a group of elves have entered the elite level, it's time to slow down and settle down before the summer camp.

Shi Qiu looked out the window. The sky was clear, birds were singing, and trees were lush and sparsely dotted on the campus. His thoughts gradually drifted away.

(How are the little gray mice doing at the nanny bug? They shouldn't cause trouble to everyone in the ecological park, right...)

(Oh, by the way, there's also the Eevee that I haven't seen for a long time. I feel that Ice Vulpix may not be compatible with him. I hope they won't meet in the ecological park today, otherwise the two foxes will quarrel.)

(It shouldn't be a big deal if they quarrel, after all, Riolu is watching over him.)


A piece of chalk hit him on the head.

"Shi Qiu! Tell me the answer to this question!"

"Root 2." He stood up and replied nonchalantly.

"...Sit down."

Shi Qiu sat back down, and soon he began to look out the window and be distracted again.

( also want to have a cat...super-powered cat...pickpox cat...)

His thoughts began to run wild:

(Mew is a cat, right? It's cute and rare, and it can transform perfectly. Catching one is equivalent to getting all the Pokémons...)

(Mew is a cat...then what about Mewtwo? A Pokémon made from fossilized eyelashes of Mew, should it also be a cat? Maine Coon? Big and a little cute.)

(Alpaca is not bad...Arzeus hehe...)

(Dragon...As a Chinese, isn't it in my bones to like dragons? Rayquaza hehe...slurp...)


Shi Qiu thought about trying to control his thoughts by training his mental power, but in daily life he liked to let his imagination run wild.

The only progress now is that he can do two things at the same time without any obstacles.

While his thoughts were flying, he could also respond to unexpected situations in the classroom.

He summed up his progress and stepped into the ecological park: "Troublemakers, I'm here to take you home."

What caught his eyes was a mess, and he had a bad premonition.

He walked forward a dozen steps, and sure enough, the distance had turned into a piece of ice crystal.

Shi Qiu walked over and saw that the two little foxes were curled up in a knot, one biting its front paws and the other biting its tail, looking at each other fiercely and unwilling to let go.

Riolu stood aside and seemed to want to persuade them to stop fighting, but he didn't know where to start. Bubble Squirrel hid aside with a gloating expression, with an expression of eating melons and not afraid of trouble.

Shi Qiu coughed twice.

Bubble Squirrel was staring at it intently and didn't notice it at all; Ice Vulpix and Eevee noticed it, but pretended not to hear it; only Riolu took small steps back to the trainer's side, waiting for orders.

The veins on Shi Qiu's forehead jumped.

He patted Riolu's head soothingly and walked forward step by step.

The heavy footsteps drew the attention of the Bubble Squirrel back. He turned his head impatiently, and became obedient in an instant after seeing Shi Qiu. The superb face-changing skills made Riolu stunned and learned a lot.

Bubble Squirrel: These are all done by the two foxes, and have nothing to do with the rat.

Haha. There is no Bubble Squirrel fanning the flames here. He and the surname N.

Shi Qiu glared at the little gray mouse, and his hands glowed, pressing on the two elves respectively, helping them to calm down quickly and healing the small wounds on their bodies.

"I'll count to three, two, and one, and let go at the same time. Three, two, one."

"(Puh!)", "(Puh!)"

He held an elf in one hand.

"You really can cause trouble for me every day, and you're in the ecological park.

He got into trouble in a few days.

He threw Eevee to the smiling Baby Bug and tapped his head gently: "Don't be naughty, only Baby Bug and the others spoil you."

At only level 11, he dared to provoke an elite creature. If it weren't for Vulpix's sense of propriety, other Pokémon in the wild would have lost their lives.

"And you!" He put his hand around Vulpix's neck and shook it in front of him.

"You can't rest for a moment, little devil. Look at the miserable situation around the ecological park! Your trainer is already very poor! Don't make things worse for your poor economy!"

"You should have recorded the scene of you biting Eevee's paw on the ground just now and posted it online. Let your fans see what you are like in private!"

Both foxes wilted.

After being forced by the trainer to apologize to each other, the incident was barely over.

Shi Qiu said hello to the babysitter bug and walked to the door with a few Pokémon.

As soon as he walked out of the ecological park, Bubble Squirrel and Ice Vulpix began to pull at Shi Qiu's trouser legs.

He sneered twice and just picked up Riolu: "You are dirty after the fight, please don't jump on me, thank you."

Then he lowered his head and showed a gentle smile: "Let's go home, Riolu. ”


Foamy Squirrel and Ice Sixtail followed closely behind with their heads down and listless.



On the way home.

The sun sets in the west, and a golden moon falls in the sky at dusk, reflecting the evening sunlight with melodious warmth. A few lines of proud swallows are covered with sunset glow, embellishing the evening with their cries.

The evening breeze gusts, the shadows of the trees are swaying, the boy holds the elf and the other two small figures blending with each other, quieting each other's figures. Under the dim light, dots of yellow haze connect to a hazy mist, and even the elongated shadows have a poetic warmth.

The street painter and Tutu dog, looking at this fateful scene that seems to be set off by the world, put down the painting. Pen.

Setting sun and lights, tree shadows and human figures, boy and elf.

Tutu dog carefully traced the boy's gentle eyebrows and eyes, and his slender fingers gently rested on the head of Riolu in his arms.

One glance for a thousand years.

Riolu moved gently in his arms.

Shi Qiu couldn't help laughing at the dog's dark red face.

Too well behaved, especially in comparison with the other two things.

Even when holding him, Riolu would carefully adjust his posture, worried that the trainer would feel uncomfortable holding him.

At this time, if he could hold a good-looking and well-behaved cat in his right hand, his life would be complete...

The boy thought about it, sighed, picked up the two little ones who were tired behind him, and put them on his body.

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