The power of the waveguide?

The next moment, Shi Qiu felt that his whole body was filled with unbearable energy, and subconsciously tried to mobilize the energy in his palm to release it. Then he saw a blue ball of light suddenly appear, and it expanded rapidly in just a moment.

N reacted very quickly: "Zoroark!"

The out-of-control waveguide missile was instantly knocked into the sky by Zoroark, and the green protective shield rose on the spot to cover everyone, firmly avoiding the pouring energy fluctuations.

Riolu felt the terrifying power of the waveguide missile in a daze.

Are you Riolu or am I Riolu?

After clearing the excess runaway energy, Shi Qiu suddenly felt refreshed and didn't look scared. He smiled and thanked N.

Then, he stared at a little white fox mischievously, without saying anything, just looking at it thoughtfully.

Ice Vulpix was a little puzzled at first, but soon reacted and the heartless smile on his face disappeared.

Forget it... It's too embarrassing for a Pokémon to be unable to beat a trainer...


The next day, Shi Qiu spent a lot of effort to coax Zoroark down from him with tears in his eyes, and handed him over to N to help take care of him.

In the defense match, the three little ones no longer developed skills and tested tactics. With full firepower, they helped the No. 6 ring directly become the well-deserved big boss.

A blizzard like an avalanche, strange singing and ringtones, and indiscriminate firepower coverage of sky-high wave missiles.

If the first day is a display of talent and personal, then the second day is pure violent aesthetics.

"Lu Qing?" Looking at the familiar person who just came up, Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You have already used one chance, right?"

Lu Qing nodded: "Yes! Junior brother, be careful, I am very confident! I am the strongest today!"

He threw the Poké Ball, and Sun Eevee appeared elegantly, with a much stronger aura than others.

It turned out that he had broken through to the elite level.

He immediately said: "Let me make it clear first, we are all acquaintances, you are not allowed to use your healing ability to bully honest people!"

"......" Shi Qiu rolled his eyes, "Riolu, wave missile!"

"Trick Space and then mental strength!"

Sun Eevee took the blow hard, and after performing Trick Space with the energy of several wave missiles, his eyes were filled with blue light, interrupting Riolu's subsequent wave missile charging.

Looking at Riolu being captured by telekinesis, Lu Qing said proudly: "Hehe, you better watch out, the fact proves that your senior will always be your senior!"

Shi Qiu didn't know where he got the confidence from: "Screeching sound, tile breaking."

The shrill sound disrupted the telekinesis control of Sun Eevee, allowing Riolu to regain his freedom. But due to the existence of the trick space, Sun Eevee successfully avoided the tile breaking with teleportation.

Lu Qing immediately ordered: "Morning light, restore your strength!"

"Fighting field, dance posture, feint attack!"

Riolu's fighting rhythm changed rapidly, from swift and concise powerful killing moves to flexible and changeable.

"Against opponents who like to fight guerrilla warfare and fly kites and have the advantage of terrain..." Shi Qiu looked at Sun Eevee who used teleportation to escape, but in the next second he took the initiative to send himself to Riolu's fist, "Feint attack is the best way and trick."

"Lu Qing is going to lose." Off the court, Zhao Li saw this and made a direct judgment.

Song Zi looked at the still struggling Sun Eevee and said, "Elite level, Lu Qing is the only trainer with elite level combat power in this summer camp, right?"

"I seem to see the scene of the group battle tomorrow being carried by two big guys, don't you think so, big sister... big sister? Big sister? What's wrong with you, sister Rong?"

Rong Yue's eyes have lost their brilliance.

She is used to being crushed by her junior brother every day. But why is Lu Qing, who is so careless, suddenly more powerful than her? Ah ah ah ah ah!

And that is a psychic Pokémon! The elegant and beautiful Sun Eevee!

"After the summer camp ends, we will do special training. We must break through to the elite level before college..." Rong Yue murmured in a low voice, "No! We will start special training tonight and strive to be elite tomorrow!"

"Or I will take a look at the previous superpower book and practice my superpowers..."

"Yes! That's it! I will ask the old man for the rosary and spoon for training later!"


Zhao Li and Song Zi looked at her mental disorder and collapsed Taoism, and slipped away



"Wuwuwu...X﹏X, I regret it wuwuwu..." Lu Qing, who was on the field, started crying when he caught Song Zi, "Why did I mess with him? He can fight above his level, why did I think of bumping into him... I could have earned a lot of points, but now, all gone, wuwuwu..."

"It's okay, the official knows your strength and will definitely give you points as appropriate." Zhao Li comforted him casually and carelessly.

Lu Qing rubbed the gold beads on his face: "But! I can experience the joy of fried fish myself! Standing out from all the college students, the figure and talent on the ring that can compare to Shi Qiu's junior... What a good opportunity to show off, I didn't even want it!"

Song Zi and Zhao Li were washed away by the dirty and harsh crying sound and faded away on the spot.

", that person seems to be...?"

Lu Qing, who was crying, caught Rongyue, who was also distracted, in the crowd. He stopped crying and shouted, "Rongyue, don't run! I want revenge! Dare to challenge me for a 1v1? I am the master today. I must get rid of the anger that you have oppressed me for many years!"

If you can't beat your junior, can you beat the old BOSS? The level crush is very stable!

Hearing this, Rongyue came back to her senses instantly, her eyes became sharp and serious, and she nodded very seriously.

1 hour later...

"Ah wuwuwu...X﹏X, why is this wuwuwuwu..." Lu Qing took back the Sun Eevee with a broken heart, "Is this the supporting role? Being defeated by someone above your level wuwuwuwu..."

Rongyue obviously didn't win easily. She breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat on her face, and put away the extremely embarrassed Kirlia. Although it was difficult, it was really refreshing, and even the depression caused by being surpassed by a latecomer disappeared.

Now thinking about it, she was too arrogant and underestimated the talents of others. She was a little flattered by the title of Demon King, and she was the only one who was admitted by exception, so she unconsciously slacked off. Even though she met Shi Qiu later, there was no gap due to the visible talent gap.

But in the battle just now, the familiar classmate who had been easily defeated many times made her fall into pressure for the first time in a long time. She won the victory with difficulty and quickly corrected her mentality.

Rong Yue showed Lu Qing a bright and sincere smile: "Thank you!"

Lu Qing:......

It means that I feel the malice of the world.

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