The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Unlike Reshiram, Zekrom did not have hair all over his body. He carefully controlled the high-voltage current in his body and carefully avoided the young boy on his body.

Even though he could see that he was extremely uncomfortable, he still accommodated Shi Qiu.

"It's really a bit like Vision Beedrill..." Shi Qiu whispered, carefully studying Zekrom's engine tail.

"Can you use lightning?" It was the legendary electric ultimate move that was more violent than the interlaced lightning.

Zekrom silently condensed a small ball of black mist on the dragon claw, and light was emitted from it from time to time.

"It's gold..." Shi Qiu thought about how Zekrom attacked Articuno before, and muttered to himself:

"Why is the voltage of the staggered lightning blue? Is there any substantial difference between blue and gold?"

Zekrom looked at him quietly without answering.

"What's wrong with Zekrom? Don't you know how to use telepathy? Why are you so silent today?" N lightly set a trap.

"...The appearance of blue electricity is because I release it myself through mega voltage, and the gold voltage is because it is the natural thunder energy guided."

A steady and heavy voice sounded from Shi Qiu's heart.

"So that's it, so this is why the power of staggered lightning and staggered fire doubles when used in succession?" Shi Qiu nodded seriously and tapped on the simulator.

"Can you use 100,000 volts once in mid-air?" He asked without raising his head.

The black dragon hesitated for a while, and after a while, the lightning condensed on the dragon claws was released.

"Hmm... even the external manifestation of 100,000 volts is blue electricity..."

"What about thunder?..."

"Try the Thunder Fang..."

"... Well, the next one is the Dragon Claw..."

"Okay, so that's how it works?"

[Race: Zekrom]

[Attributes: Dragon, Electricity]

[Features: Megavoltage]

[Carried Item: Dragon Gem]

[Level: 122 (First Level God)]

[Power: Ideal (87.1%)]

[Known Moves: Dragon Breath, Primal Power, Thunder Fang, War Cry, Split, Crushing, Mind Hammer, Dragon Claw. Hundred thousand volts, interlaced lightning, loud noise, thunder, seal, reverse scale, lightning strike...]

[Teaching moves: Thunder Fist, Slam, Hold...]

"Ideal power." Shi Qiu unconsciously touched his forehead and asked Him directly: "What is power? Is it the source of strength for a first-level god like you?"

Black Dragon knew that Shi Qiu asked because of his previous deification. After thinking for a while, he answered him in a deep voice: "Power can represent very complex things, but its essence is very simple."

"For example, after the birth of Black Dragon, the word ideal appeared in the elf world. Rather than saying that I represent ideals, it is better to say that I am the embodiment of the meaning of ideals."

"And you, who inherited part of the godhood of Celebi, who represents the cracks in time, your essence will inevitably transform into this phantom elf."

Hearing this, Shi Qiu's hand that was recording the data froze.

"But don't worry." Black Dragon's calm tone suddenly added a little more meaning, "You will always be yourself."


Since Zekrom said so, Shi Qiu ignored the question like an ostrich, "Okay, thank you, can I use the dragon claw with one hand and the thunder fist with the other hand?"

He promised that it was purely for rigorous observation and practice, and he didn't mean to be angry with the riddle man.

Black Dragon: ...Silent but obedient.

N smiled as he watched the extremely taciturn and aloof Black Dragon being manipulated for a whole night. His own high character as a first-level god was completely shattered before he could re-establish it.


Shi Qiu sat on the sofa with Zoroark in his arms, holding Zekrom's extremely detailed information in his hand, and was a little worried:

"It's over. I'm busy getting information, but I can't seem to publish this paper?!"

What should he say when the authenticity and specific source are questioned by professionals such as archaeologists and theologians?

I just said that I have a Zekrom in my simulator. Do you know or do I know?

"Heh." Shi Qiu looked at the news from the admissions team of Shuimu University and pondered, "There is still one month left in the summer vacation. How about going to the American region to have a look?"

The American region is one of the top regions in the Alliance world. After Shi Qiu's general understanding, most of the elves in the region are elves unique to the Unova region in the elf world.

They are

The main characters of the Dragon God Ruins that are open to the public are the Black Dragon Zekrom and the White Dragon Reshiram. Even if only a small part of the content is available for viewing, it is precious enough.

"That's decided." Shi Qiu threw the information aside, picked up his phone and started booking tickets. "The information displayed is useless to others, but it is useful to me! This is simply equivalent to using the answer to the question."

Then I will collect the information on the Internet, and this paper "On the Ideal Black Dragon-Zekrom" can be published.

"It can also be used as a stepping stone to the Department of Theology at Shuimu University."


"What?! You are already on the plane?!" Lu Qing said to the phone in surprise.

"No, I'm boarding the plane." Shi Qiu said perfunctorily, "What's the matter? Tell me quickly, I have to turn off my phone soon."

Lu Qing shook his head at the people around him, and then said to Shi Qiu: "Someone from Kyoto University is here... and the champion of the Huaxia region. I didn't find you at your house this morning, and I couldn't get through on the phone, so I found you at school."

"Are you still at school?"

"...You're focusing on the wrong thing!"

"Oh~" Shi Qiu changed his hand to hold the phone and took the luggage from Riolu's back, "What do you want to see me for?"

"It should be private. One is to discuss enrollment issues, and the other is related to Articuno."

Private? That's fine.

Shi Qiu replied indifferently: "I'm on the plane now, and I'm going to go to the United States to play in the last summer vacation before college... to study. Please help me tell them."

"Thank you, senior, I'll bring you some local specialties when I come back."

With a snap, the call was disconnected.

Lu Qing looked at the black screen of Rotom and smiled awkwardly at Long Luo.

The black-haired young man from Kyoto University next to him was not so friendly. He sneered: "You should go to the Ice God to find out about the Ice God's affairs. Why are you running over here to catch a kid?"

Long Luo's expression did not change. After a long silence, he laughed out loud.

"What position do you stand on to say this, Mr. Rong Dao, the evil king? I heard that Kyoto University is being questioned by the upper level now. How can you still have the heart to come and recruit him?"

"I also heard that the child has already contacted Shuimu University?"

Rong Dao laughed, but the veins on his forehead jumped.

Long Luo said goodbye to everyone politely and glanced at the youngest rookie king in the Huaxia region.

He is still too young to show his emotions on his face.

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