The last thing you see is a dead tree.

In the flames of the embers, something was born from it.

It was two balls of light.

[Fragment of the Godhead: Contains a strong source of electricity. (Power feedback has dissipated.)]

[Holy Ashes: The last source of power of a Heavenly King-class Vulcan Moth, containing very little source of fire.]

[Current status: Pilgrimage offering - - There is no threshold or negative effect when inheriting and absorbing. (My God, I am willing to offer you everything that belongs to me.)]

Shi Qiu shook the goose bumps on his body unnaturally.

"Leave." N looked outside, "The local police station will be here soon."

After five elves with peak combat power demolished and cleaned the underground on a large scale, their traces disappeared completely.

Half an hour later.

"What did you say?!" A police captain shouted at his subordinates.

The police officer who came to report handed over the investigation report that was made at the last minute: "Yes, Captain. In addition to the large-scale energy fluctuations detected at the scene, there are only irreversible wreckage left."

"Arrogant, arrogant."

The sheriff gritted his teeth, and his mood, which was not so good because he was awakened from his dream for an emergency meeting, became even more irritable. "Have the psychic elves applied?"

"It has been applied and is on the way." The police officer frowned and pointed to a data in the report,

"But it is very likely to have little effect. The destruction at the scene was caused by extremely strong evil energy, so even with the assistance of the Eye of Miracles, the future prediction and other peeping skills are still likely to fail."

"Humph, the action is so decisive and swift, I can't think of another one except the Heavenly Team." The sheriff snorted coldly, "Report this name directly."



In the simulator, Shi Qiu squatted beside the unconscious Zeraora, watching the rapidly declining energy level on the panel.

With the slow transmission of the power of Changpan, Zeraora suddenly opened his eyes. Seeing the residual red light inside, Shi Qiu subconsciously mobilized the power of waveguide to defend himself.

This was a lucky coincidence. After Zeraora screamed, the red light in his pupils slowly faded away.

"It's a bit similar to the control hypnosis of the dream-inducing tapir and the squid king."

It just so happened that the power of waveguide is a kind of spiritual power, so it can help Zeraora regain his mind by accident.

"...Hello?" Looking at the panting and silent phantom elf, Shi Qiu tentatively greeted, "Do you remember what happened before?"

"(I remember.)" Zeraora responded in a low voice.

Seeing that he was still emotionally stable and mentally clear, Shi Qiu increased the delivery of life energy in his hand: "How did you get controlled by the people of the Celestial Team? Those humans who commanded you before."

"(Humans?)" Unexpectedly, Zeraora shook his head and denied, "(No, I was not captured by humans.)"

His cat face showed a disgusted expression: "(It is an extremely powerful evil god. After I was defeated by Him, He controlled and captured me with a"

"(The humans before, they only gave me orders because they got the ring.)"

"Circle?!" Shi Qiu exclaimed in surprise.

No wonder, he said why Zeraora's combat quality and reaction speed were as ridiculously strong as in normal state even in the controlled hypnosis state.

If it was controlled by the brainwashing of the elves such as the Dream Tapir and the Squid King, even if it was at the peak combat power, the elves controlled should be extremely mechanical and rigid.

But if it was Super Demon God Hoopa, his control was not in the same dimension as that of ordinary elves.

This was the second time Shi Qiu encountered Hoopa attacking the phantom elves.

"Then you should rest here first." Shi Qiu took the "processed luxury ball" from Zeraora and said to him gently, "We'll talk about the future later."

Zeraora looked at him quietly without refusing, as if she had agreed.


Shi Qiu held the four elves and looked around in the simulator store.

"Let's do a big purchase before we go back."

"I'm fair, 1,000 gold coins per person, see what you want."

[Spread flowers, welcome! ] A small blue subtitle.

Shi Qiu looked at the store window in front of the four little ones, bare and empty.

[Super discount, super discount, light stone price reduction! ]

[Light stone]

[Price: 1,000 gold coins]

[Category: heavy

Ask for props]

[Basic information: What Reshiram's body looks like after it is destroyed. It is said that it is waiting for the arrival of the hero (marked in red). ]

[Simulator cute reminder: This post is on sale with tears in your eyes! It symbolizes the real Reshiram, and you are the most handsome. Why don't you click the button next to it and buy it quickly! ]

He looked at this simulator with a problem and went crazy quietly.

After a while, [Price: 1000 gold coins (crossed out), 100 gold coins]

Shi Qiu: ...

He swiped out a screen and started typing: [Are you conscious? ]

The cool blue window of the virtual world was visibly blurred and stuck for a while.

[Hey~ o(*≧▽≦)ツ]

Shi Qiu turned off the virtual screen expressionlessly, thinking that he needed to wash his eyes.

A few minutes later...

"Oulu. (Shi Qiu.)" The blue puppy tugged at him carefully and pointed to his shop window. Shi Qiu looked over subconsciously.

[Hurry up and give me your house...]

The vicious subtitle that had not yet disappeared quickly turned into a warm welcome.

Oh, there are still two faces.

He immediately looked at the screen shops of the other three little ones. There was also a subtitle with a bad tone above the empty space.

Zoroya was a cub and couldn't understand it at all. He was tilting his head and thinking seriously.

Ice Vulpix was facing an unmelting ice that cost 800 gold coins, struggling and drooling, and didn't notice what was added at all.

Bubble Squirrel saw it, but swiped the subtitle aside calmly and indifferently, and continued to add things to the shopping cart with his eyes shining.

Shi Qiu patiently waited for several elves to satisfy their shopping addiction, and did not forget to comfort Riolu: "Be good, don't mind it, learn more from Bubble Squirrel, just pretend you don't see it."

After the elves spent all their gold coins, Shi Qiu slowly opened his shop window and looked at the Light Stone that had been reduced to 1 gold coin.

He typed calmly and calmly: [What? ! You can actually control the price of goods?! So my friends' purchases are likely to be directly ripped off by you! ! ! ]

[Don't slander people! I can only adjust the prices of important props! ]

Shi Qiu: [A piece of non-melting ice is 800 gold coins, so expensive, aren't you robbing people? ]

[! ! ! ! ! ]

[Where is it expensive! It has been this price for so many years, okay, don't talk nonsense with your eyes open, it's very difficult for me to simulate the world! …]

Shi Qiu was too lazy to continue acting: [If you give me some gold coins, I can consider it.]

After saying that, he took out the ticket and went back to the real world with the elves.

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