Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1026: Birthday Banquet 1

The day after day, Qu Xinrui’s birthday soon arrived, and the people who will be delivered will also bid farewell to their family on the second day after Qu Xinrui’s birthday, once again away from their homeland. , was taken to the place where people are suffocating. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

On the evening of the day, after Xiongba and Qingyu handled the things in the church, they immediately went to the room where they were innocent. Today they will go to Yunxiaoge together to give the birthday.

It is a birthday, but there is no wish on the face of Xiongba. His gift is prepared by Qing Yu. If you clean up the good things, you will take a bottle of medicinal medicine from your own Qiankun bag and take it in your hand. .

When Xiong Ba saw the medicine bottle in the hands of Jun Wu, he also curiously asked: "What is this?"

"Greetings." Jun is innocent.

Xiongba’s eyes widened.

"Do you still give the old enchantress a gift?"

The innocent eyes of the immortality fell on the two brocade boxes held by Qing Yu.

Xiongba’s face was red, and he coughed and coughed.

"This is prepared by Qing Yu, I will not give anything to the old demon woman, a copper plate is not given."

Qing Yu looked at Xiongba with a smile, he was not prepared, but he did not mention him alone?

"Jun Gongzi don't mind, our lord is this temper, let him go to the birthday banquet has no difference with the execution of the punishment, the birthday of the year, the gift is my preparation for two, the monarch does not count I don’t care if I don’t send it to people in the Beast City."

"That's it." Jun did not care about this bottle of medicinal herbs. When she was idle in the Beast City, she did not know the situation through the news of the nightingale, that is, refining the medicinal herbs. She is not reluctant to have such a bottle of medicinal herbs.

Seeing Jun innocent persistence, Qing Yu does not say much, but it is a bear smack of a face, really like Qing Yu said, keep up with the execution ground.

The three left the fire hall and went to the Yunxiao Pavilion.

Although it was already in the evening, but in the Beast City, it was brightly lit. Outside the door of each household, the lanterns were hung high, and the bright red color was all the same. At first glance, the redness of the whole street was red.

"Every year her birthday, in the Beast City, every household must be hung red light to show that the people of the city are celebrating." Qing Yu looked at the red lanterns on the street, explaining to Jun.

"It's all a strong man's move. If she is dead, I am afraid that everyone in the Beast City will be willing to hang a red light to celebrate!" Xiongba said.

Qing Yu glanced at his own owner and whispered: "If there is more dissatisfaction with the bear owner, it will be said in the hall. If it is heard, there will be no good things."

Xiongba snorted, though dissatisfied, but really did not say anything more.

Jun looked at the red lanterns and only felt a little dazzling. She did not wear the big man and the **** rabbit, but they kept the two rooms in the two rooms in the yard, because the black cats would follow She went with him, so the move was to prevent the two stupid children from dismantling the house during her absence.

The trio's footsteps were not slow, but they quickly came outside the Yunxiao Pavilion.

The seven-storey Yunxiaoge is now a lantern, but the gate is closed. Outside the door, people who have come to Heshou are standing there waiting.

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