Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1043: I don't need 2

With the words of the innocent, Xiongba and Qingyu hung in the heart of the air and put it down. August 1st? Wenwang W (1) W? W. 81ZW. COM

Even if the innocent is just a simple four words, it gives them a great sense of security.

"Cough, I want to say, is Lin Feng today a bit of a problem? How do you want to find death in front of Qu Xinrui's old enchantress? He is usually very arrogant, but in front of Qu Xinrui is honest, very Today, like the wrong medicine, it’s crazy.” The bear tyrant who let go of his heart immediately shifted the topic.

Lin Feng’s work today is simply stunned.

Dare to play Qu Xinrui’s face on Qu Xinrui’s birthday banquet. Lin Feng is definitely the No. 1 of the Beast City. Although Xiongba does not like Lin Feng, but seeing the point that Qu Xinrui has given to the white, the heart is still Very happy.

"It is the wrong medicine." Jun faint faint opening, the corner of the mouth twitched a few invisible sneers.

No one knows what Lin Feng had when he gave her a toast.

The cup of wine that has been handed over has been coated with poison. Some people may not be able to tell the difference, but the innocence is that it can smell strange when it is smelled. The smell hidden under the wine is very light. It is easy to be mistaken for the scent of wine, but it still escapes the vigilance of the innocent.

It’s a pity that the medicine that can poison her is still not being studied.

Since Lin Feng dared to calculate her, she naturally could not lose her gift.

It is the way to "hospitality" when it comes to courtesy.

When Jun Fen was pouring wine to Lin Feng, he had already explored the silver needle mixed in his finger. Under the cover of the jug, he poured the wine into the needle of Lin Feng, her silver needle. This is small, only revealing a little bit, there will be no one at all.

Qing Yu looked at Jun innocent, her words really made his previous guess more intense, he could not help but ask: "Junzi, you gave ... Lin Feng under the medicine?"

Xiongba’s eyes widened. Obviously, he didn’t even guess that Jun Feng had given medicine to Lin Feng.

"Yeah." Jun no nodded without a cover.

The horror of Xiongba’s face, Qingyu seems to have had this speculation.

"I said, Lin Feng is suddenly so stupid, I just doubt, knowing that after seeing your suggestion, I understand that all this is what you do." Qing Yudao.

If it is not a look at the time, he will not stand up and say those words.

"What medicine did you give him?" Qing Yu asked.

"A little gadget, it won't kill his life, just let his self-control power be worse." Jun no evil opened his mouth, the medicine is not poison, but can affect people's emotions, tap people The inner dark side of the heart will vent its inner restraint. This medicine is the requirement of her previous life, and it has been developed to give the members of the organization who have been suppressed for a long time to vent their emotions. The medicine is very effective. After a short period of time, and after a vent, only a certain amount of stimulation is needed, the effect can be immediately dissipated, and the person will immediately recover.

On the killing, this medicine is the mildest kind in the hands of the innocent.


This kind of medicinal use in a special occasion, after a special time, will have a miraculous change.

With Qu Xinyin’s narrow heart, how could she allow Lin Feng to drop her face on her birthday party?


The goddess Ye Fei opened a new book at night, [the proud male **** lived in my house: 99 times said to love you] walked through the road and missed.

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