Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1085: : 恩断义绝3

The gate of Yunxiaoge slowly opened, and Shenchi stood in the door and looked at Qu Wenhao, who was worried. ??八?一中文?W?W(eight)W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (one) Z? W (eight). ?C(一)O?M?

Qu Wenhao didn't look at Shenchi, but pushed it away and pushed himself to the body. He strode toward the Yunxiao Pavilion.

Qu Xinrui was lying on the chaise couch, and the male pets around him waited cautiously.

Qu Wenhao rushed up in a panic. The weakness of his body made him just step on the top floor. He fell to the ground with a soft wolverine. He struggled to get up and moved to Qu Xinrui step by step.

"Tell your things, do you do it?" Qu Xinrui raised his eyebrows at Qu Wenhao, chewing his cruel smile.

Qu Wenhao's eyes stared at Qu Xinrui, as if he wanted to smash her corpse, full of the hatred of the sky.

Qu Xinrui looked directly at his hateful eyes and gave a chuckle.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I am doing this for the future of the Beast City. The power of the Yan State is much larger than that of the Beast City. If it is able to form an alliance with the Yan State, for the Beast City, Nature is more good than harm, this is what your city owner expects."

"Where is Lingyue!" Qu Wenhao gritted his teeth and looked at Qu Xinrui.

Qu Xinrui raised his hand and retired the graceful male pet, and slowly sat up.

"I said, if you want to see your daughter, you will use the spirit of the evil spirits to change."

Qu Wenhao was arrogantly throwing the soul flute that symbolizes the supreme power and power of the Beast City at the foot of Qu Xinrui!

Qu Xinrui slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at Qu Wenhao.

"I have used the spirit bone flute to control the spirit of the evil spirits, where is Ling Yue!!" Qu Wenhao groaned, and his body trembled with fear.

Qu Xinrui raised her hand slightly, and the male pet who was kneeling at her feet immediately smashed the scorpion flute, and wiped it with her sleeves before she trembled and sent it to Qu Xinrui.

"Oh? So where is the beast?" Qu Xinrui played with the spirit bone flute and squinted his eyes.

"The evil spirits rushed back and took it away. I am not an opponent of the evil spirits. I can't stop her, but the spirit spirit flute has already controlled the will of the beast. If it wakes up, it will obey me." It will come back by itself. Now, you should honor your promise and return Ling Yue to me!" Qu Wenhao clenched his fists.

"Ha ha ha." Qu Xinrui smiled extraordinarily splendid, she looked at the ugly Qu Wenhao with pity, and smiled as she shook her head: "Why are you so anxious? How does Ling Yue say that he also keeps the blood of Qujia, I As a person who is a Qujia, how can I treat her badly? You are relieved, she is on my side, I will naturally take care of it. When the beast comes to you, I will return Ling Yue. You are."

Qu Wenhao's heart panic, and then refused to be side by side, directly rushed to the front of Qu Xinrui, Qu Xinrui brow slightly wrinkled, a palm will fly Qu Wenhao!

Qu Wenhao fell to the ground, and a blood was vomited in his mouth. His head was scattered, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he was stunned by Qu Xinrui.

The eyes of the evil spirits, Qu Xinrui was rather unhappy, she frowned: "What are you worried about? Or are you worried that if you can't wait a few months, how many more grandchildren will you be?" Qu Xinrui laughed abruptly.

"You can rest assured that I sent the past, but the beautiful men who have been carefully selected, even if they have children, I believe that they are also a beautiful baby."

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