Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1306: Departure 2

Jun had no eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. He looked at the innocent and confused appearance and smiled:

"This paragraph, I will take you down. Eight?? One Chinese W? W (a) W.81ZW.COM"


Jun has no medicine to hold some doubts, and he has slowly stepped out of the bounds of the world. His feet are volleying above the airflow, and his figure is extremely stable.

"In this way, isn't it more convenient?" Jun looked at the innocent smile without medicine, and the bottomless end of the world, in front of him is like a flat, his feet stand in the air, the figure slowly Go down.

Qiao Chu, who is as excited as the chicken blood, is moving hard to grab the rope and moving down a little. After the previous experience, they have already understood that it is not too fast in the early stage. When it is really difficult, it will be It is the perfect strategy to take out the physical strength saved before.

"Flower brother, do you see that my current technology is good?" Qiao Chu climbed down the rock while showing off his growth to the flower.

However, there was no reaction on the face of Hua Yan. Even his eyes did not sweep to Qiao Chu, but fell behind Qiao Chu, with a hint of surprise at the bottom of his eyes.

Qiao Chu felt that the reaction of the flower bud was a bit strange. It was not like praised him. He looked at the flower gaze.

This look, but almost let Joe Chu slip, fell off the rope!

I saw that when a group of people bitterly pulled the rope down.

Jun has no medicine but holds the innocent and elegant in the air, and the level is falling down with them...

Qiao Chu’s eyes burst into amazement.

He knows that Jun has no medicine to have the ability to do this kind of emptiness, but he never imagined that in such a place where the world is broken, Jun has no use of this ability!

If it is said that Jun has no medicinal extremely fast degree, with the innocent fall to the end of the world, Qiao Chu is more or less can be understood, but ... the degree of no drug is obviously to avoid the decline of them very slowly.

According to this degree, it is not a day and a half to fall to the bottom of the cliff.

How big is this drug-free brother, how long can it maintain this state for such a long time?

Still holding the premise of being innocent...

At this moment, Qiao Chu can no longer use any words to express his own inner waves!

Is the drug-free brother really a person?

Is it human? !

This question began to reverberate in the mind of Qiao Chu.

Compared with Jun’s “exclusive car”, Qiao Chu feels that he is weak, and they have just had more experiences and made more preparations, but they are more self-sufficient than those who are not innocent. .

Qiao Chu silently removed his gaze and looked at the flowers. "Flower brother, you said that if I don't have physical strength, would my big brother take me a ride?"

The flower buds finally moved their eyes to the face of Qiao Chu. He was extremely calm: "It is more likely that you will jump yourself."

"..." Joe Chu Momo.

Although the facts are 100%, but... can you not say so directly?

Ever since, when everyone is complacent, the king is innocent, but he is safe and secure in the arms of Jun, and enjoys special welfare.

For this, everyone is selectively ignoring.

too painful!

Can you not be so irritating! They would rather have no medicine to bring Jun without evil!

Do not stimulate them to suffer from this group of people!


A North Hand: Sir Alex, is the recent drama still satisfactory?

Sir Alex: Hey.

A North: So, talk to you about one thing.

Sir Alex: The monthly ticket?

Some North: No, no! It’s the big penguin who recently opened a voting activity. It’s necessary for the budding readers to vote for it. Do you think that you are helping me to pull a ticket? You see that I have given you a lot of benefits recently. Is it fun?

Sir Alex:

A North: I have put the voting URL comment area on top. If you don't need to bother with it, give it off, reveal a butterfly bone, mermaid line, oh... almost.

Sir Alex: Yes.

A certain north: grateful to zero!

Sir Alex Ferguson: As soon as possible, write me and Xiaoxie's room for a night, and I will satisfy you.

Some north:...

[Cough, I am really not good at asking for tickets. Recently, Big Penguin has done an activity. I hope that Mengmeng readers will vote for it (no money). The voting address is in the post of the comment area. I beg you~ ~~]

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