Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1312: Re-exploration 6

"Cough... little evil, you are really...tact!" Qiao Chu gave a thumbs up to the innocent, under the pressure of the evil domain, she actually thought that she would not want to shoot, this timid him Enthusiastic. August 1st? Chinese text W≥W≠W≤. ≥8≤1=Z=W. COM

Whoever doesn't know the means of the evil domain is the most terrible. Who knows that there will be more terrible things hidden in the ice. If they change to them, they will not dare to destroy them. What if they come up with something?

The innocent and clean way, let Qiao Chu feel that... they really think too much!

Jun has no medicine to look at the innocent and beautiful face, and a chuckle, sometimes people are restricted not only because of the difficulties they face, but also because of their inner fears and uneasiness, but these Negative emotions seem to be rare in the body of the innocent.

At least for now, he hasn’t had these negative things on the innocent.

"I don't know how big the area of ​​this ice thorn is. I think, we will take turns to break the ice, and other people can take the opportunity to recover their strength. In this way, they will not consume too much spiritual power." The dense ice thorns suggested.

If a person is continuously broken, although there is not much spiritual power in each time, but in the case of not knowing how long the road is, excessive consumption is a danger, it is better to take turns, each time each person consumes There is not much spiritual power, and the degree of assurance can guarantee the recovery of spiritual power.

Jun nodded and nodded. She also had this plan. She was only trying it out. The energy she spent was very small. If she used all her strength, the effect would not be so much.

Soon everyone started to act, they embarked on the ice layer that was opened up by the innocent, and Joe Chu took the lead and decided to go to the first battle!

He condensed the spiritual power of the whole body, and instantly raised the spiritual power of the blue to the state of the purple spirit, and slammed the ice thorns toward the front to strike a magical light!


Huge noises rang in the ears of everyone, and their front was smashed by Joe Chu, a huge open space, and countless ice thorns shattered under the bombing, showing an open space of about ten meters in diameter. Area.

After Qi Chu’s attack, he immediately regained his spiritual power. He smiled and grabbed his life. He looked at his own little friend, and he made a slap in the face. His face was filled with the triumph of “I am the best in the world”.

However, he did not receive a claim, even a look of appreciation.

"Idiot." Non-smoke is so disgusting that he looks at Dessert Joe Chu.

"What? You are envious!" Joe Chu stunned his eyes, and he felt that he was so handsome and handsome!

"You are not stupid! We are not looking at your ice, spending so much spiritual power, but also using the purple spirit, are you not using more spiritual power?" It is only necessary to say that the walking area only needs about three meters in width, but Qiao Chu is stupid and smashed a large pit with a diameter of ten meters. This is completely useless. It is big, but it can provide them. The effective path is only ten meters...

I want to know that Jun Wuxie just shouted a bit of spiritual power and opened up a three-meter-long area.

Qiao Chu, such a painstaking act, in their eyes, it seems that the truth is... stupid! ! !

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