Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1315: Rotary forest 1

How far is the scope of the drug-free attack?

Qiao Chu didn't figure it out. They only knew that they hadn't encountered any ice thorns in front. It was like a squally wind, and there was very little mess. Only the broken ice **** was left on the ice. Clear, it is good-looking.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

On this road, they walked one day and one night, above the ice, the temperature was very low, and the fingers were numb. The pedestrians had to increase the consumption of spiritual power and maintain their body temperature.

If there is no such thing as a "big knife", they are afraid to spend more time along the way.

The 100-meter-wide impact marks spread from the ice to the fog, and as the temperature rose slightly, it indicates that this glacier trip is finally over.

In the midst of joy, Jun did not frown, but frowned slightly. In the humid air, she smelled a very pungent smell. The smell inhaled into the trachea, causing a tingling burning of the entire trachea. Feeling, it is like inhaling a poisonous gas mixed with strong acid.

"Wait a minute!" Jun has no intention to stop. The smell is getting stronger and thicker. She can clearly feel the tingling of her trachea after being burned. In the cold environment, people The perception will also drop, which paralyzes the feelings of others.

"What's wrong?" Joe Chu licked his hand and walked on the ice one night and one night. He felt that the coldness passed through the sole of the shoe, and he stabbed him.

"Don't move around first." Jun ignorantly smelled the pungent smell in the air. "You didn't smell anything strange?"

Several teenagers stopped and tried to smell the smell, but the nasal cavity that had been invaded by the cold air for a long time had already been frozen and paralyzed. The cold air into the nose was a bitter pain, and the coldness of the long time made them There was a problem with the sense of smell, and nothing was noticed.

"I can't smell anything, my nose has to be frozen." Non-smokers licked the blushing nose. The temperature here is low and scary. They use the spirit to carry out the body to maintain a certain body temperature, but they don't dare to have the slightest Stay, a little more in a place to stand for a while, their soles will freeze with the ice.

The temperature is too low, so that the mist in the air is mixed with some finely divided ice slag. The ice **** is sucked into the lungs with their breathing, and it is cold and cold, and even the breathing becomes a torture.

"I can't smell anything." Rong Ruo shook his head.

Huali and Vatican are smarter. They know some hot air and use their hands and noses to warm their noses, but the effect is not obvious. They freeze too long, they can’t smell anything. The smell.

The strength of the nightingale and the night charm is very strong. This low temperature has little effect on them, but in the same way, some pains are not effective for them. They are not as sharp as the spirit.

"What is the little evil child?" Jun has no medicine to look at the innocent and cautious appearance.

Jun Wuxie frowned and said: "It is still unclear, but there is something wrong with the fog here. There must be something different in it." No one can use it to make judgments. Jun can only act according to his own speculation.

She took out the Qiankun bag from her waist and handed a few medicinal remedies to Qiao Chu.

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