Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1319: Rotten bone forest 5

The growth period of the saprophytes is extremely long, but after breaking the soil, there is no need to absorb the flesh and blood of the human beings. After the seeds are grown with the poisonous juice, the saprophytic tree can produce the venom with strong corrosiveness. Self-sufficient. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

From the trunk, roots, and leaves, the rotten bone tree is highly toxic. It is necessary to say that it takes only one and a half points on the skin, it will be corroded, and it is extremely corrosive and can corrode the bone, so it is worthy of Coral tree.

It is not known how vast the forest consisting of the rot-trees in front of them is the number of rot trees planted here. It is simply an incalculable number.

If the ice thorn is challenging people's cautiousness and meticulousness, then it is really a life to cross the forest of rot!

The sclerosing tree itself is a huge venom reservoir. Even if they are destroyed, the venom in the trunk will not disappear, but will fall directly on the ground and will not disperse for a long time.

This kind of venom with extremely corrosive nature could not pass. Qiao Chu tried to throw the hard iron rope on the green venom. As a result, the two-necked iron wire was corroded in the moment when it was not venom. Second net.

Joe Chu took a breath of air.

"Hey, this venom is a bit awkward!" Where is this venom, it is simply corpse water!

"Light is the smell of these venoms is enough to kill the lives of people, not to mention directly sprayed on, if someone stepped on one foot, afraid that they can not lift the second foot, one leg will be cleaned." They rubbed their eyes and stalked them. They were only walking around the thinnest areas of the peripheral toxins for a while, but that is, the toxins in the fog had already killed their group of people.

The potency of this poison can be imagined.

"Can we walk carefully through the woods? These trees are dense, but they are much larger than the distance between the ice thorns. If you go over, it should be relatively easy. If you don't destroy the trees, you can do it. ?" Non-smoke opening.

These trees are very dense and compact, but because of their large size, the branches and leaves spread widely, so the spacing between them is enough for people to pass, only one foot can be accommodated in the ice thorn. It is much better.

Unfortunately, Jun did not feel evil but shook his head.

“These trees seem to be very common, but there are very small thorns on the branches and vines of the rot tree, which can easily cause bruises.” The trunk of the sapling tree grows in a regular pattern, not straight up. But staggered, twisted, and the distance between the tree and the tree looks very spacious, but look closely, at the height of the human chest, the drive of the rotten bones has been distorted to a strange angle, those claws The branches almost cover all areas above.

If you want to pass, avoid, you can only bend forward, but how big is this forest of decayed bone trees, no one knows. Once you enter, there is no other choice, you can only move forward passively.


Unlike the ice thorn layer, even if the fire beads are used, because the leaves are too tall and dense, it is impossible to throw the fire beads too far and see the area in front, so that for those in the forest, Very dangerous choice.

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