Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1325: Engulfed sand 1

In the forest of the rot, the white frost covers the torso, branches and vines of each tree. Whether it is far away or into it, it will feel that everything is beautiful, but the people who really understand the origins of the sacred tree are There is no such feeling at all. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

In the forest of saprophytic trees, the white bones that fall under the trees can be seen everywhere. The flesh of those corpses has rotted, and the clothes on them have vanished. Even the remaining bones are incomplete.

The venom of the saprophytic tree has a strong corrosive effect. In those existing bones, it can be said that none of them are intact, almost all remain after being corroded, and some of the corroded places still have black marks.

Everywhere in the world, there will be hidden dangers. The more you understand this, the more you will be shocked by everything here.

Every place seems to be the result of careful preparation. All the functions are to send those who disturb the evil spirits to hell.

Without a map, I want to find the tomb of the evil emperor here. It is really not something that can be done in a few years.

This tiring bone is a proof of the dangers in this place.

The area of ​​the forest of the rot is very wide, and it is several times that of the ice thorn. On the way, they are not evil. Because they want to avoid the rot tree, the progress is not fast. After five days, they only take a break, but even sit. There was no time for a little while on the ground.

These saprophytes are all watered by venom. The whole forest suddenly contains highly toxic, and the consequences of long-term exposure are unimaginable. Even if there are poppies, everyone does not dare to take such risks.

Low temperature, exhaustion, and no longer suffering from everyone's heart, but according to the location marked on the map, they only took a third of the journey.

The whole world is broken and the big is amazing.

On the sixth day, the temperature around the room gave some subtle changes. The low temperature that was enough to freeze the blood seemed to be gradually rising, and the temperature began to warm up. This made the teenagers who had been tortured for a long time finally felt a little relaxed. But I dare not be too lax.

Finally on the seventh day, they can see the edge of the rot tree, which makes them excited.

But the next picture of them, but everyone can not laugh.

At the moment of stepping out of the forest of decay, the temperature around it has risen by a few dozen degrees in an instant!

It used to be cold and cold in the winter, but now it is as hot as the summer.

Closely connected with the forest of rot, like another world, the yellow sand everywhere, the dry wind whizzing past, mixed with gravel on the person's face, as if it was cut by a knife and stinging.

Before the moment, I was in a cold fight, but one step further, Qiao Chu, they felt that the body wrapped in thick clothes began to sweat!

A desert appeared in front of them.

"This...what is...ghost stuff..." Qiao Chu looked at the yellow sand in the ground with a stunned look. The hot heat made him a frozen white face, which rose red in an instant.

The clothes used to keep warm, but turned into a roasting stove at this time, the body is like being locked in a steamer, the uncomfortable people want to vomit.

The extreme temperature makes everyone stunned, and this contrast against the laws of nature is simply unbelievable!

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