Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1332: Lost Mausoleum 2

The map is true, the evil emperor's mausoleum is also true, but they can't find it?

This is really a bit wrong. ?八一中文?W≥W≥W=. ≤81ZW. COM

"Don't worry, everyone should take a break and slowly find a way." Rong Ruo looked at the people after they fell into negative emotions, and they made a sudden break. They were exhausted and their spirits and bodies were greatly depleted. It is impossible to maintain absolute rationality and must not be impatient.

"Let's take a break first. Two Joe gave me your water bag. My water is dry and thirsty." The non-smoke echoed, sitting in the sea of ​​flowers, reaching out and throwing Joe Chu The water bag that came over was in the hand and poured into the throat.

The cool water flows into the scorpion, taking away a little tiredness and appeasing the irritated heart.

Everyone sat down in the sea of ​​flowers, and they have already reached this point. They have no way to go back. It is better to have a rest and rest, and to calm down their minds, they can also restore their bodies.

A rare break, everyone seized the time to restore physical strength, drink water, eat something full, the dry food on them is mostly fleshy, the meat is dry and hard, chewing in the mouth only feels very good, no taste, even eaten For more than a month, their taste has been numb.

What Joe Chu wants most now is to wait until the future to leave the world, return to Laos, eat a meal, and do whatever. He doesn't mind if he keeps the porridge, just don't let him continue to lick this **** meat. dry!

"When I go back later, I have to eat a big meal for a month and eat spit!" Qiao Chu chewed the dried meat in his mouth and spread his arms into the sea of ​​flowers, unlike cold and hot. The temperature here is as warm and comfortable as spring, accompanied by flowers and beautiful scenery. If it is not because of the wrong time and place, it is really a good place.

Unfortunately, he has no feeling of appreciation at the moment.

"Please give me a hot spring, let me make a bubble." Non-smoke lying on it, his dirty himself can't stand it anymore, there is no water source that can be used under the horizon, even if there is, there is no monster inside. It is highly toxic, and every one can touch it.

He only wants to take a warm bath now, and wash all the dust on his body.

Xu was evoked by Qiao Chu and non-smog, and Fan Zhu, who was sitting in the sea of ​​flowers, could not help but ask the silent flower.

"If you go back, what do you want to do?"

Hua Rong looked at Fan Zhuo and thought for a moment: "I just want to take a good sleep."

He can't remember how long he hasn't been able to sleep peacefully. The time to rest in the middle of the world is very short, and there are dangers everywhere, anywhere, even if you sleep, you can't sleep too much.

Van Gogh chuckled and held his chin with one hand: "I just want to go back to Fenghua College to have a look." I don't know his brooding brother, how is the dean done now, and his little one. Is the small bamboo house still there?

The beautiful thoughts gradually calmed down the irritated heart of the youngsters. Everyone’s mouth was hung with a smile. It was the age of young and frivolous, just under the **** side, they would not be easily knocked down.

"Actually, I have always been curious." Qiao Chu suddenly sat up.

"What?" Hua Yan looked at him.

"You said that the twelve temples sent so many people at the beginning, but only our parents found the mausoleum of the evil emperor. Is this too coincidental?" Qiao Chu grabbed his head.

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