Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1335: Lost Mausoleum 5

The innocent eyes of the king can see God and cause them to pay attention to them. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

"Little evil, what to look at?" Qiao Chu sat up, his body was contaminated with a lot of petals.

"You don't guess the girl's mind." The non-smoke snorted, screaming at the inferior garland of the innocent head, and aiming at the stunned, silent, smashing flowers, smashing a lot of flowers, quietly The sound is woven in two hands with flowers in the flowers.

"Oh, girl's heart, I really don't know much about you, yes, smoke..." Qiao Chu deliberately prolonged the tail.

Non-smoke rewarded him with a white eye and continued to be busy.

He didn't have time to take care of this idiot!

"What did you see?" Rong Ruo went to the front of the innocent, with her understanding of the innocence of the king, the flower sea in front of her eyes was afraid that she could not afford to be indifferent to the innocent, and she was not good at it. Why didn’t you suddenly feel right?

Jun did not speak, she just took the garland on her head and took it in her hand, but her eyes did not move half an inch.

Xiao Xiao’s grievances bowed his head and thought that “Little Brother” didn’t like it.

"Look, you see." Jun Wuxie suddenly raised a hand, pointing to the direction of her eyes locked!

Above a sea of ​​flowers, suddenly there was a garland suspended in the air, and the garland was not so fine, very loose, and it was exactly the same as the hand held in the innocent.

"What is the situation?!" Rong Ruo stunned and was shocked by the picture he saw.

The garland suspended from the air is too strange, and with the innocent movement of the garland in the hand, the garland in the distance has actually moved!

"It's a mirror!" Van Gogh slammed and jumped to the side of the innocent.

"Mirroring?" Jun no evil words with doubts.

"I am not very clear, but I have never heard of my mother mentioning one or two. I can't remember." Van Gogh seemed to have caught something, but he was not sure. He immediately turned his head and looked at the side of the king without medicine.

"Big brother, do you know what is going on?"

Jun had no medicine to go to the side of the innocent, looking at the strange picture, but there was no surprise in his eyes. He reached out and took the garland in the hands of the innocent. In the nervous eyes, he slammed the garland high. High abandonment!

The purple garland was thrown into the air, slowly falling, and the petals scattered on the garland fell like snowflakes.

In the distance, it shows the same picture.

No difference!

"Mirror flower water month." Jun's mouthless mouth evoked a smile, he looked down at the innocent.

"This is an enchantment, similar to what I saw before, but it is more complicated. According to different enchantments, different scenes can be reflected. This enchantment should reflect only plants."

In the same picture, only the shadow of the garland, you can't see the figure of the innocent, just like being shielded by a force.

The innocent heart slammed, and she walked away.

A hundred meters away, she suddenly felt a strange pressure, blocking her on the road ahead!

Like an invisible wall, it is impossible to pass.

The heart of the innocent suddenly jumped up. She raised her hand and reached the invisible wall in the air. Her palm could feel the cold touch, and it was like a rock!

The evil emperor mausoleum!

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