Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1341: Evil Emperor's Treasure 3

The more you look at it, the more you are curious about how powerful the demon emperor has fallen. Everything on the mural confirms the great merits of the evil emperor. No one can match in the middle three circles. On those murals, There is a picture that makes the innocent memory of the innocent, the man with the mask sitting on the high position, in front of him, holding twenty-five people. ??八?一中文?W?W(eight)W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (one) Z? W (eight). ?C(一)O?M?

Stumped in a ladder.

For the four, the next nine, and then the next twelve.

If there is no guess in the innocent, this should be the twenty-five people who stood at the top of the pyramid in the Three Kingdoms.

Sifang, Jiugong, Twelve Halls.

Before the evil emperor did not appear, they were the hegemons of the separatist party, but when the evil emperor descended on the evil domain, these top powers had to retreat from the peak of the peak and be convinced at the foot of the evil emperor.

This is the power of the evil emperor.

Twenty-five of the hegemons decided by the Three Centrals, in front of him, only qualified for the title.

Jun No Evil once worked with the people in the Twelve Temples, knowing that the strength of the Twelve Halls is not boasted, and those people are only part of the power of a certain point in the Twelve Temple, except for the gray man. People should not be considered the backbone of the Twelve Halls, but even so, they are still struggling after the encounter.

Above those people, it is the elders and the lords of the Twelve Temples.

Their power is not innocent and they can now deal with it.

One domain, four squares, nine palaces, twelve temples.

The power of the Twelve Halls succumbed to the end of all powers. Only because of the large number and the uniformity of the big masks, did they barely keep the title of the Twelve Halls, but took out any one of the temples alone, not to say that it was a domain. It is that any single force in the Quartet and the Nine Palaces can crush it to death!

It seems that the power of the evil domain is only as terrible as it is in the rumors.

Otherwise, why have so many years passed, the evil emperor has fallen for so long, and the various forces in the Central Three Kingdoms are still afraid of the pressure of the evil domain, dare not expose them to trace the evil mausoleum?

At the beginning, they clearly had obtained a part of the map, but they did not dare to grow up. They quietly sent them to the next three circles to let the people in the lower three circles deal with it. I am afraid that the fear of the evil domain in the heart has been ingrained, and even the guts of the map in the middle three circles are retained. nothing.

"Forcing the bully, you will finally get retribution." Jun innocently sneered involuntarily, the twelve halls were extremely mad, but they were also eaten by the evil domain.

This is not the case in the world. If you can't continue to be strong and you go to a higher position, you will be countered.

Going against the water, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

The innocent is walking, but suddenly the fire that is now emerging is subject to a wave of volatility, and the fire is swaying fiercely. Everything within the aisle is chaotic.

Jun No Evil immediately started the spirit of 120,000 points, and the cells in the body kept a high degree of tension.

According to the calculation of time, the tomb of the evil emperor is closed on all sides, and no one should be guarded. After all, there is no supply of food and water. It is almost impossible to live here for hundreds of thousands of years, but one thing is Jun is not afraid to bite this thing so sure.

That is Wen Yu...

Wen Yu accidentally hit the tomb of the evil emperor, but I do not know why it was sent to the end of the world!

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