Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1348: Mausoleum Day Tour 2

The innocent eyes are slightly closed, just like falling asleep. Eight? One Chinese network? W? W? W (eight). ?8 (one) 1? Z? W (a). ?COM

Soon, the black cat stood up from the arms of the innocent, shook his body and walked to the stone door.

Poppies and drunken eyes are slightly wide-eyed, and they look at the black cat whose temperament has completely changed. I don’t know why, they always have an illusion that their masters seem to have become the black cat who owes it!

"Look at me." The black cat turned his head, against the drunken and poppy.

That voice is the same as Jun No evil!

Suddenly, the two spirits were dumbfounded. They could only look at the black cat and drilled in from the gap between the stone gates with a soft boneless body.

It wasn't until the black cat disappeared for a long time that the drunken lotus looked down and looked at the monk who was sitting on the ground and closed his eyes to raise his spirits. He swallowed the swallow.

The size of the black cat is very petite, the body of the cat is very soft, and the spirit is moved to the body of the black cat. Through the petite body, it passes through the stone door, from the perspective of the black cat. The space in the tomb of the evil spirits became even greater. After entering the stone gate, the dim light swayed slowly, shining on the black cat's body, and printing a small black shadow on the ground.

In the empty hall, there is no decoration. Only a stepped platform has a white jade-carved throne. On the walls of this hall, all of them are painted with vivid murals, but they are only seen in the corridors before. Different from the reliefs, these murals are colored, and the bright colors fill in every mural, which is more beautiful.

It’s just that the vacant hall is a bit strange, and the throne is a bit monotonous.

This is not like the main hall. The innocent eyes blinked, taking the cat's light pace and walking around the hall. She saw far away, on the other side of the main hall, a huge stone door and a half. Covered, she immediately wanted to look at the past.

But when she had just walked to the front of the stone door, a huge black shadow suddenly came from behind!

"Hey?" The voice of doubt suddenly sounded, and a petite figure pushed the heavy stone door and walked in.

The crisp bells of the bells and bells echoed with the figure and echoed in the empty hall.

After hiding in the White Jade Throne, Jun nodded with the soft body of the cat, and looked at the person who suddenly appeared in the hall by the gap under the throne.

It was a young girl about eleven years old, dressed in a black blouse, barefoot and stepping on the cold floor. Her feet were decorated with silver ankles and her ankles. The bell, as her footsteps came a burst of crisp sound.

What makes Jun Jun feel strange is that the little girl's half face is actually wearing a dark mask, the little face exposed outside is not beautiful, barely can only be considered a delicate show.

However, such a little girl would appear in the mausoleum of the evil emperor, but there is something wrong with it.

"Strange, what do I seem to see?" The little girl with a half iron face looked puzzled and looked at the empty hall. She only saw a black shadow flashing in front of her. Why didn’t she? What?

"Oh, is that you?" Her tentative call screamed.

"Hey!" A round black shadow smashed the smoke from the ground with a quick degree!

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