Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1353: Mausoleum Day Tour 7

This time, Jun No Evil saw it with his own eyes. How powerful is the storage capacity of the squirrel, and the treasure of the whole room is swallowed up in ten minutes. Eight? One Chinese?? Network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≤8≈1ZW. COM

After the room was empty, the little girl went to the bucket and cleaned it, repeating everything she had done in the last room.

Only this time, the little girl's side has a "small black cat".

Jun Wuxie just quietly watching the little girl busy, she was planning to go into the mausoleum of the evil spirits first, to see the situation inside, but now it is now given by this little girl who claims to be a refining soul, although the other party does not Injury to her meaning, but the innocent but not intended to provoke the little girl's reason, just by observing the time of the little girl to observe the unknown secrets of the evil emperor's mausoleum.

The mausoleum of the evil spirits is very large, and the big ones are amazing. After the corridor, there is a palace full of treasures. Walking through the palace is a long corridor. In each corridor, there are ten piles connected. The room of the treasure.

The little girl cleaned up the room, and repeated the work that was boring to the extreme.

She occasionally sings a little song, occasionally speaking a few words with the squirrel, and will try to say a few words to the little black cat who just came back.

It is a pity that the little girl is now, the **** of this black cat is more silent than the mouse. No matter what she said, the black cat just listened quietly and did nothing.

After a few hours, the little girl finally cleaned up the room connected by a corridor. She took a break and sat down in a pile of golden mountains, as if the things under her body were no different from the stones.

After leisure, the little girl's attention was quickly attracted to the innocent.

"You came from the outside, what's going on now? Is the flower still open? I haven't left here for a long time, and I don't know what it is like." The little girl seems to be talking to herself, and she seems to be right. Jun no evil said something.

"The last time I went out, I was still trying to get people away, but... if I was told by my brother, I was afraid that I would be angry again." The little girl spit out her tongue and was a little embarrassed. "But is that a good person? There is no resistance."

The confusion of the language makes the girl's words sound strange.

But the innocent but I understand.

If she didn't guess wrong, the "good guy" that the little girl said in her mouth should be Wen Yu's right.

It seems that Wen Yu should have been sent out by this innocent girl, and the town of soul jade, in all likelihood, is the squirrel spit out.


As a guardian of the evil emperor's mausoleum, is such a gentle and innocent temper, is it really appropriate?

Jun Wuxie looked at some natural little girl, I really don't think her character is suitable for a mausoleum guard, but she also noticed the "brother" mentioned by the little girl.

Can it be said that in the mausoleum of the evil spirits, not only the little girl alone?

Her brother is also here!

This thought made Jun no evil suddenly lifted his claws and gently touched the little girl's knee.

This is the first time the little girl received a response from the little black cat. Even if she only touched it gently, she made her eyebrows open, but the half of the iron on her face looked very awkward, obscuring her original innocence. Smile.

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