Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1355: Is this not a dream? 1

A person's momentum can produce earth-shaking changes in an instant. In such a situation, it is not common for a person to be innocent. Even if the momentum has changed, it does not make people feel completely changed, but the "little girl" in front of them. It gave the feeling of being innocent. Eight? One Chinese network? W? W? W (eight). ?8 (one) 1? Z? W (a). ?COM

As if in an instant, standing in front of her eyes, it is no longer the innocent little girl, but the eyes are sharp, and the young boy who is murderous!

The shaking of the earth is more intense, and the roaring sound spreads everywhere.

The squirrel, who was originally on the shoulder of the "Little Girl", smashed out while the iron surface changed. The figure of the palm of the hand turned into a golden saber-toothed tiger when it landed!

"Who is so bold, he dares to damage the palace of the evil emperor!" The original soft girl voice has now become a clear voice of the young boy, and the young boy’s eyes are slightly picked up, and there is a slap in the face!

A loud bang! ! !

Jun No Evil, the hall where they are located, has been broken out by a hard hole!

The shattered stones accompanied by dust, boiled down, and fell on the treasures in the hall, with a crisp sound.

The smog, obscuring the innocent sight, she can only see vaguely, there are several vague figures on the cracked big hole.

Before she could see the other person's appearance, the young boy standing on the side had already rushed up. The residual image he left on the ground was still with the black fog!

"The imperial palace is dead!"

The murderous voice rang loudly, and the boy broke through the dust and smashed into a big hole, and the saber-toothed tiger that evolved from the squirrel rushed up!

When he passed through the dust and prepared to attack the invaders, his eyes reflected a fascinating figure!

I saw a handsome and innocent man walking in the wind, his feet stepping in the air, the wind swelled his long ink, the impeccable face, with a trace of warm anger.

For a moment, the blood in the body of the young man was frozen, and the sudden killing in his eyes was instantly turned into nothing, and he looked at the handsome man who appeared in front of him.


The boy’s words have not been spoken yet, but a black shadow suddenly rushed to him, and he just hit him directly from the air in the hall!

In an instant, countless treasures were rolled up with great impact, like golden rain.

Standing on the top of the huge palace, Qiao Chu and others looked at the figure that was smashed by the night charm, and all the students were too suddenly. They didn't know what happened.

"This... there are still people in this evil emperor's mausoleum?" Qiao Chu stretched his neck and wanted to look down through the broken hole. The smoke in the hall was so smoky that he couldn't see what was going on.

After the ignorance of the innocent filth into the tomb of the evil emperor, this is still anxious in Qiao Chu and others, but once again saw the horrible drug.

The man who always had a smile on his face on weekdays, after the disappearance of the innocent figure, the smile on his face faded. Although he did not say anything, but the smell of the body, but let Joe Chu, several of them feel that breathing has become extremely difficult.

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