Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1358: Is this not a dream? 4

Lonely sneer at night, "When I went into the night, you still don't know where it is! You still need to teach you!"

Finished, lifted his feet in the night, and flew out the night charm!

The figure of the night charm flew into the field of view of the big hole, and the pain in the abdomen that was stunned by the night was so painful that the night’s mouth blew a trace of blood, and the night charm was hiding in the corner of the night. solitary. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

In the night, I use the lips to speak silently and silently: you have to do the whole thing, you have to look like it.

The night charm is in the heart and laughs, this goods are clearly in the communique!

What, he really said something.

Standing on the top of the main hall, Qiao Chu and others looked at the night charm and wounded them. They were anxious and desperate. They couldn’t wait to jump and the guards of the evil emperor’s mausoleum died in the end, but they were stopped by the nightingale.

Just when the night charm was ready to be ordered and the night was so good to play, the night alone suddenly rushed into the vision of everyone.

He is rolling around with a rolling attitude!

"Ah!" There was a painful whine in the night lying on the ground curled up.

That miserable cry made the night charm dumbfounded.

What is the situation?

"Count... I count you... I am not as good as people today... I lost to your hand... I will plant it..." A weak night, sitting alone on the ground, revealing a small face on the outside of the iron face. A pale, uninformed person looked at the past fiercely, and thought that he had a fierce battle between him and the night charm, and was injured by the night charm.

Only the night charm inside the heart is almost vomiting blood.


Really grandma's can!

I didn't see how the goods had this talent in the past!

Lying alone on the ground at night, a pair of expressions "I can't do it, I was seriously injured, I am going to die."

This turning point made the teenagers on the top of the hall suddenly have a deafening cheer!

"The night charm is great!" Qiao Chu excitedly gave a thumbs up to the night charm. In their minds, the power of the evil domain has been ingrained. They never thought about the day when they defeated the evil people. The night charm turned out to be "easy" to defeat the guardians of the evil emperor's mausoleum. These victories really made them feel very surprised!

The night's mouth is slightly twitching, facing the exaggeration of a group of **** teenagers, he feels that his old face is a bit hang-up.

This is really not his powerful, but the nightly orphaned **** will play too.

If this is changed to someone else, the effect may not be so obvious.

However, although the night is so strong, but he has a childish face, and his body is like an unopened child. Even if he has a halo of evil spirits, a half-size child is not in the minds of people. Where will it be strong? Just now he is lying on the ground, with a small face and a miserable appearance. It is really difficult to distinguish between true and false.

In a cheering voice, the night charm is to hold the expression of "coming back to the war," and they nodded at Joe Chu.

I have already understood that the nightingale of the original reason is only shaking his head in secret.

The guardian of the evil spirits was guarded and successfully captured, which solved a major obstacle to entering the mausoleum of the evil spirits.

Jun has no medicine to hold the black cat and the innocent from the sky, slowly standing in the middle of the mess, relying on the night of the ground to work hard to restrain yourself, do not use too hot eyes to go Watch the evil emperor.

Qiao Chu jumped down with them, and after landing, they were immediately shocked by the gold and silver jewels in the room.

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