Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1380: Hunting start 2

This situation has never happened before. The Fuhua Hall specially sent people to inquire about it, but it has never seen the members of its own. This makes them very confused, and thinks about the confusion of the previous three circles, and the lost maps. And the mad temples suddenly had bad guesses. Bayi Chinese W≠W≈W≥. ≠8=1≤Z≥W≥. =C≤O≥M

Sure enough, this time they just met them with the Temple of Fire and they started to fight.

When the soul hall appeared, the battle situation was extremely fierce.

"His grandmother, the grandson of the Inflammatory Temple, really thought that he was the boss. The elders must have guessed it. The people who sent us before will be killed by the grandsons of the Inflammatory Temple." The people were filled with indignation, and they were already prepared to find the way to the mausoleum of the evil spirits. The loyalty and enthusiasm for the floating temple made them feel that it was a kind of dedication.

But died in the hands of other temples, that is the shame of intolerance!

"It’s useless to say anything now. It’s not when they waste time with the Fire Hall. They are squatting in the next three circles. The attention of each temple is scattered. It is the key to find the tomb of the evil spirits as soon as possible.” The man cautiously opened his mouth.

The other people in the Huahua Hall also nodded and echoed. After calming down, the coldness under the end of the world suddenly made them feel cold. They had to urge the body to keep their body temperature.

This group of people is not the first time to enter the world. They have already entered this place with other teams before, but most of the people in their team have already died. They finally did not find the mausoleum of the evil emperor, but they are survivors. The identity fled back to the Huahua Hall. This time, the Fuhua Hall brought together their veterans and brought a total of 500 people into the world.

This can be regarded as a great team, but unfortunately, when they first entered the end of the world, they encountered the Temple of Fire, and now the number is more than half, leaving less than two hundred people.

However, they are all experienced people. There is not much difficulty in breaking the horizon. Even if there is no map, they have found a safer place with the help of those who have been working in the past few hundred years. path of.

Until they came to the ice thorn layer...

The sharp ice thorns made people look creepy, and the people who were even more surprised by the glitz hall were that they were faintly seeing some people through the fog on the road they knew well!

"Who!" The leading man suddenly whispered a warning, and those who stood behind him had already begun to guard.

However, after waiting for a long time, he did not receive any response, and those vague black shadows were hidden in the darkness and did not move.

One person whispered a suggestion: "The situation is a bit wrong, do you want to see it first?"

The leading man frowned slightly, which allowed his men to throw out a few fire beads, illuminating the ice thorns in front of them.

And this look, but let all of them take a breath of air!

"Mom!!!" The little courage immediately fell to the ground and looked horrified and his eyes burst out.

In the ice thorn layer in front of them, countless corpses are pierced through the sharp ice thorns. All of them are head-down, pierced by the ice from the mouth, and the whole head is worn by the ice. Thoroughly smashed!

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