Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1392: Robbery 3

The poisonous people who were lying on the ground and licking the viscera of the emigrants suddenly felt the danger approaching. One of them raised his head fiercely, and the gray eyes of the pupils reflected a flowing figure!

A loud bang, the brain of the savage poisonous person exploded in an instant!

The innocent figure swept like a lightning bolt, and the body was not contaminated with a little bit of blood. ??八一中文W=W≈W≈. =8≈1≠Z≠W=. ≥C≥O≠M

The poisonous person who had no head fell heavily on the ground, and a stench smell dissipated from his body. The smell caused the attention of other poisonous people. They stopped the action of eating and turned their heads to Jun. evil.

The faces of those poisonous people are covered with violent blue veins, and the five senses have become somewhat disoriented, and they cannot recognize their original appearance.

In the eyes of the innocent, there was a glimmer of fierceness. Before the younger brother of Xiaoxun was poisoned by the people who had returned to the temple, he became a poisonous person. When he ran away, he looked like a sinless, although his face would be somewhat distorted. But definitely not in front of this look.

These people are not the same as the poison people they saw in the country before.

The death of a poisonous person caught the attention of other poisonous people. From the dark corner, there were more than a dozen poisonous people with sly expressions. They surrounded the Qiaochu behind them.

"Ha? I didn't expect the number to be so much." Qiao Chu looked at the poisoned people around him without the slightest fear, but was full of excitement.

The nightingale and the night charm have already prepared for the attack, and the mask on the face of the nightingale has begun to change.

"Several big brothers, these shrimps and crabs, you will grab us, let us come." Non-smoke went to the night to them, indicating that they should not shoot.

At night, they glimpsed a little, and suddenly understood the meaning of non-smoke.

Sure enough, Qiao Chu, a few of their eyes today are full of exuberant blood, purple spiritual power has been condensed in the body of several teenagers!

"It seems that this time, we can steal a lazy." Night charm smiled and opened, consciously stepped back, the battlefield to the group of **** teenagers.

The night of the incarnation of the incarnation touched the nose, and some unwillingly retreated to the side.

In an instant, the figures of Qiao Chu, Hua Yu, Rong Ruo, non-smoke and Fan Zhuo were turned into five streams, and they rushed toward the poisons that came in.

The red flame, like a fire dragon, rushed to the poisonous person. Qiao Chu was in the flame. Suddenly, the fist of the fire broke into the head of the poisoned person. The poisoned man’s head was instantly punched by a fire fist, and even a black hole was hit. When I didn’t say it, I fell to the ground.

After standing in the crowd, Rong Ruo did not rush to the front. She summoned the butterfly, and a branch of the butterfly fluttered and danced in the air.

Rong Ruo’s palm suddenly received!

Numerous nymphs burst in an instant, turning into a little bit of starry dust filled in the air, and those poisonous people inhaled into the lungs.

"Crack!" If you whisper, drink!

A few poisonous people close to her at the moment when her voice landed, the chest seemed to be puncture from the inside, and it burst instantly!

In the cracked chest, the position of the lungs has been smashed into a piece of broken meat.

The strong and incompetent poisonous people, in front of Qiao Chu, have become wastes with no resistance at all, and can only bear the long-awaited killing of this group of teenagers unilaterally!

For a time, the whole town was full of blood and the fire was shining.

Those who are lucky enough to survive, stunned and looked at this unbelievable scene!

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