Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1402: Joint operations 2

Xiao Yan looked confused at the general who stared at his eyes, and subconsciously hid behind the innocent. Eight?? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

The generals of the country took a deep breath and forced the inner excitement to turn to the king of the kingdom and told the rescue of the country.

The king of the king of the country, Daxi, said that the country did not give up on them, but was delayed by the poisoned people on the road. With the rescue of the country, the country was not eager to need the reinforcements of the country. The king of the country also said frankly, I hope that the innocent can lead the Yan State to reverse the current situation.

Innocent and inquired about the crimes of the poisonous people, and thus some clues.

The poisoned people have no consciousness and no ability to think for themselves. At first, only a few poisonous people appeared. The poisonous people were attracted by the breath of the living, attacking the innocent people, and thus the abdomen. At that time, the kings of the countries did not. Careful, but then the scattered poisonous people began to organize an attack on their country.

This situation is very strange. It is obvious that some people are secretly controlling the direction of these poisonous people and turning them into some war machines.

I got the clues I needed, and I didn’t delay my time. I followed them without medicine and immediately rushed to the country.

Xiao Yan was at the wagon window and looked at the eager eyes of the general of the country. I don’t know what to think about.

"I seem to recognize him... but I can't remember it." Little stunned his head, his head creaked, and some vague shadows lingered in his mind, but he didn't really see it.

Van Gogh raised his hand and patted the head of Xiao Yan.

"One day, you will remember everything."

On this road, they have adopted the borders of many countries and they have seen the battlefields that have been broken after the baptism of war.

This time, the battle has affected all the countries in the next three circles. No country can be spared. The poisonous army is like a raging tide, and wants to destroy the entire lower three circles.

In the army of many stubbornly resisting countries, Jun Wuxu saw the army of Yan, Lao, and Laos. They went to various places as reinforcements, supported the struggling countries, and worked hard to use their power. Fight against the poisonous army.

The moon stars are rare, and they are finally in the emperor's capital of the country. Unlike the rich and peaceful city in memory, the emperor of the country now has less peace and quiet, more than a dignified, no longer see the high hanging. The lantern, no longer heard the melodious voice of the song.

The world was disrupted, and the country was also attacked by poisonous people. However, the country of the country was strong, and it was firmly in the position of the first power. It was excellent in both defense and response, and faced countless poisonous people. The attack, but still defended the border defense line, and even on the way to the emperor, they saw many people from other countries, and were placed in the various cities of the country.

The world is rising and falling, and the country has opened its doors to refugees from all over the world, and has included those who fear the fears into this safe place.

It can be said that what I saw and heard on this road made the difference of the innocence quite different. She did not think that the Yanguo would actually do all this properly, and did not choose to protect the body.

All the elegant places in the Yanguo area were closed, and all the financial resources were put into the war.

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