Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1404: Iron Queen 2

No one would have thought that the unclean queen, who was accused by thousands of people, has now become a queen of bloodlines. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

After the poisoned person invaded, she made the quickest decision, strengthened border defense, restricted domestic consumption, put military and financial resources on the battlefield, and established joint operations with Laos and Laos to control the situation.

Those who have insulted Qu Lingyue have now closed their mouths silently.

Now in the Yanguo, no one dares to say that Qu Lingyue is not.

A knock on the door interrupted the thoughts of the little palace girl. She went to open the door of the royal study room, and a guard was excited to squat outside the door.

"Queen Empress! Leave her back... Go back to the palace!"

When the jingle slammed, Qu Lingyue shook the ink cartridge on the table, and she looked up in a strange way. In those good-looking eyes, it was rare to reveal the tension and shock of the girl.

"What do you say..." Qu Lingyue felt that his voice began to shake.

"Your Majesty is back to the palace, and now I am waiting for you in the main hall."

Qu Ling's Yue Yan stood up, the face that had become calm, but there was a trace of tension and the shyness of her daughter's family.


Qu Lingyue looked at the clothes that she had no time to return. She also dyed some ink on her skirt. After a few moments of rest, her face was a little messy.

She is back, but... how do you see her?

"The Niangni..." the little palace woman on the side couldn't help but scream. She was only serving around Qu Lingyue six months ago. She had never seen the appearance of such a daughter's family on Qu Lingyue's face. Nowadays, the world is between All know that they have an iron queen in Yanguo, but who ever thought that when the Queen of the Iron Blood heard the return of her husband, her face would reveal the uneasiness and tenderness of her little daughter?

A voice of the goddess, let Qu Ling Yue a slight shock, she looked at her own robes, took a deep breath.

"Immediately sent people to send the news to the National Teacher and Thunder, let them immediately rush to the palace, the palace ... first to meet the majesty!" Qu Lingyue slightly raised his head, trying to restrain the inner excitement, Stepped out of the royal study.

In the hall of the Imperial Palace, Jun Wu was sitting on the throne and reading the eunuch. The report on the front line of the Yan State suddenly sounded, and she raised her head and touched the dignified and atmospheric figure. Quietly fell into her eyes.

Once filled with the girl's delicate face, there is a playful and lively, more than a dignified and steady, such as feather into a butterfly, temperament is completely different from the past.

One more than a year, if the face is not changed, the innocent woman can't really recognize the woman in front of her, that is, the one who said something to her, then she will face the red ear.

Qu Ling Yue's style comes elegantly in the hall.

"Chen Chen, congratulations to His Majesty, and long live the long lived." The sincere worship, this is the **** in her heart.

Jun Wu has converged on the mind: "Get up."

"Xie Xia." Qu Lingyue struggled to maintain calm, but the hands hidden in the sleeves could not help but shake, she looked at the emperor sitting on the throne, no more than a year, no evil Growing taller, the more slender the body, the heart knows that the other is the daughter's body, but Qu Lingyue's heart is in the moment of seeing the innocent, can't help but jump.

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