Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1432: Wolverine

"Go! Ask who is the main person here, and say that Fuyuantang Luoxi came to visit. August 1st? Chinese network?? W?W?W?.?8(1)1(1)Z(eight)W?.(8)COM"Luoxi frowning, these The attic is also quite good in his eyes. It is a bit strange that such a good place is cheaper. The normal people will not waste so much money on the refugees. Luoxi guesses that there are eight Nine is the arrangement of the Sayādaw. Since it is a co-servant, it is not rude to come to him.

Luoxi did not realize that one of the windows on the second floor of the pavilion was watching his appearance with a cold eyes.

"Missy! Luoxi said to see you." Night charm.

"So fast..." Jun Wu looked at Luoxi, standing downstairs, and his eyes flashed a bit cold.

"Tell him, I don't have time." After saying no, he took back his sight and sat down at the table.

The night charm immediately brought the words of the innocent to Luoxi.

Luoxi did not see the people in the north of the city. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he did not pay much attention to it. The place in Qingfeng City had already fallen into his control, and no one could turn over the big storm.

However, because of such rejection, Luoxi’s face was not very good-looking. When he left, he did not go directly to Fuyuantang, but instead walked in the direction of the city government.

"Young Master, are you going to the city seat?" asked the entourage carefully.

"If the person avoids seeing it, then ask the city owner, still afraid to find out who she is." Luo Xidao.

The followers looked nodded.

In the city's main government, Luoxi sat in the hall, drinking the tea that the next person sent.

In a short while, a middle-aged man with a big waist and a round waist came over. He was dressed in a Chinese costume with a smile on his face and the flesh of his cheeks bulging. It looked very festive.

"How come Luo’s brother is free to come today?" This fat man is the owner of the Qingfeng City. He is also a Renyi person in many refugees. Just looking at his body bone, it is really difficult to associate him with the parents of the worried and worried people. .

Luoxi glanced at the city owner, secretly licked his mouth, and his eyes flashed a bit of disgust, but he was quickly covered up by him. He patted his sleeve and opened the door to see the mountain: "The house in the north of the city was bought." Go, you know?"

The city owner gave a slight glimpse. I didn’t expect Luoxi to come here for this matter. "I know this. The north of the city is originally an idiot who is going to sell to those people who are stupid and have a lot of money. However, it has gained a lot of benefits."

In fact, the shop selling the house on the edge of the Tuen Mun was opened by the celebrity of the city. Although the name of the city owner was not on the bright side, most of the money fell into his pocket. The shopkeepers came a few days ago. When the city owner was accounted for, the city owner knew that someone had bought so many places at one time, and he was quite happy in his heart. You must know that the house price in Qingfeng City is now comparable to that of the Shu Kingdom, but it is not a small amount!

"Do you know who bought it?" Luo Xi looked at the city owner, and he was very clear about the shop.

"It is an eye-catching teenager. It is estimated that the money road has been mixed into the city. How come you suddenly feel so concerned about this matter? Is there any command from the Sayādaw?" The look of the city owner changed slightly, and the tone was slightly tense.

Luoxi Road: "The Sayādaw only let us continue to carry things down, but it is all right. I am looking for you today for the sake of the houses in the north of the city. You know that the houses in the north of the city have been taken out by the teenager to relieve the refugees. ?!"

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