Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1440: Looking for death 6 for a monthly ticket

This is the purple spirit!

Above the crowd, the strongest standing at the top of the pyramid!

Surrounded by the crowds of refugees, such crowds, but it is a silent silence. ? Bayi Chinese network W ≥ W ≤ W ≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W≠. ≥C≥O≠M≠

Looking at the dead bodies lying on the ground, everyone's back has been soaked in cold sweat, the chill of the bones, so that they have not recovered from the killing.

Jun Wuxie stepped on the bright red blood and walked step by step to the old woman who fell to the ground and passed out. Every time she took a step, she branded a bright red blood footprint on the ground. It is like a hook lock of death.

The child who was crying on the old woman who was out of breath, twitched and looked up at the innocent, but in the eyes filled with tears, there was no fear or uneasiness, but full of gratitude.

The child's mind is the purest, he only knows that the big brother in front of him helps him to kill those who bully his grandmother, is his benefactor!

Jun innocently squatted down, looked at the old woman's situation, determined that there was no life worry, she hit a palm, a black shadow smashed out from the corner.

"Give her the medicine and send her to rest." Jun immortalized a medicinal herb to the nightingale.

The nightingale took it silently, took the old woman up and sent it to the attic.

The emperor got up, the killing of the eyes had already faded, but his eyes were still cold and covered with a layer of frost, and the cold scorpion slowly swept over the refugees who were lying on the side, she said: "Today I only allow it once, I will provide you here, not to raise a group of people, stand by and watch the waste, if you do not have the courage to guard your own companions, then roll back to your refugee camp! Here, do not welcome! ”

A powerful enemy is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there is no courage to fight the enemy!

Nowadays, there are nearly a thousand refugees in these attices, even if they are unarmed old and weak women, but if they have the courage to attack and attack, they will not be opponents by the dozens of bullies.

Nearly a thousand people, even if one person throws a stone, can kill those dozens of people alive, but they do not have the courage, just fear and numb standing on the side, watching their companions being bullied!

The innocent top does not look like such a cowardly coward, the strength can be weak, but the heart can not!

The words of the innocent, like a thunder, lie in the hearts of everyone, they look at the children who are standing there and squatting, watching the mother and son who are frightened and frightened together.

The screams and help-seeking business of the woman’s heartbreaking sorrows have now reverberated in the minds of each of them, washing their dusty consciences with shy springs.

They bowed their heads shyly, and their eyes were full of remorse. Today they were bullied by the grandparents and mothers and sons. They chose to stand by and watch, but if one day, such things happen to them, what will they suffer? Helpless and desperate?

"Thank you...Thank you..." The woman who was almost poisoned by her hand held her own child and squatted on the ground to give thanks to the innocent. If it wasn’t for the innocent and timely appearance, their mother and son were afraid that they would die today. this!

When Jun looked at them, they turned and left. The mother and the child were still on the ground and did not want to get up. Until the innocent entered the independent attic and disappeared, the woman trembled and supported her child to stand up. The crying eyes swept over the silent refugees, and there was hate in their eyes.

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