Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1445: Reversing the right and wrong

The arrival of the innocent people immediately caught the attention of those people. Some refugees suddenly saw the innocent figure of the heart, but although they were respectful, the fundus could not help but reveal a sense of fear. Eight? One Chinese?? Network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≤8≈1ZW. COM

The strength of the innocent purple spirit, and the **** killings before, left an indelible mark on the hearts of these refugees. Although they are grateful for the innocent and good intentions of the innocent, they are for these flat people. In other words, the previous scenes were too bloody, punishing the bullies, and letting them involuntarily fear and fear against the innocent.

The city owner had just listened to the words of the refugees, and suddenly saw a handsome young man coming, and all the refugees’ eyes were concentrated on her, and the identity of the other party was determined instantly.

And in the moment of determining the identity of the innocent, his eyes flashed a haze!

"You are the gentleman?" The city owner suddenly smiled and looked at the faceless and innocent.

"What is it?" Jun looked at the smiling city owner with indifference.

"I am the city owner of the Breeze City. The first son of the Qing Dynasty came to the Qingfeng City. There is a saying that everyone is far away. I only heard from these people's mouths that there was a bully to make troubles. Fortunately, the monarchs took the righteous action and put all the bullies. Killing one by one, it can be said that the boy is a hero, do you know if it is true?" The city owner smiled and asked, his face full of praise for the innocent.

Jun no evil looked coldly at the false expression of the city owner, cold voice: "What is it? No, how?"

The city owner smiled and said: "It is not how it is. It just sighs the narrowness of the monarch, but there is only one thing. I don't understand it. I also ask the gentleman to solve it for me."

"What is it?" Jun is still the look of the cold.

On the main face of the city, with a smile, but in my heart, I have been squandered for thousands of times, but I dare not reveal a half point. Only those refugees said that they have killed Liu Er in the innocent. Although Liu’s skill is not good, his men are not good. The people also have no spiritual strength and strong people, but they win more people, but they are innocent but single-handedly killing all the dozens of people. This strength really makes the city owners have to be cautious, but the refugees are always unwilling to disclose. The true strength of the innocent, this makes the city owner can not estimate how strong the spirit of the innocent is, but it is estimated to be around Huang Ling.

"I heard that these pavilions were built by the monarchs. I wonder if it is true?"

The innocent cold eyes swept over the face of the fat man, "Yes."

The city owner smiled and shook his head: "Jun Gongzi is a narrow sense, so I admire it very much, but I really don't understand it. Why do you want to be so loyal to the heroes? Why do you want to win a good reputation? This is really not what a gentleman does!"

The words of the city owner instantly opened the eyes of the refugees.

The city owner said to himself: "This loft, this is what I built for these refugees who have just entered the city. I don’t know why the monarch will give birth to such a thought. I want to say that this pavilion is built by you. The gentleman is young and vigorous. I want to win a good reputation. I understand, but the age of blood is just a matter of lack of consideration. In order to build this pavilion, I have exhausted my life savings. I don’t care about anything. I just think that the monarch is so young and should have done a lot. I really shouldn’t have robbed this credit.”

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