Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1450: Who will judge 2

The city owner snorted and looked at the innocent eyes filled with fear. His eyes flickered and swallowed the swallow: "What... Luoxi... I don't even know what you are saying... Ah!! !"

The words of the city owner have not finished yet, and a silver light flashed past him. The ankle of his left foot was interrupted by the nightingale, and the pain of tearing his heart made him fall to the ground and hurt. . ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

The innocent cold eyes looked at the cold and sweaty city owner, using the wind and light tone: "This is the first time, dare to lie, you don't have to do this."

The lord stunned on the ground and looked at the young boy in front of her eyes. It was obviously such a young man, but the sizzling degree of doing things even made him feel scalp, and the half-delicious kind of soft hand did not. Looking at such a sinless, the city owner was completely Stayed in town, no longer dare to say a lie.

"It's Luoxi! It's Luoxi let me go! It's all he told me! It's not my idea! I beg you to spare me..." The city owner cried, and God knows if it is such a heart-felt one. Sex, even if Luo Xi said that he broke his mouth, he did not dare to provoke her half!

This is clearly a living!

"You want to listen to him?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly.

The city owner nodded.


The city owner was dumb and he did not dare to speak.

"Night owl." The cold and cold voice of Jun is like a lightning bolt in the heart of the city. The city owner can hardly wait for the opening: "I said! I said! I said! Because Luoxi is more intimate with the sage, Any command of the Sayādaw is conveyed to me by Luo Xi. If I don't listen to him, the Sayādaw will sin and me..."

The city lord screamed and cried on the ground, and the innocent sorrow made him understand that if he did not give a satisfactory answer to the innocence today, he was afraid that he would never see the sun of tomorrow.

"Who is the sage?" The tone of the innocent is suddenly cold. Even if it is behind the city or Luoxi, there is a person who controls them. If she does not guess wrong, the poisonous person, It must be related to the "Sage".

"I... I don't know... I really don't know... I only know that the Supreme Master is vast and powerful. It is Luoxi who found me with the Supreme and ordered me to obey the Supreme. Commanding to act, that person is too strong, I dare not listen!" The city owner honestly confessed.

Innocent and asked: "Is it a sign of the sacred person to let the refugees enter the Qingfeng City?"

"Yes... yes..." The city owner nodded.

"Why did he want you to do this?"

The city owner swallowed, "The Sayādaw wants to use those refugees to do something. He asked me to put three hundred old and weak people into the city every day, and after seven days, I will take people to Fuyuan Hall in Luoxi, then Luoxi They will be given a medicine that will make those refugees become paralyzed and unconscious. After that... the Sayādaw will send people to send them to various places..."

Send to various places! Innocent eyes flashed a trace of coldness, combined with her previous inferences and the words of the city master, she probably understood what the sages want these old and weak women to do!

In the past life, Jun Wuxie had heard of an alternative kind of bacteriological warfare. One side of the force used the human body as a carrier to put those highly infectious bacteria into the body of some people, and then put them into the enemy's place.

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