Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1454: Play with you 3 to ask for a monthly ticket

The nightingale silently looked at the innocent back. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

How bad is the poison in this well? Look at the disappointment of their young lady, and there is no fighting spirit!

In Fuyuan Hall, Luoxi stood on the edge of the candlelight, watching the returning man, his face full of pride.

"Is everything done?"


"Very good." Luo Xi nodded with satisfaction, turned and looked at the swaying fire, the eyes were full of vicious haze, "Tomorrow is afraid that this city will make a lot of lives, this coffin is afraid to raise prices. Let's go."

"The son's strategy is unparalleled, and the poison is prepared by the son himself. The toxicity is strong. There is no solution in the world, and it will succeed!"

Luo Xi smiled and waved his hand. "Okay, you know it, you can wait for the show tomorrow. Yes, prepare some mats. I will go to the mortal refugees tomorrow." Haha..."

On the second morning, Luo Xi was full of expectation, sitting in the government waiting for the news of the death and injury in the north of the city, but...

Until noon, he did not wait for a message!

Some strange Luoxi immediately sent people to the north of the city to see, but when the men came back, the news brought him, so that he was dumbfounded.

"What do you say!!" Luo Xi widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

The man cried and said: "Small guarded the city for two hours, and saw no refugees to fetch water, but ... but never saw anyone, there are signs of poisoning."

The man was almost crying, not to mention the poisonous people. Looking at the intoxicating appearance of the refugees holding the water scoop and drinking water, he was dumbfounded. He saw with his own eyes how powerful the poison of Luoxi was. Just swallow the belly, and for a moment, you can poison a strong and strong man, let alone those who are weak.

But the partiality, this strange thing is born!

"What the **** is going on! Are you looking at it!" Luo Xi was completely unable to accept such a result. His poison had tried Bailing and never had a situation of missing.

The man shook his head. "I was afraid that I was wrong. I ran a few wells and looked at it. Now every situation is like this."

Luoxi touched the body and sat in the chair, his face was ugly.

"How could this be... How could this be... This is impossible! My poison... How can it be ineffective... Go! Give me a personal, try the medicine, I will not believe it, it is my medicine. The problem!"

Soon, a thin young boy was dragged into the room of Luoxi, and was poisoned with a strong poison. After two minutes, the boy fell to the ground and bleeds in seven holes.

Looking at the blood on the ground, Luoxi is more and more confused.

There is no problem with this poison, but why are none of the refugees in the north of the city dead?

"Go tonight! The number of poisons has tripled!" Luo Xi gnashed his teeth.



In the middle of the night, after the group of sneaky black men left, Jun went to the well water and checked it. This time she was too lazy to say anything, and she was thrown at the nightingale with two bottles of medicinal herbs. Go back to sleep.

The nightingale holds the medicine bottle in his hand, and his face is crying and tears. He wants to run to tell Luoxi, can you put the poison of the high-end atmosphere on the next time, and he is now putting this poison, which is inferior. Miss did not even have a look at the interest!

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