Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1456: Dark tide 1

The refugees hesitated for a moment, but no one dared to speak. With the lessons of the city master, they can’t talk now. August 1 Chinese? W=W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Luo Xiben also thought that his "big good man" name can still play a role, but now it is now, before the matter related to Jun is not evil, his name is not a function.

Luo Xi said that he had broken his mouth and no one took care of him. The refugees all made excuses to sneak out. Before that, they almost brought trouble to Jun. This made the hearts of the refugees full of embarrassment. They did not dare to talk about anything.

In a short while, the refugees around Luoxi were scattered, leaving him and his group of followers standing in the wind and staring at the eyes.

The lungs of Luoxi were to be blown up, and his face was blue.

Jun innocent stood on the edge of the window in the attic, admiring the look of Luoxi's impatience.

"Missy, do you need me to go down and solve him?"

Jun no evil shook his head.

Luo Xi, such a small character, she still can't look at her eyes, and she is not interested in wasting her time. As long as it is enough, the man behind the scenes will be shot.

Luoxi ate a closed door and could only go back anger. It is not a problem to continue this way. He immediately released a pigeon after he returned, sitting in a chair and gnashing his teeth.

"You want to ask that person to come back?" The servant watched Luoxi Road cautiously.

Luoxi Road: "Otherwise? It has already reached this step. Is it difficult for me to still make waves here by the kid? The city owner is also a grass bag that is not used. When the honor comes back, I must want him to look good!"

The original rules of the Breeze City were completely disturbed because of the appearance of the innocent, but in this chaos, some people were hiding in the dark to observe all this.

"Which is the man in the north of the city? Is there such a big movement up?" The man sitting in the restaurant shook his glass and raised his eyebrows to look at the handsome young man with a cold face.

"It's very interesting, isn't it? It's rare to meet such a daring person. The fire hall is afraid of eating a small loss." The handsome boy turned around and had a bloodthirsty smile on his mouth.

"It's rare that you are willing to come to the next three circles. The last time you came back, I was shocked. Seeing who you have been looking for during this time is related to the last time? Ancient shadow." The man was puzzled. Asked.

The beautiful teenager standing on the side was wounded by the innocent on the same day and sent back to the ancient shadow of the Three Kingdoms!

The man's words made the smile on the shadow of the shadow appear a little solid, his eyes slightly picked up, and a slender figure appeared in his mind.


The smear figure is like a brand of iron on his chest. Every time it rings, there will be a tingling sensation, which is a shame that he can never forget!

"If you have time to take care of me, it would be better to think about how to deal with the Temple of Fire. The Temple of Fire is making such a big storm in the next three circles. The request is definitely not so simple. Now the 12th Hall has people in this breeze. In the city, you want to take advantage of the fisherman's interests, and you don't know if you have the ability." The ancient shadow sneered.

The man waved his hand. "We are not as crazy as the Temple of Fire, but the loss of the seven maps is surprising. I have been to Fenghua College before, and there is no such thing. It seems that people who took the map early in the morning I have already left, and the situation in the Temple of Fire is estimated to be the same. I heard that they sent an elder before, and it seems that they have died in the end of the world. I am afraid that these things have provoked the anger of the Inflammatory Temple and will lead in the next three circles. If there are many things to come, if the next three worlds are destroyed, it is convenient for us to find the tomb of the evil emperor, isn’t it?”

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