Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1468: Zhongsanjie 1

Above the green hills, surrounded by green water, the birds are accompanied by flowers. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

A team of horse-drawn carriages headed for the mountains, and the car was full of sultry teenagers.

"I don't know how many amazing geniuses will appear in this year's martial arts conference." A young boy looked at the scenery outside the window, his eyes filled with expectations.

The Shendou Conference held every ten years in the Central Third World has arrived earlier this year.

The Shendou Conference will invite all the young people under the age of 25 who are not determined by the influence of the forces in the Central Third World to participate in the competition. There are many types of competitions in the Shendou Conference, from spiritual power, spirituality, medical skills to refining. However, it is possible to get the best chances of winning.

The Divine Conference held every ten years has become the most eye-catching conference in the Middle Three World. How many people have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze in, so that they can show their talents in the conference.

As everyone knows, the forces in the Central Three Kingdoms are mainly divided into one domain, four squares, nine palaces and twelve halls. However, no one has forgotten the strength of a domain in the past, but with the fall of the evil emperor, one domain has converged and has no longer been questioned. Anything in the Three Kingdoms, and the Quartet has remained neutral for a long time, never provoke anyone to take the initiative, and does not allow anyone to join.

In recent years, Jiugong seems to have no major exhibitions, and has gradually been rushed by the 12th Temple. This time, the Shendou Conference opened in advance, which is also the meaning of the 12th Hall.

Everyone knows very well that the 12th Hall wants to borrow this opportunity and recruit more talents to supplement their own power. The people in Jiugong are afraid that they will not be so easy to let them do.

This time, the seemingly ordinary martial arts conference has hidden dangers. However, all this is not something that the teenagers in the carriage can understand. They are all remote towns from the middle three circles. I pooled the money, got a few carriages for them, and sent them to the squad, not to mention whether they could get the top spot at the squad, even if it was just a long-term experience.

Just as a group of teenagers were full of flushes, a small figure was quietly sitting in the corner of the carriage. Her eyes were low, just watching the cat in her hand, for the surrounding The arguments are all deaf.

"Hey." The black cat shook his body and watched the innocent swaying his hand.

Master, you said that we and the second Joe who will go to the congress.

Jun faintly shook his head.

Several of them arrived in the Middle Three Realms five days ago. The roads leading to the Central Third World were very different. When they entered the middle third, they were on the edge and saw only some small villages, but even those small villages were casual. Grasping a young man out, the strength must go far beyond the peers of the next three circles.

Soon after they settled in the town, they heard about the news of the fight, and this news completely made the team of the innocent of them completely zero.

With the power of several of them, it is not that simple to destroy the entire 12th house.

However, if you nail the soul and pierce the key points of the 12th house, then everything will be easy.

They are divided into six roads, and what they ask for is not so simple.

The innocent mouth of the mouth slightly evokes a cold smile.

The Twelve Halls have been making waves for the next three years, and now it is time for the Feng Shui to turn.

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