Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1483: Lingyao Master 2

The women were still whispering, only listening to the lazy and dumb voice behind the hall. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

"It’s a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. Just don’t know this guest, why should you be so despicable to my disciple of Lingyao Temple!"

The voice was lazy and dumb, and it was not as clear as a woman’s voice.

When the voice landed, the veil shrouded in the hall was instantly whipped up by a gust of wind. On the upper seat of the main hall, there was a soft couch. A man in a pink shirt leaned against the soft couch. On the one hand, holding his head with one hand, his eyes are staring at the innocent.

The owner of the Lingyao Palace turned out to be a man...

The truth of the innocence was shocked by the truth in front of him.

Among the large Lingyao temples, many disciples are women, but only one of them is a male.

Almost in an instant, Jun Wuji had no good impression of the Highness of this Lingyao Temple.

"His Royal Highness!" When the man revealed his face, all the women bowed to the ground, and even the son-in-law was kneeling on the ground, looking at the temple of Lingyao.

"His Royal Highness... I am not..." Zixiao felt squeaky in his mind, and some things did not seem to be under his control.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple sat up with a slight wave of one hand, and the wide cuffs smashed through the pink peach blossoms in front of his eyes in a midair, and a strange incense suddenly broke into the sigh of the child.

For a moment, the dizzy brain suddenly became awake, and she looked at her innocently behind her, and she was shocked.

"How... how come you are here..."

A strange but familiar picture in my mind rushed in, causing the pain of the child's mind.

Jun no evil saw the temple master, squatting down, put a bottle of medicinal herbs in front of the child, and then got up and said: "Lingyao Temple has been hidden for a long time. If it is not today, I am afraid I will not see it. Although you are offended, please forgive me."

The child squatted on the ground and stared at the medicine bottle in front of him.

"It’s rare for the world to remember my Lingyao Temple. I don’t know what happened to this son today." The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao looked up and down, and did not see too much hostility.

"Cooperation." Jun's eyes are slightly stunned.

"Cooperation?" The main hall of the Lingyao Temple looked puzzled at the innocent, hesitated for a moment, and he let the other disciples in the temple retreat, leaving only him and the innocent in the hall.

When Jun Wu saw that he had done this, he knew that the strength of this person was absolutely above himself, otherwise he would not be so mad with her alone.

This is the end of the matter. Jun is not planning to waste time. He directly opens the door and says, "For so many years, the Lingyao Temple has been suppressed by the 12th Hall. Have you ever thought about counterattack?"

The main face of Lingyao Temple is Rong Junmei, and a pair of peach eyes seem to contain affectionate sweetness. Even if he is slightly frowning now, it also makes people feel different.

"This little brother, you want to tell me, don't you cooperate with me, pull down the twelve temples now?" His eyes widened and looked at such a daring little boy.

"What's the matter?" Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple laughed out and walked barefoot on the polished marble floor. He picked up a pot of wine and sprinkled it on his head. The slightly sleek corner of his eyes was half-squinting. Sweeping to the innocent but there is a trace of sharp cold.

"I don't know who you are, I don't know what hatreds and grievances you have with the Twelve Halls, but I want to take my Lingyao Temple as a knife. You can't help but think too simple!"

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