Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1485: Lingyao Palace Lord 4

The truth of ignoring and ignoring the innocence is that she understands it, but if she bears the burden, she will understand it, but if one day she falls to such a position, she can still be bullied by the soldiers of Ruilin Army, even if she gives up her life, she It will also let those people know that Ruilin Jun is not a good temptation. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

Even if the body is broken, you must remove the other's bones!

The sharpness in the eyes of Jun Wu is not like jokes and falsehoods. The Lord of the Temple of Lingya is forced by her, and her footsteps are somewhat stiff.

"I have already told them that the Lingyao Palace is different from the past. They can leave at any time. I will not pursue any responsibility. They do not need to say that they are disciples of the Lingyao Temple." Two steps, suddenly turned around, like not looking at the sharp eyes of Jun.

"They didn't go." Jun no evil, no mercy, awake the perfunctory of the Lord of the Temple.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple went to the soft couch and sat down with some irritability. The peach eyes were covered by depression. "Little devil, what are you doing?"

"I said it, cooperation." Jun is no evil and bears the temper.

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao once again looked at the amazing young boy in front of his eyes, and his brow wrinkled slightly.

"I haven't walked in the middle three circles for a long time. I can't remember the things outside. I think your bones are just fifteen or sixteen teenagers. How did your purple spirit come from this? Can a teenager like you outside break through the purple spirit?"

Jun had no medicine to look at the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, and calculated the chips in his hands. Finally, she sat down at the low table next to her, picked up a glass of wine and sipped herself.

"I am coming from the next three realms."

"What?" The main hall of the Lingyao Temple was stunned in an instant.

The next three circles?

"It's incredible?" Jun smacked a sip of wine and raised his eyebrows and looked at the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao. "If the hand of the Twelve Temple is too long, it will disturb my days. You really thought that I would run here. The middle three circles are looking for troubles?"

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao looked at the innocent, and the look in his eyes gave a subtle change.

This kid is big enough, and the temper is calm and very appetizing.

"It seems that the little brother is also a person with a story." The main hall of the Lingyao Temple was single-handed, and the jug on the table was moved to his hand in an instant, and Jun was invisible to see it in his eyes.

She still does not have the ability to take things out of the air. Only Jun has no medicine.

The strength of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao is really unusual, but there is one point. I feel that there is something strange about it. The temple of the Lingyao Temple is so powerful. Why did it not be able to suppress the internal chaos in the temple? The entire Lingyao Temple was devastated and fell into this field.

Both of them have their own concerns and have reservations.

"The little brother went to the middle of the third world and found my Lingyao Temple. I am afraid that it is also the heart of Ningwei’s jade. But one thing, what do you want to talk to me? Your strength is good, but still Far less than me, if I am only asking for your strength, why should I help you?" The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao appreciates the innocence, but it does not mean that he will be willing to take the entire Lingyao Temple to accompany the king.

In the millennium, countless humiliations have endured them. If there are not enough reasons, why should he go to the Twelve Temples because of a kid from the next three realms?

Jun Wuxu looked at the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, and looked at the right way:

"I can make you the only master of the Twelve Temples."

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