Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1488: It turns out that 1

When Jun Qiu returned to the top of the mountain, the sky was already bright. There were only a few people on the top of the mountain. She walked back to the restaurant with a quiet voice, and when the door was softly pushed, the room rang. A burst of snoring, a tall figure was sitting on the bed beside, the handsome face was filled with depression, and looked at the window with a frown.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

When I heard the sound of pushing the door, the boy turned his head and pointed the stupid face to the innocent, happy face.

Jun Wuji made a snoring gesture to him, hooked his finger and called Joe Chu out.

Joe Chu Ma sneaked out, and the two of them were still not bright, and they found a place where no one was sitting in the woods.

Just as soon as the buttocks, Joe Chu couldn’t wait to open his mouth.

"You little girl, where did you go last night? I didn't see you back after a night, I thought you had something wrong." Qiao Chu looked at the innocent, a face of depression, before everyone scattered Going, looking for your own way to sneak into the hill, mutual trust in each other's strength, but he only met with Jun innocent yesterday, the night is innocent and disappeared, his little heart can really stand a little.

"Do something." Jun no evil thought, suddenly said: "Night, night alone."

As her voice landed, the nightingale and the nightly figure appeared instantly behind her.

"What do you want to say to Missy?"

The two immediately said.

"When I went to Lingyao Temple, what do you feel?" asked Jun.


The nightingale and the night are silent.

"What's wrong?" Jun was acutely aware that their reaction was somewhat abnormal.

"Miss Kai-wai, the rock that sealed the entrance was a bit strange. The opening time and distance were too short. We couldn't follow up." The nightingale bowed.

I glanced at the nightingale at night, and I couldn’t wait to give it to me.

At night, I was going to be hard, but I was stopped by the nightingale. The nightingale and the innocent time are longer. I know more about the innocent temper and the style of acting. Allies, definitely not to make trouble, if they are shot at this time, it will only disrupt the plan of innocence.

"Oh." Jun nodded nodded, but did not say anything.

The nightingale was numb by the night, and it must have been ravaged.

Qiao Chu was surprised to hear at the side. He was busy posing in front of the innocent eyes. "Hey, little evil, what temple did you just say?"

"Ling Yao Temple." Jun has no evil, "Do you know?"

Qiao Chu grabbed his head, "Ling Yao Temple ... Ling Yao Temple ... seems to have a little impression, but can't remember."

The nightingale was on the sidelines: "The Lingyao Temple that Missy said, but the one who once stood shoulder to shoulder with the twelve temples?"

Jun no nodded nodded.

Nightingale Road: "Lingyao Palace is one of the twelve temples. The first twelve temples were the thirteen halls. The Lingyao Temple was in the thirteenth temple at the same time, and the temple that was exhausted with the Lingyao Temple was not There are many, and the requirements of the Lingyao Temple are very special. Only girls under the age of 10 are allowed to join. If the age or gender does not match, the Lingyao Palace will never accept it. In addition, the Lingyao Palace is for girls. No other requirements, no matter what the qualifications, as long as they are selected, they can enter the temple. Because the disciples of Lingyao Temple grew up in the temple, the Lingyao Temple was the most solid temple in the thirteenth temple."

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