Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1492: Not invited 2

"No. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠ 8 ≤ 1 ≠ Z ≠ W ≤. ≈ C ≈ O ≈ M" Ling Yao Temple main body stretched a face handsome face.

"You can't stay here." The tone is particularly tough.

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows and looked at the tight lips of the main hall of the Lingyao Temple. "Why?"

"Lingyao Temple does not accept men." The main tone of the Lingyao Temple became severe.

The scorpion of the innocent and sorrowful sorcerer looked up and down the main hall of the Lingyao Temple, and the meaning could no longer be obvious.

The main face of Lingyao Temple remains unchanged, taking a deep breath: "Besides me."

"I refuse." Jun is innocent.

"..." The main hall of Lingyao Temple looked at the stubborn and stupid boy with his eyes open. This kid is too much to think of himself as one thing, right? When did he say she could refuse?

"If you are worried about the disciples in your temple, you can rest assured that you only need to give me a room, I will not walk around at will." Jun no evil, she gradually realized that some men and women are different, so I did not Joe brought it over.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple was very tight, and I wanted to kick out the stupid boy.

Is this totally unrelated to his disciples? !

"Or not!"

Jun Wuxie swept the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao. "The world has said that the beauty of the Lingyao Temple is like a cloud. The Lord of the Temple is the first beauty in the Three Kingdoms, but the owner of the Lingyao Temple is a man. Isn't it... what is the secret that cannot be known to outsiders?"

The eyes of the innocent are cold and clear, as if they can see through the hearts of the people.

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao was seen by the eyes of the innocent, just as if he had done something unspeakable, his face was more ugly.

"You stinky boy..." He blinked his eyes. If he didn't look at this stinky boy, he would have something to do. "You have to stay and stay, but I can warn you, don't be free to approach any of the disciples of the Lingyao Temple, and there! But for all my things, you are not allowed to touch."

After all, the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao made a snap, and a white old lady slowly came. Her face was full of wrinkles, but she did not see the chaos of the old dragon.

"This kid is handed over to you, just find someone who has no one to put her down. Let's send it to three people a day. Don't let other disciples come close." The face of the main hall of Lingyao Palace is very ugly, although it is It is also very uncomfortable to be reluctant to make a request for no evil.

This stinky boy just dared to hint at him, and may have something wrong with the disciples of Lingyao Temple!

He wants to have any misconduct, he has already started, and he still needs this kid to question?

The main hall of the Lingyao Temple stretched out with a face, and the old lady looked and looked at her. She looked at the innocent eyes and smiled.

"This little son, I don't know how to call it?"

Jun is innocent and polite: "The younger surname is Jun."

"Jun Gongzi, my name month, you call me a month mother-in-law, I am a year old, you call me a mother-in-law, and do not suffer." The month-in-law smiled and looked at Jun innocent, "Jun Gongzi please follow me." "When the month mother-in-law turned, she walked to the temple."

When the mother-in-law appeared, she did not notice that someone was approaching, but the main hall of Lingyao Temple was only a ring finger. This month, her mother-in-law appeared. It is obvious that the mother-in-law did not stay too far.

With the strength of the fourth level of the spirit of the innocent, even the feeling of the mother-in-law of the moon is not felt at all, which is quite strange to her.

It seems that this Lingyao Temple is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

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