Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1496: Woman incense 3

I haven't waited for my son to come back to God. The door of the innocent is opened, but the child is surprised. It is not the innocent, but the beauty of a red dress. man!

For a time, all the female disciples who kept watching outside were dumbfounded. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

The side face of the enchanting man is so beautiful.


This is not the little boy who moved in before! !

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao has not stopped for a few days, and there is a group of female disciples crying and crying, crying to complain that the innocent gold house is "male", and she is not alone in the room.

The figure of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao instantly turned into a streamer, disappeared in front of the disciples, and came to the innocent courtyard with great speed.

The lotus in the pool in the courtyard blooms. The main hall of the Lingyao Temple has just stepped into the courtyard, and it smells a faint scent of lotus. The scent is not all the lotus in the water, and people can smell the unspeakable comfort. Among them, he can smell a little scent.

He did not make people prepare alcohol for the innocent.

The main hall of the Lingyao Temple was close to the door, standing in front of the door and looking at the threshold of the lock. His brow was slightly wrinkled, but he raised his hand but did not want to touch the door. It is worthwhile to use the palm of his hand to open the door. Forced to push away.

In an instant, everything in the room fell into the eyes of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao.

The handsome young boy was sitting at the table playing with the blood lotus in the lotus basin. A white-haired boy was booing on the back of a beautiful man in red.

This picture...

The eyes of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao flashed a cold light in an instant, but before he was angry, a pink aura suddenly flew out of his Ring of Rings!

"Little Lotus!" A pink figure slammed into the drunken lotus that was violently popping.

The drunken lotus has not returned to God, and it was directly thrown to the ground.

A burst of sound completely interrupted the cultivation of the innocent, and she slowly opened her eyes. The first thing that caught the eye was the beautiful but gloomy face of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao. Look at it, this is now...

A handsome, handsome and handsome man is laughing in the face of the drunken lotus, and the most horrifying thing is that the man who is stronger than Ryusakis is wearing a pink suit. skirt……

Rao is an innocent person who has no resistance to pink. At this moment, I only think of four words "King Kong Barbie" in my mind!

"Bastard! You let me go! Damn!" Drunk Lotus was held up by "King Kong Barbie" and almost stunned.

"Little Lotus, I haven’t seen you for so long, how do you feel so ruthless and unintentional to others, and you don’t want people at all." The subwoofer-like voice, and the drunken "people", the black cats on the side have already been petrified. It felt that its three views were shattered.

Jun’s eyes were deserted, and he turned his head to look at the gloomy Lingyao Palace.

"this is……"

"My martial spirit." The voice of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao was extremely whispering, as if screaming from the depths of the soul, was killed a little.

"Plum blossoms?" Jun has no smell of a plum blossom lingering in the room.

"Ao Xue Han Mei." The main hall of Lingyao Temple lowered his head slightly and held his forehead with his hand, covering up his expression at this moment.

It is not thought that Jun is innocent, and the owner of the Lingyao Palace is actually the holder of the plant system! It is no wonder that he is convinced that she holds a plant system or a spirit, and is chased by the twelve halls.

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