Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1512: Fish hooked 2

It’s such an effect that you have no evil, just...

Before she and the elders of the 12th Hall also played against each other, the strength is not as good as her, but it is not certain that all the elders of the 12th Hall are weaker than her. Jun is incapable of judging the identity of the other party, but one thing is certain, he is absolutely It is older than the elders!

"What are you asking?" asked the innocent and quiet. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W?. 81ZW. COM

The fox man's gaze fell to the black cat in the arms of the innocent.

"Is it your spirit?"

Jun no nodded nodded.

"It's very weak, I feel it, I am very curious, what exactly did you do in the ring before? Why is such a petite black cat capable of possessing the ability of the air? And it can also be with the flames. For the Wu? If I remember correctly, in addition to the spirit of the flight system, other spirits should be unable to control the air." Fox male straightforwardly opened his mouth.

In the case of the fox man’s inquiry, the innocent feeling is that there are many purple spirits hidden around her, and the twelve temples should have been caught up.

It’s just a little weird, why don’t they show up?

The eyes of the innocent eyes are slightly low, but they are not in a hurry. Anyway, they have already arrived. It is a good time for her to continue fishing.

"That is the soul of the solid law." Jun no evil looked up.

"Soul solid law?" The fox man's face showed a trace of doubt.

Jun has no evil: "With the power of the soul, using a special water, writing a rune spell, this kind of thing can only act on the spirit, can bring different effects to the spirit."

"Oh? There is such a magical thing in the world, I have never heard of it." Fox male.

Jun Wuxie explained coldly: "The soul solid method needs the power of the soul, and it can be used by very human beings. This is the ability of our sacred souls. Others naturally do not know."

"The Royal Soul? The Three Kingdoms have this race? I have never heard of it." The fox man showed a slight surprise, and there were many races in the middle three circles, but the three characters of the Royal Soul had never been heard before. .

The black cat glanced at the strange expression of the fox man, and his heart secretly despised.

Of course, you have never heard of it. This thing is completely out of the way of its owner. If you have heard it, it is really a hell.

However, Jun is innocent but his face is not red and not breathing. His eyes are calm: "Nature is there, otherwise I will come from where."

The fox man was stalked by the emperor. He raised his hand and touched his chin. He didn’t know what to think in his eyes.

Jun has no evil but has already said: "The number of my sacred souls is scarce, I like to live in the world, I always hide in the mountains, I don't want to reveal people before, you don't know it is normal."

"Oh? Since I like to have no fight with the world, why did you come to this squad?" The fox man seized the contradiction in the sinless words.

The sneer in the heart of the innocent, but not on the surface.

"There will be the same people. The men are interested in the Quartet. Why should I stick to one place? Since it is different from the concept of the ethnic group, I will leave myself to sneak out. What is the problem?" The unheated opening weaves a long-awaited lie into a false portrait.

How the soul solid method will attract the Zhong Sanjie will be clear, and she needs a perfect conclusion, so that she will be the only one who has this ability in front of the 12th Temple!

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